How to upload a save to an ASKA server

ASKA allows players to manage their progress through local saves. In single-player, the saves contain character and world data, while characters on servers are saved differently. By uploading a save to a server, players can maintain any character and world progress made on a save, ensuring no time is lost and that players can jump right in where they left off. Users uploading saves, however, will still have to set up a Server Token so that it can be found on the public server list.

How to Upload a Save to an ASKA Server
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2. Stop the server.

3. Go to the Files tab.

4. Find the following directory: /.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/3246670/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/LocalLow/Sand Sailor Studio/Aska/data/server .

5. Open the Run menu by pressing Windows + R.

6. Copy and paste the following: %LocalAppData%low\Sand Sailor Studio\Aska\data and press OK.

7. Locate the desired savegame folder.

8. Upload the save to the server by dragging and dropping.

9. The server will always load the Most Recently Modified Save. This can be controlled manually by Renaming the file.

10. Start the server.

11. The server will be named the same as the uploaded save on the server list.

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