Along with Simon Belmont, the full release of V Rising welcomes the lord of darkness himself: Dracula the Immortal King. The king of the vampires rose from the depths after seemingly being defeated by the Church of Luminance. Now, he's out for blood and wouldn't mind attacking those who oppose his rule, even a fellow vampire like yourself. So, keep reading as we help you defeat this difficult V Blood Carrier in this V Rising Dracula Boss Guide.
The legendary Count Dracula has many origins across different media. In V Rising, Dracula was defeated by the Church of Luminance. However, he dedicated his seemingly final moments by casting a dark shadow over Vardoran and releasing his minions to wreak havoc on the land.
At this point, Dracula casts his soul into the Shadow Realm, allowing himself to heal over time. With V Rising 1.0, the time is now for this legendary Count to lead his Legion of Noctum once again.
Find Dracula (in V Rising) at the Ruins of Mortium located far east of the map. This location is normally inaccessible unless you’re carrying a Blood Key.
Defeat the Level 83 V Blood Carrier Lord Styx the Night Champion at Dracula’s Demise in Gloomrot South to unlock the Blood Key crafting recipe. Then, craft this item at the Artisan Table using 4x Onyx Tear, 4x Primal Blood Essence, and 200x Greater Stygian Shard.
The Dracula fight in V Rising is perhaps the most difficult boss fight in the game for many players. Vampires must survive while dodging a plethora of powerful attacks, as each hit might be their last.
After achieving the monumental task of defeating Dracula in V Rising, vampires can collect the Soul Shard of Dracula. Equipping this Soul Shard replaces the current ultimate ability with Blood Storm, which has the following effects:
"Become invulnerable and channel a Blood Storm for 3s, launching up to 25 homing blood bolts at nearby enemies. Each bolt deals 100% magic damage and inflicts Leech. End with a powerful nova, dealing 300% magic damage and pushing enemies away."
Additionally, this Gear Level 25 Soul Shard grants the user with the following bonuses:
Who is Dracula in V Rising?

Dracula the Immortal King Location

Dracula Attacks and Fight Strategies

- Teleport: Dracula teleports to the player's location to close the gap.
- Wolf Rush: Dracula transforms into a wolf and rushes behind the player while performing a slashing attack.
- Crimson Slasher: Dracula performs two vertical slashes with his massive sword, producing beams that hit players from afar.
- Dread Stab: Dracula teleports and stabs the player with his sword. This attack also incapacitates you.
- Blood Wave: Dracula stabs his sword to the ground and produces six beams that travel in different directions.
- Howling Axes: Dracula teleports away and throws two axes in the player's direction.
- Crimson Bats: Dracula summons bats that follow the player, dealing damage.
- Writhing Crimson Night: Dracula teleports out of the arena, darkening the screen and summoning crimson bats that partially track the player’s movement.
- Blood Wave MKII: A similar attack to Blood Wave, but it adds exploding blood pools by the end of the attack. Dracula only uses this move during the battle’s second phase.
- Crimson Slasher MKII: A similar attack to the Crimson Slasher, but adds two additional beams. Dracula only uses this move during the battle’s second phase.
- Blood Crystal: Dracula summons a crystal, projecting a damaging aura around the arena. Dracula only uses this move during the battle’s second phase.
- Blood Sword Rain: Dracula summons a rain of swords in a small area. Dracula only uses this move during the battle’s second phase.
- Nightstalker Clone: Dracula summons a clone that attacks with Dread Leap. Dracula only uses this move during the battle’s second phase.
- Dread Leap: Dracula jumps at the player’s location with his sword outstretched.
- Blood Cross: Dracula teleports to the center of the battle arena, summoning crimson flames and blood bolts. Dracula only uses this move during the battle’s second phase.
- Blood Bolt Wall: Dracula teleports to another location within the arena and shoots a wall of blood bolts in different directions. Dracula only uses this move during the battle’s second phase.
Fight Strategies, Tips, & Tricks
True to being the lord of darkness, the fight with Dracula in V Rising is the only multi-stage battle at the time of writing. If fought in game modes other than Brutal Mode, this boss fight has two phases. On the other hand, players who fight the Count in Brutal Mode will have to go through two additional phases after the second phase. Additionally, each phase unlocks new moves for Dracula and additional challenges within the fight. So, here are some strategies, tips, and tricks to help you win this arduous (yet rewarding) endeavor:Phase 1
In this phase, aim to conserve as much of your health as possible. Stay away from Dracula while he’s pelting you with his attacks. Avoid close combat as much as you can. Instead, hit him from afar using the best spells or with a long-range weapon, such as the longbow or dual-wielded pistols. Remember, survival is more important than dealing massive damage to Dracula in this phase.Phase 2
Unleash your ultimate spell as soon as Dracula is ready to fight in this phase. Repeat the same strategy during phase 1 to keep your health as high as possible. Don't be greedy; only hit Dracula the Immortal King when he's open. Otherwise, stay away from him and his attacks. Also, pay attention to the minions he spawns during the fight. Defeat these additional NPCs fast, or the fight can become more overwhelming than expected.Phase 3
If you’re playing in other game modes, Phases 3 and 4 are non-existent. However, continue reading if you’re up to the challenge. In Brutal Mode, Dracula plays a transition animation after you win against his second phase. Take this time to swap your spells with those that linger on the battlefield, such as Ball Lightning. Cast these spells to prevent Dracula’s spawned minions from reaching him. Fail, and the Vampire King will drain the blood of these NPCs, healing the boss and making this fight tougher than normal.Phase 4
In the fight's final phase, you'll receive a special blood type to help you win this endeavor. However, don't rely heavily on the buffs, or it might be your downfall. A Reaper-class weapon can be ideal for this phase. Use its mid-range abilities to hit Dracula and his minions with single-strike attacks and abilities. Again, prioritize survivability over damage and stay mobile while dodging Dracula's attacks. Persevere and become the new Vampire King or Queen of Vardoran.Dracula Loot Table & Rewards

- +25% Blood Type Efficiency.
- +25% Damage to Vampires.
- 20% chance on primary hit to inflict Vampiric Curse (Can only trigger once every 8s).
- Dracula’s Shadow Chestguard: 1x Shadowmoon Chestguard, 12x Shadow Weave, and 12x Bat Leather
- Dracula’s Grim Chestguard: 1x Grim Knight Chestguard, 12x Shadow Weave, and 12x Bat Leather
- Dracula’s Dread Chestguard: 1x Dread Plate Chestguard, 12x Shadow Weave, and 12x Bat Leather
- Dracula’s Maleficer Chestguard: 1x Maleficer Scholar Chestguard, 12x Shadow Weave, and 12x Bat Leather
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