How to use world modifiers on a Valheim server

Valheim world modifiers are a way to directly affect how the game is played on Valheim worlds, either in single-player or multiplayer on large servers. Many modifiers, such as custom Portal Settings, resource rate, and enemy difficulty, are available. While all of these settings can be tuned individually, selecting a preset will start the server from a baseline, and players who would like more customization can toggle any individual settings to override the preset modifiers.

How to Use World Modifiers on a Valheim Server
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2. Go to the Startup tab.

3. Stop the server.

4. Go to Config Files > Valheim Server Options from the left sidebar.

5. Select a Preset Modifier or adjust the settings manually; each setting is listed in the table below.

Note Changing any settings manually will Overwrite the settings changed by the preset.

Example: If Preset is set to Easy, setting Portal Modifiers to Hard will leave them as Hard.

6. After selecting the desired settings, Start the server.

World Modifiers

Setting Description
Preset Modifier Applies a setting preset. Helpful in changing multiple settings at once.
Raids Modifier Changes the frequency at which raids spawn.
Values: none , muchless , less , more , much more
Combat Modifier Modifies the difficulty of combat, adjusting the stats of enemies.
Values: veryeasy , easy , hard , veryhard
Death Penalty Modifier Sets what happens to player's stats/inventory when they die.
Values: casual , veryeasy , easy , hard , hardcore
Resources Modifier Sets the world modifier for resource gain.
Valuesmuchless , less , more , muchmore , most

Portals Modifier

Sets whether specific resources can be transported through portals.
Values: casual , hard , veryhard

Enable Fire Hazard

If Enabled, Fire Hazards can occur
(Fire can spread from the Ashlands. Be Warned!)

Unlock All Building Pieces

If enabled, all building recipes will be unlocked on the server.

Unlock All Recipes

If enabled, all crafting recipes will be unlocked on the server.

Delete Items on Death

When enabled, all items dropped on death are deleted instead of dropped.

Delete Unequipped on Death

When enabled, all unequipped items are deleted on death.

Keep Equipped on Death

When enabled, equipped items will stay in the player's inventory through death.

Skill Reset on Death

If enabled, all skills will be reset to 0 on death.

Allow Building in Dungeons

If enabled, players can build structures inside of dungeons.

Enable No Build Cost

When enabled, structures can be placed without a resource cost.

Enable No Crafting Cost

When enabled, recipes at the crafting bench have no resource cost.

Enable NoBossPortals

If enabled, portals cannot be used near boss mobs.

Enable NoMap

If enabled, the in-game map cannot be used.

Disable all Portals

If enabled, no portals can be used.

Allow Crafting without Workbench

When enabled, all crafting can be done without a workbench.

Enable Passive Mobs

When enabled, enemies will not be aggressive towards the player.

Enable Player Events

When enabled, events are player-based instead of world-based.

Remove Item Restrictions

When enabled, all items can be transported through portals.

Incoming Damage Modifier

Modifies the percentage of incoming damage players take.

Damage Dealt by Enemies

Modifies the percentage of damage that enemies deal.

Enemy Level-up Rate

Sets the percentage rate at which enemies level up.

Enemy Speed and Size

Adjusts the percentage modifier for enemy speed and size.

Event Rate

Adjusts the percentage rate at which events occur.

Moving Stamina Consumption Rate

Adjusts the percentage rate at which stamina is consumed while moving.

Outgoing Damage Modifier

Modifies the percentage of players' outgoing damage.

Resource Gain Rate

Modifies the percentage rate at which resources are acquired.

Skill Experience Gain Rate

Sets the rate at which skills gain experience.

Skill Reduction Rate

Sets the rate at which skill reductions from inactivity occur.

Stamina Consumption Rate

Sets the rate at which stamina is consumed.

Stamina Regeneration Rate

Sets the rate at which stamina regenerates.


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