Astroneer offers an expansive universe for players to explore, featuring five planets (Atrox, Calidor, Sylva, Vesania, Glacio) and two moons (Desolo, Novus). Each celestial body is unique, with distinct primary and secondary resources. Primary resources are found between the underground layers, while secondary resources are accessible in mountainous regions and deeper layers. The day/night cycles and power generation differ across planets, influencing the effectiveness of solar and wind energy. All planets share a similar structure with five layers: surface, caves, mantle, outer core, and inner core.
Note | The following guide will contain spoilers. |
Astroneer Planets Overview
Planet |
Type |
Primary |
Secondary |
Gasses |
Difficulty | Sun | Wind | Gateway Chamber Power Required | Gateway Engine Material |
Sylva | Terran | Sphalerite | Malachite | Hydrogen, Nitrogen | Easy | Medium | Medium | 5U/s | Quartz |
Desolo | Terran Moon | Wolframite | Sphalerite | None | Easy | High | Low | 8U/s | Zinc |
Calidor | Arid | Malachite | Wolframite | Hydrogen, Sulfur | Medium | Very High | Low | 12U/s | Explosive Powder |
Vesania | Exotic | Lithium | Titanite | Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Argon | Medium | Low | High | 16U/s | Graphene |
Novus | Exotic Moon | Hematite | Lithium | Hydrogen, Methane | Medium | High | High | 21U/s | Silicone |
Glacio | Tundra | Titanite | Hematite | Argon | Hard | Very Low | Very High | 26U/s | Diamond |
Atrox | Radiated | None | None | Helium, Methane, Nitrogen, Sulfur | Very Hard | Low | Low | 30U/s | Hydrogen |