Insurgency: Sandstorm servers require two separate tokens to be set to appear on the in-game server browser. This step is crucial for public servers, allowing random users to find and Join the Server. These tokens can be regenerated if lost and expire after some time, so check regularly to ensure the server remains publicly available. Users may still join through direct connection by entering the server's IP, making the server tokens optional for users looking to grow their player base.
How to Add Server Tokens to an Insurgency: Sandstorm Server
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.
2. Stop the server.
3. Go to the Startup tab. We will paste the tokens here.
4. Go to the Insurgency GameStats Token website and Connect using Steam.
5. After logging in, press Generate Token.
6. Copy everything after -GameStatsToken=
7. Paste the token in the Game Server Token section on the Startup tab.
8. Go to the Steam Server Management page and log in.
9. From the bottom of the page, enter the App ID: 581330
, then choose Create.
10. Copy the token that was generated.
11. Paste the token into the Steam Server Authentication section.
12. Start the server.