Common Ubuntu Commands

Ubuntu, a widely used Linux distribution, provides a powerful and accessible command-line interface particularly for Virtual Private Servers (VPS). This interface offers an extensive range of tools and commands for efficient system management, empowering users to navigate, configure, and control their systems precisely. At its core, Ubuntu's command-line interface is a versatile environment catering to both novice and experienced users.

Common Ubuntu Commands

Command Description Example
ls Lists files in a directory ls /home/user/Documents/
ls -a Displays files, including hidden ones ls -a ~/
cd Navigates to a specified directory cd /path/to/directory
nano Opens a file in the Nano editor nano ~/document.txt
apt install Installs new software packages apt install vscode
apt update Updates the package list apt update
screen Opens a virtual workspace screen -S my_workspace
screen -r Reattaches to an existing screen screen -r my_workspace
mv Moves files or directories mv old_file.txt new_location/
rm Deletes a single file rm unwanted_file.txt
rm -r Removes files, directories, and contents rm -r old_folder/
rmdir Deletes an empty directory rmdir empty_folder/
mkdir Creates a new, empty directory mkdir new_folder/
top -c Shows a live list of running processes top -c
ps aux Displays a full list of processes ps aux
<command> | grep Filters command output ps aux | grep chrome

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