How to whitelist a Minecraft server

Minecraft servers can be made private to specific users with a server whitelist. With a whitelist enabled, players must be manually added to a list of players to connect to the server. This is the only method available to secure a Minecraft server completely and is especially useful if running a private server with a public IP. The command to turn the whitelist on or off can also be done in-game by operators, which is especially helpful for troubleshooting or making changes to the server while it's running.

Whitelisting in-game requires OP Permissions.

Note Run the command /whitelist list to view a complete list of whitelisted players.

How to Whitelist a Minecraft Server
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2. Start the server.

3. Go to the Console tab.

4. Enter whitelist on to enable the whitelist.

5. Enter whitelist off to disable the whitelist.

How to Add or Remove Players from the Whitelist
1. Enter whitelist add Steve to add a player to the list.

2. Enter whitelist remove Steve to remove a player from the list.

How to Whitelist a Minecraft Server (In-game)
1. From the in-game chat, enter /whitelist on to enable the whitelist.

2. Enter /whitelist off to disable the whitelist.

How to Add or Remove Players from the Whitelist
1. Enter /whitelist add Steve to add a player to the list.

2. Enter /whitelist remove Steve to remove a player from the list.

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