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Best V Rising Builds: Weapons, Abilities, Armor, Jewelry, & More

Posted on by justin
(Estimated Read Time: 22 minutes)
Choosing character builds in V Rising can be confusing, especially for beginners. Thinking about the different character paths can introduce analysis paralysis. So, let this post help you choose the best V Rising builds that suit your play style.

Best V Rising Builds

V Rising Builds Players can choose among different V Rising builds: Berserker, Mace, Axe, Reaper, and Slasher. Each build has its unique pros and cons. Listed below are the details for each build so you can make an informed decision by the end of this post.

Berserker Build

V Rising Berserker Slice and dice your way through much of V Rising's PvE content with the Berserker Build. This build is one of the easier builds to achieve in the game, making it ideal for beginners who are new to the game or even the genre. Once together, you'll be able to take on the game's most fearsome bosses with ease!
Armor & Jewelry
To put this build together, try to get the full Bloodmoon armor set to help increase your vampire’s maximum health and mitigate some enemy damage. This armor set also provides +6% movement speed, +6% attack speed, and +1 Gear Level. As for the Jewelry, you can choose the Jewel of the Wicked Prophet. Wearing this supplies your vampire with the following bonuses:
  • 24 Gear Level
  • +27.9 Spell Power
  • +10% Weapon Attack Speed
  • +5% Spell Life Leech
  • +5% Movement Speed
Weapon & Skills
Berserkers in V Rising primarily use Axes as their main weapons of choice. Although you can use any axe weapon in the game, aim for the endgame Sanguine Axes. This pair of axes has the highest damage output for this weapon type in the game. Equipping any axe will let you use two weapon abilities:
  • X-Strike: Throw two axes in the shape of an X. Each hit deal 80% physical damage and slows the enemy for 1.5s. Hitting the enemy where both axes intersect inflicts a 1s incapacitate.
  • Frenzy: Dash forward and strike the first enemy dealing 100% physical damage. Enter a state of frenzy that increases your movement speed by 25% and increases attack speed by 30% for 0.8s on a successful hit.
It’s ideal to practice your aim with the X-Strike, as you can prevent enemy movement for a second. Then, follow up with a hit with Frenzy to deal devastating damage to your targets. After a successful hit with Frenzy, you can use your attack-speed-boosted normal attacks until you can reuse your weapon abilities.
The Berserker is a versatile character build, allowing players to use different abilities based on their unique playstyles. Still, here are some ability recommendations you may want to use frequently:
  • Blood Rage: Shields yourself and nearby allies for 110% of your spell power and increases attack speed by 25% for 4.5s.
  • Chaos Volley: Launches 2 Chaos Bolts in a sequence that deals 125% magic damage and inflicts Chaos Burn.
  • Sanguine Coil: Launches a projectile that deals 75% magic damage and leeches 40% health on enemy hit. Heals ally for 100% and self for 40% of your spell power on ally hit.
  • Frost Bat: Launches a projectile that explodes upon impact, dealing 100% magic damage and inflicting Chill on surrounding enemies. Hitting a chilled enemy freezes it for 4s. Enemy vampires are frozen for 2.5s.
  • Veil of Blood: Dashes towards the input direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2s. Your next primary attack deals 25% bonus damage and heals you for 5% of your maximum health.
  • Arctic Leap: Leaps into the air and strikes down at the target location, dealing 225% magic damage. A nova of frost erupts from the impact location, freezing any enemy hit for up to 6s, enemy vampires are frozen for 3s.
Blood Type
Among the different Blood Types in the game, the Brute variant can be the best option for many Berserkers. It grants the following bonuses:
  • I: +7.5% - 12.5% Primary attack Life Leech
  • II: +7.5% - 15% Increased Primary Attack Speed and gain 1 Gear Level
  • III: Healing received increased by 20% - 35%. Heal yourself for 4% of your victim's health when striking a killing blow
  • IV: +6% chance per relative health recovered to boost movement speed by 20% and damage of primary attacks by 25%
  • V: Boost all above effects by 30%
Note: The overall effects depend on the quality of the blood siphoned.

Mace Build

V Rising Mace The Mace is another powerhouse weapon that V Rising players can use to deal massive damage against PvE and PvP opponents. The following build prioritizes maximizing the most slams and smacks on enemies, so you can hurt them before they can harm you.
Armor & Jewelry
For the armor, again, you’d want to aim for the Bloodmoon armor set. With its pieces, your vampire can move in and out of combat areas, minimizing as much damage to you while allowing you to dish out harm to your opponents. As for the Jewelry, you’d want the Nightstone of the Beast. Wearing it supplies your vampire with the following bonuses:
  • 24 Gear Level
  • +27.9% Spell Power
  • +15% Physical Critical Strike Chance
  • +20% Physical Critical Strike Damage
  • +10% Physical Resistance
Weapon & Skills
You can use any Mace in the game, depending on your current progression status. But your goal should be the Sanguine Mace, since it has the highest base attack power out of all the other maces in the game. While you’re using a Mace, you have access to these weapon abilities:
  • Crushing Blow: Vault towards the cursor and slam your mace into the ground dealing 150% physical damage and inflicting a 2s fading snare.
  • Smack: Smack enemies in front of you dealing 50% physical damage, knocking them back and incapacitating them for 1.2s.
Your bread-and-butter combo typically starts with using Crushing Blow. Aside from dealing significant damage, enemies hit with this skill won’t move for 2 seconds. During this period, use Smack to deal additional damage to targets, and incapacitate them for additional hits from your normal attacks. However, it can be a good idea to switch to another weapon type when using a Mace. It’s because this weapon class is quite slow, which can be fairly challenging to use if you’re in a sticky situation. So, bring a secondary weapon in fights, such as Slashers or the new Pistols, to help with crowd control or when you’re running away from difficult fights.
As a Mace wielder in V Rising, you want to slow or stop enemy movement as much as possible. So, your abilities will revolve around that idea. Here are some excellent choices for you to use with your Mace-wielding vampire:
  • Veil of Frost: Dash towards input direction, elude nearby enemies for 2.2s and shield self for 125% of your spell power. Your next primary attack deals 25% bonus damage and conjures a nova of frost dealing 50% magic damage and inflicting chill on nearby enemies.
  • Frost Bat: Launch a projectile that explodes upon impact, dealing 100% magic damage and inflicts Chill on surrounding enemies. Hitting a chilled enemy freezes it for 4s. Enemy vampires are frozen for 2.5s.
  • Mist Trance: Block melee and projectile attacks for up to 1.5s. Turn non- material and teleport to cursor location when an attack is blocked. Resets the cooldown of your Secondary Weapon attack.
  • Crystal Lance: Launch a projectile dealing 150% magic damage and inflicting Chill. Hitting a chilled enemy freezes it for 4s. The Crystal Lance splinters into a nova of projectiles on impact, each splinter deals 50% magic damage, chilling or freezing targets as well. Enemy vampires are frozen for 2.5s.
  • Heart Strike: Dash forward and strike enemies in a line. Deals 150% magic damage and heals self for 150% of your spell power over 3.5s. A nova of blood erupts when the effect ends dealing 150% magic damage to the victim and nearby enemies. Blood Type
Absorb Warrior Blood when you’re running a Mace build in V Rising. This blood type boosts your character’s raw physical stats, transforming your vampire into an unstoppable force. It also grants the following bonuses: I: 10 - 20% Increased Physical Power II: 8 - 15% Reduced cooldown on Weapon Skills III: 7.5 - 15% Reduced damage taken and 25% increased damage when striking enemies at full health IV: 15% Chance to parry an attack reducing damage taken by 50%. Parrying an attack increases your own damage by 25%. V: Boost all above effects by 30%

Axes Build

V Rising Axe Don’t confuse the standard Axe build with the Berserker build mentioned earlier. While the Berserker primarily focuses on PvE combat, the Axe class is a more balanced build. You may choose this build if you don’t want to play around with other playstyles and would like to stick to one weapon type for most of the game’s content.
Armor & Jewelry
Again, the Bloodmoon armor set should be your go-to endgame defensive equipment for this build. Also, the Jewel of the Wicked Prophet jewelry still works for this Axe build, like the Berserker build.
Weapon & Skills
Like the Berserker, the Axe build’s endgame weapon should be the Sanguine Axes. The skills and strategy to use this weapon are similar to the Berserker build.
Although the armor, jewelry, weapon, and weapon skills are the same as the Berserker build, the similarities stop there. With this Axe build, you’re now prioritizing enemy crowd control, accompanied by more defensive abilities. So, here are some recommended abilities you should equip for your axe-wielding vampire:
  • Veil of Illusion: Dash towards input direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2s. Your next primary attack deal 25% bonus damage. Spawns an illusion that throws projectiles that deal 40% magic damage. Recast to return to your start position and spawn a new illusion at your current location.
  • Wisp Dance: Effect: Summon three wisps that circle around you, dealing 25% magic damage to enemies. Recast to launch all three wisps as projectiles dealing 50% magic damage and weakening the target reducing damage output by 30% for 5s.
  • Power Surge: Remove all negative effects and apply a shield on target ally or self that shields the target for 150% of your spell power. Increases movement speed by 25% and attack speed by 25% while the shield lasts.
  • Arctic Leap: Leap into the air and strike down at target location, dealing 225% magic damage. A nova of frost erupts from the impact location, freezing any enemy hit for up to 6s, enemy vampires are frozen for 3s.
Blood Type
Since the standard Axe build is generally more versatile than the Berserker class, you can choose between the Brute or Warrior blood types. Your choice ultimately depends on your preferred playstyle.

Reaper Build

V Rising Reaper If you want to use a “keep away” tactic against enemies, then perhaps the following Reaper build might be your ideal character class in V Rising. Aside from using various long-ranged attacks, you’ll also have great crowd control and high spell damage to catch players off guard, making it a great option for PVP ganking.
Armor & Jewelry
As with the other character builds in V Rising, the Bloodmoon armor set can be your endgame protective gear. However, you can use relatively any armor set in the game as you work your way to the Bloodmoon set. For the Jewelry, you can use the Shard of the Frozen Crypt. Wearing it provides the following bonuses:
  • +27.9% Spell Power
  • +15% Spell Critical Strike Chance
  • +20% Spell Critical Strike Damage
  • -10% Ability Cooldowns
Weapon & Skills
If you plan on sticking with this build from the beginning, craft the Iron Reaper as soon as possible. Then, work your way until you can get the Sanguine Reaper. But your endgame weapon should be The General’s Soul Reaper, which provides you with the following bonuses:
  • +25% Damage to Undead
  • +6 Spell Power
  • +5 Spell Critical Strike Chance
While wearing any Reaper weapon, you gain access to these abilities:
  • Tendon Swing: Swing your reaper dealing 125% physical damage to nearby enemies, knocking them back and inflicting a 2s fading snare.
  • Howling Reaper: Throw a howling reaper that spins in place dealing 20% physical damage every 0.25s for 2.2s (160% total). The initial projectile hit slows enemies for 1.5s and deals 50% physical damage.
Use Tendon Swing if enemies are too close for comfort. Plus, this ability’s effect of applying fading snare can help you reposition your character for additional long-ranged attacks, like Howling Reaper.
Remember, your goal is to keep yourself as far away from your enemies while dealing as much damage to them as possible. So, your choice of abilities for this Reaper build can include the following:
  • Veil of Chaos: Dash towards input direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2s. Your next melee attack deals 25% bonus damage. Can be recasted to dash once more spawning a second illusion. Your illusions explode dealing 50% magic damage to nearby enemies.
  • Chaos Volley: Launch 2 Chaos Bolts in a sequence that deals 125% magic damage and inflicts Chaos Burn. Sanguine Coil: Launch a projectile that deals 75% magic damage and leeches 40% health on enemy hit. Heals ally for 100% and self for 40% of your spell power on ally hit.
  • Void: Summon an orb that explodes at the target location, dealing 70% magic damage and inflicting Chaos Burn.
  • Arctic Leap: Leap into the air and strike down at target location, dealing 225% magic damage. A nova of frost erupts from the impact location, freezing any enemy hit for up to 6s, enemy vampires are frozen for 3s.
Blood Type
The Scholar blood is the ideal blood type for this build. If possible, keep a 100% scholar-type enemy in your base. That way, you have a “feeding station” to return to when you run out of blood while exploring the map. Upon feeding Scholar blood, your vampire gains the following bonuses: I: 10 - 20% Increased Spell Power II: 8 - 15% Reduced cooldown on Spells III: 5 - 10% Spell Life Leech IV: 15% Chance to reset spell cooldown on cast V: Boost all above effects by 30%

Slasher Build

V Rising Slasher Slashers in V Rising are akin to the Rogue or Thief class in other games. That means your main focus is speed as you go in and out of battlefields. For starters, the attack speed of normal attacks when using Slashers is faster than other weapons like the Reaper or Mace.
Armor & Jewelry
Since agility will be your primary focus, aim to use the Nightstone of the Beast jewelry when you can. As for the armor, again, the Bloodmoon set is recommended, especially when going up against the new Gloomrot enemies.
Weapon & Skills
The item in your weapon slot, when you reach endgame, should be the Sanguine Slashers. Use this pair of slashing weapons to deal significant damage to enemies who dare oppose you. But wearing any Slasher-type weapon in the game gives you access to the following skills:
  • Elusive Strike: Dash back and forth slashing at your enemies dealing 70% physical damage and inflicting a 2s slow on each hit.
  • Camouflage: Enter a state of camouflage, increasing movement speed by 25% for 3s. Your next primary attack deals 80% physical damage and incapacitates the enemy for 2s. Using any skill breaks camouflage.
Take advantage of a stealth attack by activating Camouflage to get close to an enemy. Then, use Elusive Strike, a barrage of normal attacks, or your preferred abilities to eat away at your opponent’s health.
Your abilities as a Slasher vampire should focus on chasing down enemies while maintaining your health pool. Here are some suggested abilities you can equip when going down this character build path:
  • Veil of Chaos: Dash towards input direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2s. Your next melee attack deals 25% bonus damage. Can be recasted to dash once more spawning a second illusion. Your illusions explode dealing 50% magic damage to nearby enemies.
  • Purgatory: Call down a pillar of energy that slows enemies in an area for 1s and heals allies for 40% of you spell power. After 1.2s the pillar erupts in a powerful burst of energy dealing 75% magic damage to enemies and healing allies for 75% of your spell power.
  • Unstable Mosquito: Summon a mosquito that chases an enemy and explodes after 1s. Deals 60% magic damage in an area and inflicts Amplify that increases damage taken by 25% for 5s.
  • Heart Strike: Dash forward and strike enemies in a line. Deals 150% magic damage and heals self for 150% of your spell power over 3.5s. A nova of blood erupts when the effect ends dealing 150% magic damage to the victim and nearby enemies.
Blood Type
Aside from speed, your abilities, weapons, and choice of jewelry should give you a good boost to your critical strike chance and damage. So, the Rogue blood can be your blood type of choice. Feeding on an enemy or prisoner with this blood type can give you the following effects: I: 10% - 20% chance to Critical Strike on Weapon Attacks II: 8% - 15% Movement Speed III: 12% - 25%' Reduced cooldown on Travel Skill, 100% chance to critical strike on next physical attack after using a travel skill IV: 50% Chance on Critical Strike to expose victim's armor, increasing damage taken from all sources by 15% for 4s V: Boost all above effects by 30%

What's the Best Armor in V Rising?

V Rising Best Armor At the time of writing, all V Rising builds can realistically use the same armor set. The game’s defensive equipment doesn’t offer a significant variety that allows each armor set to be truly unique, and these blanket stats fit any build just fine. Nonetheless, some armor sets stand out from the rest of the crowd. For instance, the Death Armor set provides +370 additional health to the wearer. Another notable example is the Twilight Armor Set, which grants the ability to become immune to sun damage. With that, simply keep an eye out for gear that gives you a benefit fitting to your individual playstyle. V Rising Server
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