How to build a campfire in HumanitZ

In HumanitZ, building a campfire is crucial for survival and a great building for beginners. It provides warmth, a means to cook food, and a way to stave off darkness, essential in a post-apocalyptic world. The campfire also serves as a central gathering point, fostering teamwork and camaraderie among survivors. The campfire becomes vital for maintaining morale and ensuring the group's survival against the elements and threats.

How to Build a Campfire in HumanitZ

Acquire an axe
Gather required resources
Craft the campfire
Light the campfire

Acquire an axe
1. Gather 2 stones. Stones can be found around grass, usually in residential areas.

2. Open the Crafting menu.

3. Choose the Stone Knife.

4. Use the stone knife to gather 5 sticks from bushes.

5. Gather 2 stones.

6. Open the Crafting menu.

7. Choose the Improvised Axe.

Gather required resources
1. Use an axe to chop down a tree.

2. Use an axe to cut the logs from Step 1 into wood.

3. Gather 4 stones.

4. Gather 2 sticks from bushes.

Craft the campfire
1. From the Build menu, go to the Crafting tab.

2. Choose the Campfire.

3. Take note of the building placement. Building Offset helps place buildings inside homes.

4. Add Resources to the campfire.

Light the campfire
1. Gather 3 sticks and 2 fibers from bushes.

2. Open the Crafting menu.

3. Choose the Drill Kit.

4. Use a Drill Kit or Matches to light the campfire.

5. Open the campfire to start cooking!

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