Commands in Vintage Story enhance player gameplay and administration. For instance, administrators can use various commands to maintain order within a Vintage Story server. Alternatively, players can use specific commands to collect important data within their game as well. Learn about all Vintage Story commands and how to use them as you continue reading this guide!
Players can open the console by pressing one of the following keyboard keys: T, period (.), slash (/). Press the letter "T" to open the chat box normally. Alternatively, pressing "." or "/" opens the command console but allows the user to begin typing either server or client commands. In particular, server commands start with “/” while client commands begin with “..”
Note that the following commands should function as intended after Patch 1.19.8. Nonetheless, players can type .chb for a list of alternate commands if certain functions don’t seem to work.
How to Use Commands in Vintage Story

All Vintage Story Server Commands (Public)
Land Claiming
- /land [claim|free|info|list]: Claim an area of the world where only you can build or use blocks in.
- /land list: Displays a list of the claims that you made so far, you can use displayed index number to modify it, see below.
- /land info: Display information on the claimant of the current position, if there is any.
- /land free [index]: Deletes a claim of yours.
- /land adminfree: Deletes the claim of a player as an admin.
- /land claim [load|new|grant|revoke|grantgroup|revokegroup|grow|shrink|start|end|add|allowuseeveryone|plevel|fullheight|save|cancel|download]: Create or modify an existing claim.
- /land claim load [0..999]: Load an existing claim for modifying. Use index number as shown in /land list to select which claim.
- /land claim new: Create a new claim, also marks the start position.
- /land claim grant [playername] [use|all]: Grant given player access to your claim. 'use' for only use/interact rights, 'all' for use and place/break block rights.
- /land claim revoke [playername]: Revoke a previously granted privilege to given player on your claim.
- /land claim grantgroup [groupname] [use|all]: Grant given player group access to your claim. 'use' for only use/interact rights, 'all' for use and place/break block rights.
- /land claim revokegroup [groupname]: Revoke a previously granted privilege to given player group on your claim.
- /land claim allowuseeveryone [true|false]: Grant or Revoke use access to all players
- /land claim start: Mark a start position for a cuboidal area to be claimed.
- /land claim end: Mark an end position for a cuboidal area to be claimed.
- /land claim grow [north|east|south|west|up|down] [-99..99]: Grow the currently selected cuboid towards north/east/south/west/up/down by given length. If no length is supplied, then the selection is grown by 1 block.
- /land claim shrink [north|east|south|west|up|down] [-99..99]: Shrink the currently selected cuboid towards north/east/south/west/up/down by given length. If no length is supplied, then the selection is shrunk by 1 block.
- /land claim add: Adds the currently selected cuboid to the currently edited claim. A claim may exist of multiple cuboids, as long as they are adjacent to eachother.
- /land claim fullheight: Vertically grow the currently selected cuboid to encompass the full height from world bottom to world top. Note that with default settings, this is not possible because players cannot claim that many chunks.
- /land claim save [description]: Save current claim modifications and stop editing the current claim.
- /land claim cancel: Discard all modifications to this claim.
- /land claim download [0..999]: Download an existing claim of yours to your computer. Use index number as shown in /land list to select which claim. The .json file is saved in AppData/Roaming/VintageStoryData/WorldEdit. This command can be used on a server even if you are not an admin.
Group Managing
- /group create [groupname]: Creates a new player group, own chat channel. While in the this group's chat channel:
- /group invite [group] [playername]: Invites a player to this group
- /group acceptinvite [groupname]: Accept an invite to join the group
- /group leave [group]: Leaves this player group.
- /group list: Lists all groups you are currently in.
- /group info [groupname]: Lists the players of a group.
- /group rename [oldgroupname] [newgroupname]: Renames the group.
- /group kick [group] [playername]: Removes a player from the group.
- /group op [group] [playername]: Grants operator status to this player, which allows them to invite other players.
- /group deop [group] [playername]: Revokes operator status from this player.
- /group disband [group]: Destroy a player group. Must be owner to perform this command.
- /waypoint add [color] [title]: Adds a waypoint with given color and text at your current position. The color may be any named .NET Color or a Hex Code.
- /waypoint addat [coords] [pinned] [color] [title]: Add a waypoint at the given coordinates.
- /waypoint addati [icon] [x] [y] [z] [pinned] [color] [title]: Add a waypoint at your current location, including colour and icon info.
- /waypoint list: Shows a list of all player waypoints by id number.
- /waypoint remove [id]: Removes the waypoint id as shown in /waypoint list.
Kill Player
- /kill [player]: kills the player.
- /emote [wave|cheer|shrug|cry|nod|facepalm|bow|laugh|rage]: Character does an emote based on the selected command.
Private Message
- /pm [playername] [message]: Sends a private message to the selected user. Also creates a temporary group.
Vintage Story Server Commands (Admins and Moderators)
- /help: List all server commands for Vintage Story
Give Block
- /giveblock [blockcode][{attributes}] [quantity] [toplayername]: Creates an itemstack of the specified block in the specified quantity, and gives it to the specified player.
Give Item
- /giveitem [itemcode] [quantity] [toplayername] [attributes]: Creates an itemstack of the specified item in the specified quantity, and gives it to the specified player.
Game Mode
- /gamemode [0..4|guest|survival|creative|spectator]: Mode names can be shortened to any length. Sets your game mode to the following:
- 0|Guest mode: Cannot place/remove any blocks but can interact with them
- 1|Survival mode: Can slowly break/place blocks. Can die. Cannot fly. Survival inventory.
- 2|Creative mode: Access to all blocks through the creative inventory. Instant block breaking. Cannot die. Can fly.
- 3|Spectator mode: Cannot place/remove blocks and cannot interact with anything, but can fly.
- /tp [coordinates]: Teleports the player to the position given.
- /tp [playername] [coordinates]: Teleport given player to a different position.
- /tp [playername]: Teleport yourself to given player.
- /tpwp [starts with name]: Teleport yourself to a waypoint.
Ban/Unban/Kick Player
- /ban [playername] [reason]: Ban a player.
- /unban [playername]: Unban a player.
- /kick [playername] [reason]: Kick a player.
Clear Inventory
- /clearing: Removes all items from your inventory.
Temporal Storm
- /nexttempstorm: Tells you the amount of days left until the next temporal storm.
- /nexttempstorm now: Fast forwards the time so that a temporal storm starts right away.
Player Alias
- /op [playername]: Alias of /player [playername] role admin.
Player Role
- /role [rolename] spawnpoint [x] [y] [z]: Configure a role specific spawn point. Any player that has this role will spawn at this location.
- /role [rolename] privilege [grant|revoke] [privelegename]: Grant or revoke privileges from given role.
- /role [rolename] landclaimallowance [value]: Set the max allowed claimable area in cubic meters for every player that has this role. (default: 4 chunks = 4*32*32*32 cubic meters = 131072)
- /role [rolename] landclaimmaxareas [value]: Set the max quantity of non-adjacent areas a player may claim. (default: 3)
- /role [rolename] landclaimminsize [x y z]: Set the smallest cuboid a player may claim. (default: 6 by 6 by 6)
Player Interactions
- /player [playername] movespeed: Set a player's move speed.
- /player [playername] clearing: Clear the player's entire inventory.
- /player [playername] wipedata: Wipe the player data such as the entire inventory, skin/class etc..
- /player [playername] [whitelist|privilege|role|entity|stats|gamemode|landclaimallowance|landclaimmaxareas]: Modify or display player data.
World Configuration
- /worldconfig name: Show current configuration value
- /worldconfig name value: Set a configuration value
- /worldconfigcreate datatype name value: Creates a new configuration value. This is necessary when setting some configurations for the first time (datatype can be float double int string and bool)
- /worldconfig deathPunishment [drop|keep]: Whether to drop your inventory upon death (default: drop)
- /worldconfig droppedItemsTimer [number]: Defines the despawn time of items dropped on death, measured in seconds (default: 600, equivalent to 10 minutes). Only affects items dropped on death, not other dropped items.
- /worldconfig spawnRadius [number]: Sets how far players spawn in a radius from world spawn.
- /worldconfig temporalGearRespawnUses [-1 .. 9999]: The temporal gear allows you to set a spawn point. Here, you can configure how often it can be used for respawning at the set point. -1 means infinite (default: 20)
- /worldconfig seasons [enabled|spring|summer|winter|fall]: If enabled, seasons will pass over time, otherwise 'spring' will make the climate always stay at spring (default: enabled)
- /worldconfig playerlives [-1 .. 99]: Set the amount of lives a player has before he can no longer respawn. -1 means infinite. (default: infinite)
- /worldconfig lungCapacity [number]: Sets how long the player can hold their breath under water. (default: 40000, equivalent to 40 seconds)
- /worldconfig daysPerMonth [1-99]: Set the number of days each month has. Setting it to a higher value will make seasons go by slower (default: 9)
- /worldconfig harshWinters [true|false]: If true, cold temperatures will damage crops, reduce animal spawn during winter and reduce meat harvested from animals (default: true)
- /worldconfig blockGravity [sandgravel|sandgravelsoil]: Set the block gravity behavior for either just sand and gravel or additionally also soil (default: sandgravel)
- /worldconfig caveIns [on|off]: If on, solid rocks and cracked rocks now collapse if not supported while being broken/placed (default: off (except in Wilderness Survival))
- /worldconfig allowUndergroundFarming [true|false]: If true, plants can be grown deep underground, given enough sunlight. (default: false)
- /worldconfig bodyTemperatureResistance [-40.. 40]: Sets the temperature an undressed seraph can bear without starting to freeze
- /worldconfig creatureHostility [aggressive|passive|off]: Set default creature hostility (default: aggressive)
- /worldconfig creatureStrength [0-99]: Sets the creature damage multiplier (default: 1)
- /worldconfig playerHealthPoints [1-999]: Set the players base health points. Does not affect already joined players, use /player command for that. (default: 15)
- /worldconfig playerHungerSpeed [0-10]: Set the players hunger rate multiplier (default: 1)
- /worldconfig playerMoveSpeed [0-10]: Set the players move speed multiplier (default: 1.5)
- /worldconfig foodSpoilSpeed [0-10]: Set the spoilage rate multiplier of all perishable foods, e.g. 0.5 means all food lasts twice as long (default: 1)
- /worldconfig saplingGrowthRate [0.1-20]: Set the sapling growth rate multiplier of all trees. (default: 1)
- /worldconfig toolDurability [0-99]: Set the tool durability multiplier, e.g. 2 means all tools have double durability. (default: 1)
- /worldconfig toolMiningSpeed [0-99]: Set the tool mining speed multiplier, e.g. 2 means all tools have break blocks twice as fast. (default: 1)
- /worldconfig propickNodeSearchRadius [0-12]: If above zero, a second prospecting mode will be enabled that allows for exact searches at the defined radius (default: 6)
- /worldconfig globalDepositSpawnRate [0.1 - 5]: Set a global ores and mineral deposit spawn rate (default: 1)
- /worldconfig microblockChiseling [off|stonewood|all]: Whether to allow microblock chiseling. 'Stonewood' means all stone and wood materials are allowed. 'all' means most cubic blocks are allowed. (default: Stonewood)
- /worldconfig loreContent [true|false]: Whether the story related lore content is included in world generation (default: true)
- /worldconfig clutterObtainable [ifrepaired|yes|no]: Whether the clutter items in ruins can be repaired with glue to obtain them (ifrepaired), or if they can be obtained without glue (yes), or if they cannot be obtained at all (no) (default: ifrepaired)
- /worldconfig worldClimate [realistic|patchy]: Sets the climate of the world (default: realistic). Available only during world create stage.
- /worldconfig landcover [0.1-1]: Sets the amount of the world that will be covered in land (default: 1)* Available only during world create stage.
- /worldconfig oceanscale [0.1-4] (Labeled in game's world customization menu as 'Landcover scale'.): Sets the amount of the world that will be covered in ocean (default: 1)* Available only during world create stage.
- /worldconfig upheavelCommonness [0-1]: Sets the percentage chance that there will be upheaval in the land (default: 0.3)* Available only during world create stage.
- /worldconfig geologicActivity [0-0.4]: Sets (only during world create stage) the percentage chance that there will be geological activity in the world generation (default: 0.05).
- /worldconfig landformScale [0.5-1.5]: Sets the percentage variation of various landforms, making them larger or smaller during generation (default: 1.0)* Available only during world create stage.
- /worldconfig worldEdge [blocked|traversable]: Whether you can fall off the world edge (default: traversable)
- /worldconfig globalTemperature [0-5]: Sets the global temperature multiplier for world generation. Does not affect already generated chunks. Useful values are between 0.1 and 5, where 0.1 is super cold, and 5 is super hot. (default: 1)
- /worldconfig globalPrecipitation [0-5]: Sets the global rainfall multiplier for world generation. Does not affect already generated chunks. Useful values are between 0.1 and 5, where 0.1 is super dry and 5 is super wet (default: 1)
- /worldconfig globalForestation [-1 .. 1]: Sets the global forestation offset for world generation. -1 means there will be no forests, 1 means there will be only forests, the value 0 means default forestation density (default: 0)
- /worldconfig surfaceCopperDeposits [0-5]: Set chance of surface copper spawning for each chunk column (default: 0.12)
- /worldconfig surfaceTinDeposits [0-5]: Set chance of surface tin spawning for each chunk column (default: 0.007)
- /worldconfig snowAccum [true|false]: If true, snow will accumulate during winter (default: true)
World Entities
- /entity cmd [subcommand]: Issue Vintage Story commands on existing entities
- Subcommands: Replace [subcommand] with the following:
- stopanim: Stop an entity animation.
- stoptask: Stop an AI task.
- setattr: Set entity attributes.
- setgen: Set entity generation.
- setlact: Set entity lactating.
- move: Move a creature.
- kill: Kill a creature.
- wipeall: Removes all entities except players from all loaded chunks.
- /entity debug [0|1]: Enable entity debug mode, this will send continous debug information to all connected clients, which are displayed above the entity if the client used the command .clientConfig showEntitydebuginfo 1
- /entity spawndebug [0|1]: Enable entity spawn debug mode.
- /entity count [entityfilter]: Count entities by code/filter and show a summary.
- /entity countg [entityfilter]: Count entities by code/filter and show a summary grouped by first code part.
- /entity spawnat [entitytype] [amount] [position] [radius]: Spawn an entity by type at given position, within a given radius. Valid types can be found in the survival mod assets folder /entities.
- /entity remove [entityfilter]: Remove selected creatures.
Warning: Frequently manipulating the in-game time may cause unwanted side effects.- /time stop: Stop passage of time and time affected processes
- /time resume: Resume passage of time and time affected processes
- /time set [time]: Sets the clock to the time given in hours, in 24 hour format. E.g. 1.5 is 1:30 AM.
- /time setmonth [jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec]: Sets the calendar to the given month of the year
- /time add [hours]:[minutes]: Adds given hours and minutes to the calendar.
- /time speed [0-9999]: Shows or sets current game time speed (default 60).
- /time hoursperday [0-9999]: Shows or sets the current hours per day (default 24).
- /time calendarspeedmul: Shows or set the calendar speed multiplier, changing the overall time speed in game (default 0.5, making the hours pass by 50% of normal speed).
- /weather setprecip [-1..1|auto]: Running with no arguments returns the current precip. Override, if one is set. Including an argument overrides the precipitation intensity and in turn also the rain cloud overlay. -1 removes all rain clouds, 0 stops any rain but keeps some rain clouds, while 1 causes the heaviest rain and full rain clouds. The server will remain indefinitely in that rain state until reset with auto or /weather acp.
- /weather stoprain: Stops any current rain by forwarding to a time in the future where there is no rain.
- /weather acp: Toggles auto-changing weather patterns.
- /weather lp: Lists all loaded weather patterns.
- /weather t: Transitions to a random weather pattern.
- /weather c: Quickly transitions to a random weather pattern.
- /weather setev [event]: Sets a weather event globally.
- /weather setevr [event]: Set a weather event only in the player's region.
- /weather setw [lightbreeze|mediumbreeze|still|storm|strongbreeze]: Sets the current wind pattern to the given wind pattern.
- /weather [set|seti] [weatherpattern]: Instantly sets the weather pattern to weatherpattern.
- /weather setirandom: Instantly sets the weather to a random weather pattern.
- /weather setir [weatherpattern]: Instantly sets the weather to [weatherpattern] only in the current region.
Server Configuration
- /serverconfig maxchunkradius [integer]: Displays the max chunk radius. Sets the max chunk radius to the integer passed, which is the highest chunk radius a player may load.
- /serverconfig maxclients [integer]: Displays the max clients. Sets the max number of connected clients to the integer passed.
- /serverconfig password [string]: Sets the server password that is required to connect to the server. It may not contain spaces.
- /serverconfig nopassword: Removes the password protection.
- /serverconfig antiabuse [Off|Basic|Pedantic]: Sets anti-abuse level, this protects against a range of malicious player operations, but is currently a work in progress.
- /serverconfig allowpvp [bool]: Control allowing players to combat each other.
- /serverconfig allowfirespread [bool]: Enable/Disable spread of fire
- /serverconfig allowfallingblocks [bool]: Enable/Disable block gravity.
- /serverconfig WhitelistMode [default|off|on]: Control allowing only whitelisted players to connect to the server. "Default" means whitelist is on for dedicated servers, but off for single player open to LAN servers. Dedicated servers are now whitelisted by default. (The serverconfig "OnlyWhitelisted" is now obsolete.) An alternative to [default|off|on] is [0|1|2], with "default" corresponding to "0", and so on.
- /serverconfig entityspawning [bool]: Control global entity spawning. Disabling it will cause no creatures to spawn (default: on).
- /serverconfig tickrate [10-100]: Shows or sets the server tick rate. A higher tickrate makes the server more responsive. A lower tick rate has the opposite effect.
- /serverconfig blockTickSamplesPerChunk: Control how many random update ticks per chunk should be executed.
- /serverconfig defaultspawn [x y z]: Shows or sets the default spawn point. y can be omitted to automatically use the surface position at given x/z location.
- /serverconfig setspawnhere: Sets the default spawn point to where the player is currently standing.
- /serverconfig passtimewhenempty [bool]: Shows or sets if time should pass when the server has no connected players.
- /serverconfig spawncapplayerscaling [0..1]: Helps to evenly distribute mob spawns around each player. A value of 0 means no extra mobs can spawn on increased player count, a value of 1 means a second player doubles the spawn cap, 3 players triple the spawn cap and so on (default: 0.75).
Server Stats
- /stats: Show current server statistics, tick rate, memory usage, etc.
Server Announcement
- /announce [message]: Announce a server wide message in all chat groups.
Server Stop
- /stop: Stops the server.
Auto Save
- /autosavenow: Trigger server autosave.
Server List
- /list clients: Show current connected clients.
- /list banned: Show current list of banned players.
- /list role: Show list of all configured privilege roles.
- /list privileges: Show a list of all configured privileges.
Allow Lan
- /allowlan [on|off]: Whether or not to allow external lan connections to the server (temporary runtime setting for non-dedicated servers)
Vintage Story Client Commands
Block & Item PNG Export
- .blockitempngexport [inv|all] [imageSize] [domain]: Export all items and blocks as png images
- .exponepng code [block|item] [exportCode] [size=100]: Export one item as png image
- .exponepng hand [size=100]: Export icon for currently held item/block.
Block Selector Editor
- .bsedit: Opens the block selection editor. Alias for .dev bsedit
Cinematic Camera
- .cam p: Adds the current position to the list of places to visit.
- .cam rp: Removes the last added point.
- .cam cp: "Close path". Connects the path to the first position in the list. Useful in combination with .cam loop to create a looping camera path.
- .cam up [num]: Update the position and viewing angle of point num to the current location.
- .cam goto [num]: Go to point num by teleport.
- .cam clear: Clears the list of all points.
- .cam start [time]: Starts the cinematic camera, the camera will complete the path in the given number of seconds.
- .cam stop: Stops the cinematic camera.
- .cam save: Exports the current list of points into your clipboard, which you then can paste into any text editor.
- .cam load [data]: Import supplied list of points.
- .cam tp [0 or 1]: Toggles whether to teleport you back to your previous position after the camera path has been completed.
- .cam alpha [0..1]: Modifies how the smoothly the points are traversed by the camera.
- .cam gui [0 or 1]: If one, will disable the guis during the duration of the recording (default on).
- .cdensity: Set large and small cloud density
- .cdensitylarge: Set large cloud density
- .cdensitysmall: Set small cloud density
- .clight: Set Cloud lightness
- .crand: Set large and small cloud noise
- .cviewdist: Sets the cloud view distance. Will be reset when view distance in graphics settings are changed
Character Select
- .charsel: Opens the character selection menu.
Chat Size
- .chatsize [width]/default [height]/default: Set the chat dialog with custom width and/or height (default 400x160 [Depending on the interface])
Command Handbook
- .chb: Opens up command handbook
Clear Chat
- .clearchat: Clears your chat history
Client Configuration
- .client+: Client+ configuration command
Client Configuration
- .clientconfig [parameterName] [parameterValue]: Changes client configuration at runtime. It can change any value in the clientsettings.json file. parametername may seem like subcommands, but is actually a dynamic list of options. This means that mods can change the list of options. Parameter names include floatygus, showentitydebuginfo, ssaa, and gammalevel.
- .clientconfigcreate [name] [datatype] [value]: Adds a new client configuration key that did not exist before.
- .clientconfigcreate overheadLookAt bool true: Adds a client configuration key that causes the player's seraph to look at the camera when it is in front of the character. Set to false to disable.
- .clients: Prints list of online players. Alias for .online.
- .clients ping: Prints list of online players with their ping. Alias for .online ping.
- .cp posi: The position below the player as an integer.
- .cp aposi: The absolute player position as an integer in the format X=1,Y=1,Z=1.
- .cp apos: The absolute player position as a float in the format X=1.34,Y=1.34,Z=1.34.
- .cp chat: The chat history.
Crash Game
- .crash: Crashes the game.
Client Ticking Blocks
- .ctblocks [freezeCtBlocks]: Lets you to toggle on/off the updating of client ticking blocks. This can be useful when recording waterfalls and such.
Client Debug
- .debug normalview: Shows vertex normals instead textures, but does not discard transparent pixels.
- .debug wireframe [value]: Running .debug wireframe will give some help info.
- .debug talk [value]: Plays actions with the character's voice. Running .debug talk will give a list of values.
- .debug [perceptioneffect|pc] [value]: Applies effect, e.g., drunk or damagedfreezing.
- .debug tofb [true|false]: Toggle offscreen buffer.
- .debug cmr: Print a full list of color map rectangles to the client-main.txt.
- .debug us: Toggle unbind samplers mode.
- .debug gl [true|false]: Toggle OpenGL debug mode.
- .debug uiclick: Toggle UI Debug print interactions.
- .debug discovery [value]: Show a text on the screen as for lore books.
- .debug soundsummary: Print a count of loaded sounds.
- .debug meshsummary: Print a full list of block mesh sizes in kilobytes to client-debug.txt.
- .debug chunksummary: Print a count of total chunks, packed chunks and free pool objects.
- .debug renderers: Print a full list of renderers.
- .debug exptexatlas [block|item|entity]: Export an atlas(es) of blocks, items or entities.
- .debug liquidselectable: Toggle forced liquid selectable.
- .debug relightchunk: Recalculate sunlight and queue for redrawing in the chunk.
- .debug fog [value]: Sets fog density.
- .debug fov [value]: Sets field of view.
- .debug wgen: Print a rainfall and adjusted temperature values.
- .debug redrawall: Redraw all chunks.
- .debug ci: Display some information on the current chunk the player is in
- .debug shake [value]: Shake effect. Insert a higher negative value to remove the effect.
- .debug recalctrav: Recalculate traversability of all chunks.
- .debug find [blockName]: Specify all or part of the name of a block to find its coordinates.
Dev Commands
- .dev bsedit: Opens The Block Selection Editor. Has alias of .bsedit.
- .dev reload <assetcategory>: Asseted reloading utility. Incase of shape reload will also Re-tesselate. Incase of textures will regenerate the texture atlesses. See .reload for more information, as command is an alias.
- .dev tfedit [fp/tp/tpo/gui/ground]: Opens The transform Editor. Has Alias of .tfedit.
Extended Information
- .edi: Show/Hide Extended information on debug screen, e.g. block lighting. Has alias of .debug edi.
Error Reporter
- .errorreporter: Reopens the error reporting dialog
Frame Buffer Debug Mode
- .fbdeb: Toggle Framebuffer/WOIT Debug mode
Particle Fountain
- .fountain [quantity] [quad|cube]: Toggle Particle fountain.
First Launch Info
- .firstlaunchinfo: Show the first launch info dialog.
Free Move
- .freemove [freeMove]: Toggle Freemove.
Generate Craft
- .gencraftjson: Copies a snippet of json from your currently held item usable as a crafting recipe ingredient.
- .gui [show_gui]: Hide/Show all GUIs
- .help: Display list of available client Vintage Story commands.
Lock Fly
- .lockfly: Locks a movement axis during flying/swimming
Log Ticks
- .logticks: Toggle Tick profiling. Won't log ticks below the threshold.
- .map purged: Purges map DB.
- .map redraw: Redraws map.
- .map worldmapsize [mapHeight] [mapWidth]: Sets world map size.
- .moon: Prints the current moon phase.
Move Speed
- .movespeed [speed]: Set Movespeed
- .music stop: Stops the current music track.
Network Benchmarking
- .netbenchmark: Toggles network benchmarking
No Clip
- .noclip [noclip]: Toggle noclip
Online Players
- .online: Prints list of online players. Alias for .clients.
- .online ping: Prints list of online players with their ping. Alias for .clients ping.
Paste Mode
- .pastemode [single|multi]: Set the chats paste mode. If set to multi pasting multiple lines will produce multiple chat lines.
Recompose Chat
- .recomposechat: Recompose chat dialogs
Reconnect Server
- .reconnect: Reconnect to server
Recording Mode
- .recordingmode: Makes the game brighter for recording (Sets gamma level to 1.1 and brightness level to 1.5)
- .resolution: Sets the screen size to given width and height
Server Information
- .serverinfo: Display information about server info
Spawn Decal
- .spawndecal: Spawn a decal at position
Transform Editor
- .tfedit [fp/tp/tpo/gui/ground]: Opens The transform Editor. Has Alias of .dev tfedit.
- .time: Read local game time or speed
Time Lapse
- .timelapse [interval-in-days] [duration-in-months]: Takes a set of timelapse photographs of the same spot of several hours, days, or seasons. Images can be found in folder Pictures/Vintagestory/timelapse.
- .tutorial hud: Toggles the tutorial HUD.
- .tutorial restart: Restarts the currently selected tutorial.
- .tutorial ship [skip_amount]: Skips the currently selected tutorial.
View Distance
- .viewdistance: Sets the viewing distance. Same as setting the view distance in the graphics settings but with no upper limit. For viewing distances above 1000 blocks, you also have to set the .zfar value above that.
Video Recorder
- .vrec: Video Recorder Tools
- .weather: Shows current weather info.
Clipping Plane Distance
- .zfar [value]: Sets the clipping plane distance, everything beyond given value is no longer visible (default value is 1000). Very high values will cause Z-fighting.
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Vintage Story Server
Looking to create your own gaming server? It only takes a few minutes.
Start your Vintage Story server
Looking to create your own gaming server? It only takes a few minutes.