All Console Commands for Project Zomboid

Server administrators can control the flow of a Project Zomboid server by using various in-game commands or by executing commands remotely from the server panel. Console commands vary greatly in their function, from adjusting settings to spawning items and vehicles or even enabling god mode. In addition to these functions, console commands are a quick and convenient way to moderate a server, allowing admins to kick, ban, or add new players to the server whitelist, all from in-game.

Console commands can only be accessed by Server Admins.
Learn how to log in to the server admin account or add admins.

Project Zomboid Console Commands
Console Commands can be used from the BisectHosting Games panel or in-game chat by pressing T.

All Console Commands

Command Description Syntax
additem Gives the designated item to a player. /additem "user" "module.item"
addvehicle Spawns a vehicle. /addvehicle "user"
addxp Gives XP to the designated player. /addxp "user" "perk=XP"
alarm Sets off a building alarm at the admin's position. /alarm
changeoption Changes the designated server option. /changeoption option="newOption"
chopper Starts a helicopter event on a random player. /chopper
changepwd Changes the server password. /changepwd "pwd" "newPwd"
createhorde Spawns a horde of zombies near the player. /createhorde "number"
godmode Makes a player invulnerable. /godmode "user"
gunshot Plays a gunshot noise near the player. /gunshot
help Opens the help menu. /help
invisible Makes the player invisible to zombies. /invisible "user"
noclip Lets the player pass through solid objects. /noclip "user"
quit Saves and exits the server. /quit
releasesafehouse Releases ownership of a safehouse. /releasesafehouse
reloadoptions Reloads the server options. /reloadoptions
replay Records a replay for a player that is moving. /replay "user" [-record | -play | -stop] "filename"
save Saves the current world. /save
sendpulse Sets whether server performance info is sent to the client or not. /sendpulse
showoptions Displays a list of current server options. /showoptions
startrain / stoprain Starts or stops a rainstorm on the server. /[start | stop]rain
teleport Brings a player to you or brings you to them. /teleport "toUser" or /teleport "user" "toUser"
teleportto Teleports a player to specific coordinates. /teleportto x,y,z
addalltowhitelist Adds all logged-in players to the server whitelist. /addalltowhitelist
adduser Adds a new user to the whitelist. /adduser "user" "pwd"
addusertowhitelist / removeuserfromwhitelist Adds or removes a specified user from the whitelist. /addusertowhitelist "user"
banid / unbanid Bans or unbans a player by their SteamID. /[ban | unban]id "SteamID"
banuser / unbanuser Bans or unbans a player by their username. /[ban | unban] "user"
grantadmin / removeadmin Gives or removes admin rights to a player. /[grantadmin | removeadmin] "user"
kickuser Kicks the designated player from the server. /kickuser "user"
players Lists all currently connected players. /players
servermsg Sends a message to all players logged into the server. /servermsg "message"
setaccesslevel Sets the permission level of a player. /setaccesslevel "user” "[admin | moderator | overseer | gm | observer]"
voiceban Bans a player from using in-game voice features. /voiceban "user" [-true | -false]

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