How to use the server console on a Minecraft server

The server console on a Minecraft server provides a direct interface to interact with the server, offering a range of functionalities and insights. Administrators can issue commands through the console, monitor server activity, and view detailed logs. This includes managing server settings, moderating player behavior, and troubleshooting potential issues.

How to Use the Server Console on a Minecraft Server
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2. Start the server.

3. Go to the Console tab.

4. The Console window displays real-time logs for monitoring server activities.

5. Input commands in the command input box. It is not necessary to use a /.

6. The power controls are easily accessible next to the command input box.

7. The CPU, Memory, and Network server stats are at the bottom of the Console window.

8. Access the Console anywhere on the panel by clicking the Quick Console button in the bottom right.

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