How to add a whitelist to an Astroneer server

Setting an Astroneer whitelist means that players can only join if authorized by an owner/admin. This is done by designating a Steam display name, which the server will give access to for the first person to join with that name. This is a significantly more secure method than server passwords, as entering the server requires an admin to be present. This makes whitelisting an excellent option for those who only want to play with a handful of specific friends.

Note Setting up a server Whitelist requires Owner/Admin Permissions.

How to Add a Whitelist to an Astroneer Server
1. Join the server.

2. Go to the Server Admin tab.

3. Check the Allow Only Whitelisted Players box.

4. Click Add Player to Whitelist to start adding players.

5. Enter the player's Steam Display Name, then choose Whitelist Player.

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