How to change the gather rate on an Enshrouded server

Enshrouded servers can be modified with increased gather rates with three separate options. Users can increase the resource yield, stack sizes, and respawn speed to allow for much more efficient gathering. In addition, players can modify other Difficulty Options to customize even further. This allows users to create their desired environment and unique server experiences.

How to Change the Gather Rate on an Enshrouded Server
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2. Stop the server.

3. Go to Config Files > Enshrouded Server Config from the left sidebar.

4. Ensure the Difficulty Preset is set to Custom.

Note Check over other Difficulty Options, as the custom preset will overwrite previous modifiers.

5. Navigate to the Resource Settings section.

6. Adjust the three values as desired.

Mining Damage Factor Affects terraforming speed & amount of resources gathered.
Min: 0.5 Max: 2
Plant Growth Speed Affects plant/resource respawn speed.
Min: 0.25 Max: 2
Resource Gain Modifier Adjusts resource stack sizes.
Min: 0.25 Max: 2

. Start the server.


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