All Vampire Powers and Abilities in V Rising

V Rising is full of build-defining abilities that allow the up-and-coming vampires to tailor their preferred playstyle. Players can combine abilities from any available spell schools or choose to specialize in one type. These spells can also be modified through jewelry, granting additional effects and strengthening them. In addition to spells, vampire powers can be unlocked to enable new gameplay elements and unlock mechanics, such as turning into a human for trading within settlements.

All Vampire Powers and Abilities in V Rising

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Vampire Powers
Blood Spells
Chaos Spells
Frost Spells
Illusion Spells
Unholy Spells
Storm Spells

Vampire Powers

 Icon Spell Name
How to Unlock
Rat Form Turn into a small rat and blend into the environment, making it harder for enemies to detect them. Taking damage breaks the effect. Defeat the Putrid Rat
Wolf Form Turn into a swift wolf, increasing movement speed by 45%. Taking damage breaks the effect. Defeat Alpha Wolf
Bear Form Turn into a bear, able to destroy massive resources. Increases resistance by 25, movement speed by 15%, and reduces damage taken by 25%. Health regenerates slightly quicker while in this form. Defeat Ferocious Bear
Human Form Turn into a human, allowing players to enter human settlements. While in human form, players can interact with traders. The Human Form significantly increases blood consumption rate. Defeat Bane the Shadowblade
Bat Form Turn into a bat, granting flight. It cannot be used while carrying resources or indoors and requires a valid landing location when exiting the form. Defeat Nightmarshal Styx the Sunderer
Toad Form Turn into a toad able to jump high into the air. Taking damage breaks the effect. Defeat The Duke of Balaton
Blood Hunger Instantly recognize the blood type and blood quality of nearby units. Defeat Tristan the Vampire Hunter
Expose Vein Allow other vampires to drink the player's blood. Splits blood pool in half and shares blood type with the other player. Start with this Ability
Blood Mend Consume 0.2 liters of blood per second to recover 4% of maximum health. Start with this Ability


Blood Spells

 Icon Spell Name
Blood Rage Shield self and nearby allies for 110% of spell power and increase attack speed by 25% for 4.5s.
Blood Rite Block melee and projectile attacks for 1.5 seconds. Blocking an attack heals for 30% of spell power and pushes enemies away, dealing 100% magic damage. After being struck, you become immaterial for 1.2 seconds.
Blood Fountain
Summon a pillar of blood, healing allies for 40% of spell power. The pillar erupts after 1.2s, inflicting Leech and dealing 75% magic damage while healing allies for 60% spell power.
Sanguine Coil Launch a projectile that deals 75% magic damage and leeches 40% health on hit. Heals ally for 100% and self for 40% of spell power on ally hit.
Shadowbolt A shadow projectile that deals 200% magic damage and inflicts a 1-second fading snare.
Veil of Blood Dash in a direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2 seconds. The next attack deals 25% bonus damage and heals for 6% of maximum health.
Crimson Beam Fires a beam that deals 150% magic damage on hit, and heals allies for 100% of spell power per second for up to 4s. Each target hit heals self for 25% spell power.
Heart Strike Strike enemies in a line. Deals 150% magic damage and heals self for 150% of spell power over 3.5 seconds. A nova of blood erupts when the effect ends, dealing 150% magic damage to the victim and nearby enemies.


Chaos Spells

 Icon Spell Name
Aftershock Smash the ground, causing a shockwave, dealing 100% magic damage in a line, and inflicting Chaos Burn.
Chaos Volley Launch 2 Chaos Bolts that deal 125% magic damage and inflict Chaos Burn.
Power Surge Remove all adverse effects and apply a shield on the target ally or self. Shields for 150% of spell power, increases movement speed by 25% and attack speed by 25%.
Void Summon an orb that explodes at the target location, dealing 70% magic damage and inflicting Chaos Burn.
Chaos Barrier Increase movement speed by 10%, blocking melee and projectile attacks from the front. Blocking an attack launches a projectile toward the attacker, dealing 75% damage, pulling the target in, and inflicting Chaos Burn.
Veil of Chaos Dash, summoning an illusion and eluding nearby enemies for 2.2 seconds. The next melee attack deals 25% bonus damage. Can be recast once. Illusions explode, dealing 50% magic damage to nearby enemies.
Chaos Barrage Launch 4 Chaos Orbs that deal 75% magic damage on hit, 75% magic damage to enemies in an area, and inflict Chaos Burn.
Merciless Charge Charge forward and grab an enemy dealing 125% magic damage, pushing them in front. Deals 100% magic area damage and inflicts a Stun lasting 1.5 seconds when reaching maximum range or colliding with another enemy or object.


Frost Spells

 Icon Spell Name
Frost Bat Launch a projectile that explodes upon impact, dealing 100% magic damage and inflicting chill on surrounding enemies. Hitting a chilled enemy freezes it for 4 seconds. Enemy vampires are frozen for 2.5 seconds.
Ice Nova Summon a nova of ice at the target location, dealing 100% magic damage and freezing any enemy already affected by chill for 4 seconds. The nova radiates outward, inflicting chill for 5 seconds on any enemy hit. Enemy vampires are frozen for 2.5 seconds.
Crystal Lance Launch a projectile dealing 150% magic damage and inflicting chill. Hitting a chilled enemy freezes it for 4 seconds. The Crystal Lance splinters into a nova of projectiles on impact, dealing 50% magic damage. Enemy vampires are frozen for 2.5 seconds.
Frost Barrier Increase movement speed by 10% and block melee and projectile attacks in front for 2 seconds. Spawn up to 8 waves of frost, dealing 50% magic damage and inflicting chill when the barrier is struck.
Ice Block Encases the player or an ally in ice for 2.2s. The ice shields for 280% of spell power, grants immunity to crowd control effects, and heals up to 5% of maximum health while active. The effect can be canceled.
Veil of Frost Dash and elude nearby enemies for 2.2 seconds. Shields self for 125% of spell power. The following primary attack deals 25% bonus damage and conjures a nova of frost, dealing 50% magic damage and inflicting chill on nearby enemies.
Arctic Leap Leap into the air and strike at the target location, dealing 200% magic damage. A nova of frost erupts from the impact location, freezing any enemy hit for up to 6 seconds; enemy vampires are frozen for 3 seconds.
Frost Vortex Conjure a frost storm that deals 100% magic damage and pulls enemies towards the center. The storm rages on for 6 seconds, dealing 480% magic damage and inflicting chill on all enemies.


Illusion Spells

 Icon Spell Name
Spectral Wolf Summons a spectral wolf that deals 100% magic damage, inflicts a fading snare, and weakens the target, reducing damage output by 30% for 5 seconds. It bounces to a nearby enemy after each hit, up to 2 hits. Each hit deals 75% less damage.
Mist Trance Block melee and projectile attacks for up to 1.5 seconds. When an attack is blocked, turn non-material and teleport to the cursor location. Resets the cooldown of secondary weapon attacks.
Phantom Aegis Apply a shield to the target ally or self for 200% of spell power, inflict Weaken on nearby enemies, and grant Phantasm for each enemy hit.
Wraith Spear Dash backward and launch a piercing projectile, dealing 160% magic damage and inflicting Weaken. Each subsequent hit deals 75% magic damage of the previous hit and grants Phantasm.
Mosquito Summon a spectral mosquito at the target location that explodes after 2s, dealing 70% magic damage, inflicting Weaken, and fearing enemies for up to 1.5s. Grants Phantasm on hit for each enemy hit.
Veil of Illusion Dash and elude nearby enemies for 2.2 seconds. The following primary attack deals 25% bonus damage. Spawns an illusion that throws projectiles that deal 40% magic damage. Recast to swap places with the illusion.
Spectral Guardian Summon a Spectral Guardian that shields allies in an area for 125% of spell power and attacks nearby enemies. The shield is reapplied every 1.5s. The golem lasts for 7 seconds.
Wisp Dance Summon three wisps that circle the player, dealing 60% magic damage, inflicting Weaken to enemies, and granting Phantasm. Recast to launch all three wisps as piercing projectiles, dealing 100% magic damage, inflicting Weaken, and granting Phantasm.


Unholy Spells

 Icon Spell Name
Corrupted Skull Launch a projectile that deals 80% magic damage, summons a skeleton, and inflicts Condemn. The attack deals 40% bonus damage to enemies below 30% health.
Bone Explosion Raise a bone pile from below that explodes at the target location, dealing 140% magic damage in an area and inflicting Condemn.
Ward of the Damned

Block melee and projectile attacks for 2s. Absorbing an attack summons a skeleton, and each attack absorbed has a 50% chance of summoning an additional skeleton, up to a maximum of 5. Knocks back attackers. Recast during the effect to launch a wave of energy dealing 25% magical damage and inflicting Condemn.

Death Knight Summon a Death Knight at target location that performs a heavy melee attack dealing 130% magic damage to nearby enemies, knocking them back and inflicting Condemn, the strike deals 70% bonus damage to enemies below 30% health.
Soulburn Drain life from up to 3 nearby enemies, dealing 70% magic damage, inflicting Condemn, and Leeching 40% health. Cancels any attack the enemy performs, silencing them for 1.5s.
Veil of Bones Dash and elude nearby enemies for 2.2s. The following primary attack deals 25% bonus damage and inflicts Condemn. It also deals 50% additional damage to enemies below 30% health.
Volatile Arachnid Summon spiderlings that chase enemies and explode when nearby, dealing 130% magic damage and inflicting Condemn. Deals 40% damage and inflicts a 1.5s fading snare at the summoning location
Summon Fallen Angel Summons a fallen angel to fight for 15s. Attacks performed by the fallen angel inflict Condemn.


Storm Spells

 Icon Spell Name
Cyclone Conjure a cyclone that deals 90% magic damage and inflicts Static. The cyclone returns once it reaches the maximum distance.
Polarity Shift Launch a projectile that deals 90% magic damage and inflicts Static. Swap locations with the target. If the target is immune to the effect, teleport to the target's location instead.
Discharge Block melee and projectile attacks for 1.5s. When an attack is blocked, turn immaterial and travel to the cursor location. Passing through an enemy deals 50% magic damage, inflicts Static, and launches the target into the air for 3s.
Ball Lightning Launch a Ball Lightning, periodically shocking nearby enemies and inflicting Static. Deals up to 180% magic damage per target over 3s. Explodes after the duration, dealing 50% magic damage in the area
Lightning Curtain Summon a wall of lightning that blocks projectiles for up to 2.5s. Inflicts Static and periodically deals 25% magic damage to enemies that pass through. Applies fading haste, increasing movement speed by 40% for 3s to allies that pass through.
Veil Of Storm Dash and elude nearby enemies for 2.2s. Gain 20% increased attack speed for 4s. The following primary attack deals 25% bonus damage and inflicts Static. Dashing through an enemy also inflicts Static.
Raging Tempest Dash forward and bounce between nearby enemies for 525% magic damage split across targets within the area. Additionally, strike all enemies in the area up to 4 times, dealing 40% magic damage and inflicting Static.
Eye Of The Storm Knockback nearby enemies and conjure a thunderstorm. Lightning bolts strike down in the surrounding area, dealing 100% magic damage and inflicting Static. Lasts for 5 seconds, and lightning strikes the area 37 times over the duration.


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