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HumanitZ Beginner’s Guide: Starter Tips, Professions, Settings, Spawn Points, & more
Our HumanitZ beginner's guide covers all of the systems and information you'll need to get a good start in your first save! Are you ready to survive day 1?
Posted on by justin

Where Do Bogged Skeletons Spawn in Minecraft 1.21?
A new type of skeleton has joined the bony fray! So, today, we answer the question, ‘Where do Bogged Skeletons spawn in Minecraft 1.21 as of Snapshot 24W07A?’
Posted on by amber

How to Get the Rake in Enshrouded
Crafting the Rake in Enshrouded isn't difficult since it only demands fairly basic requirements. However, a bug may prevent players from creating this tool.
Posted on by justin

Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot 24W07A: Patch Notes & How to Play
A monster is coming to a Swamp biome near you! Today, we explore Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot 24W07A, the new mob it brings to the game, and how you too can play.
Posted on by amber

Minecraft 1.21 Bogged Skeleton Guide
A mob has been added to snapshot 24W07A as a Valentine’s Day surprise! So, today, we explore Minecraft’s latest mob in our Minecraft 1.21 Bogged skeleton guide.
Posted on by amber

Palworld Coal Farming Guide: Best Locations, Crafting Recipes, & All Uses
Pal Trainers looking to farm Coal in Palworld will find the needed information here. Check the best location for Coal in Palworld and its uses in this guide.
Posted on by justin

Palworld Sulfur Farming Guide: Best Locations & All Crafting Recipes
Here, Pal Trainers can find important information on how to farm Sulfur in Palword. Know the locations of Sulfur in Palworld to gather this item efficiently.
Posted on by justin

Enshrouded Yucca Fruit: Best Locations, Recipes, Food Buff, & Farming Guide
Here, players will know the location of the Yucca Fruit in Enshrouded. The effects of the Yucca Fruit is also in this guide, including its buffs when used.
Posted on by justin

Palworld Pure Quartz Farming Guide: Best Locations, Crafting Recipes, & All Uses
Here we cover everything you need to know about Pure Quartz in Palworld including the best locations to find it and all of the crafting recipes that utilize it.
Posted on by justin