Starting a colony in Colony Survival allows players to experience strategic planning and resource management as they build and maintain a thriving settlement. Players must balance the needs of their colonists, fend off nightly monster attacks, and expand their territory to ensure the colony's survival and growth. The game offers a mix of creativity and challenge, making it rewarding to see a well-planned colony flourish.
Starting a Colony in Colony Survival
1. Look for the desired area to start the colony and select the Banner tool.
2. Click Start a new colony to place the Banner tool.
3. Enter the desired Colony Name and choose Create Colony.
4. Hit I
on the keyboard to open the StockPile menu.
5. Under Essentials, drag and drop the bed into the player inventory.
6. Right-click the beds in the desired area to place them down. Beds are essential to recruiting more Colonists.
7. Open the Command tool.
8. Choose Berry Farmer.
9. Right-click the desired area for the Berry Farm.
10. Hit C
on the keyboard to open the Colony menu.
11. Under Recruitment, click Recruit. Food is needed for each recruited colonist to survive.
12. Dig down to harvest Stone.
13. Find trees to harvest Logs.
14. Hit I
on the keyboard to open the StockPile menu.
15. Craft the Tinkerer's Table.
16. Right-click on the desired area to place the Tinkerer's Table. Recruit another colonist to employ a tinkerer.
17. Unlock more Science, build base defenses, and survive the night threats!