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Satisfactory Nobelisk Guide: Types, How to Detonate, & More
The Nobelisk in Satisfactory has five types: Standard, Cluster, Gas, Nuke, and Pulse. Players must be careful in detonating the a Nobelisk to prevent accidents.
Posted on by justin

Satisfactory Oil Guide: Best Locations, How to Extract, Uses, & more
Farm Crude Oil in Satisfactory by using an Oil Extractor at a Crude Oil resource node. The amount of Crude Oil extracted depends on the node's purity level.
Posted on by justin

Satisfactory Hard Drive Guide: Locations, Requirements, & Blueprints
Crash sites across the map are the source of hard drives in Satisfactory. So, today, we explore every hard drive location in our satisfactory hard drive guide.
Posted on by amber

Satisfactory Coal Generator Guide: How to Make Compacted Coal, Bug Fixes, & more
The Coal Generator in Satisfactory uses different materials as fuel, particularly Coal, Compacted Coal, and Petroleum Coke to provide power to the factory.
Posted on by justin

Insurgency: Sandstorm Dedicated Server Hosting Now Available with BisectHosting
Immerse into a ruthless warzone and enjoy features, like free DDoS protection, with Insurgency: Sandstorm dedicated server hosting services with BisectHosting.
Posted on by justin

Satisfactory 1.0: How to Deal with Nuclear Waste
Dealing with Nuclear Waste in Satisfactory is possible by using various techniques, such as using the byproduct as an ingredient to craft Plutonium Pellets.
Posted on by justin

Detector Rail Minecraft 1.21.2 Guide: What Does It Do & How to Use
The minecart update has shown how much potential minecarts have. So, today, we explore the most important rail in our detector rail Minecraft 1.21.2 guide.
Posted on by amber

How to Cure Zombie Villagers
Creating a village is no easy feat, but with a few lucky zombie villager spawns, it can quickly be complete. So, today, we explore how to cure zombie villagers.
Posted on by amber

Will There Be a Minecraft Mob Vote 2024?
Mojang has shared what could very well be one of their biggest changes to Minecraft this year. So, today, we answer, “Will there be a Minecraft mob vote 2024?”
Posted on by amber