How to edit dog companion settings on a HumanitZ server

In HumanitZ, the dog companion is a loyal and helpful ally to players as they navigate the post-apocalyptic world. Players can train and customize their canine companion, utilizing its abilities for scouting, tracking, and protecting against threats. The dog companion enhances immersion and survival gameplay, offering companionship and assistance as players strive to survive and thrive in the challenging environment of HumanitZ.

How to Edit Dog Companion Settings on a HumanitZ Server
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.

2. Stop the server.

3. Go to the Config Files > HumanitZ Server Config tab.

4. Navigate to Enable Dog Companions and select Enabled or Disabled.

5. Locate Enable Dog Recruit to allow players to have dog companions.

6. Set the Companion Dog Amount to change how many companion dogs spawn.

7. Change the Dog Companion Health/Damage Amount to modify their stat multipliers.

8. Start the server.

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