Don't Starve Together servers are a fantastic way to experience large group playthroughs with friends or a select player base. On public servers, specific game mechanics, such as Ghosts, can cause headaches for players, especially when multiple characters are in the same area. Users can make their servers private by adding a server password, requiring players to enter before joining the server. This creates a server much more secure from random players, ensuring that group playthroughs go unhindered.
Note | Setting a token password when generating a Server Token does not add a password to the server. |
How to Add a Password to a Don't Starve Together Server
1. Log in to the BisectHosting Games panel.
2. Stop the server.
3. Go to the Files tab.
4. Find the following directory: /home/container/DoNotStarveTogether/config/server
5. Open the cluster.ini file.
6. Locate the cluster_password
7. Enter the desired password for the server.
8. Once finished editing, choose Save Content.
9. Start the server.
10. The Password Icon will be displayed next to the server listing.