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Top 5 Minecraft Mods of 2022

Posted on by amber
Most Minecraft fans use modpacks rather than individual mods, but there were a few that appeared just about everywhere this past year! Today we look back at the top five Minecraft mods of 2022 so that you can enjoy them too.

Just Enough Items

Minecraft Mods of 2022: JEI Logo Despite being eight years old, Just Enough Items remains a signature mod in just about every modpack we know. It provides crafting recipes with a single click, a full visual list of blocks for every mod installed, and enables easy spawning of items in survival if permissions allow. Here is to another year of JEI!


Waystones Mod Waystone Screenshot Minecraft is a game about exploring, but it can be hard to get back home. With Waystones, this problem is resolved in a survival-friendly manner that even the most anti-teleport players can come to love. With a scroll, teleport to the nearest waystone you have explored, and from there, teleport to explored waystones across the world.

Nature’s Compass

Minecraft Mods of 2022: Nature's Compass Logo In modpacks with a billion biomes to explore, it can be hard to find the rarer biomes out in the world. Nature’s compass resolves this by adding a new compass that provides the coordinates of a selected biome. That its! Simple and perfect for modpacks across the board.


JourneyMap Logo Minimaps have been a must-have since modding Minecraft first began, and proof of that is JourneyMap being over ten years old! Despite its age, it remains one of the most popular mods around, topping charts well into 2023. If you need a minimap, there is none better to be found!

The Twilight Forest

Twilight Forest Logo Twilight Forest may be a single mod, but with the amount of content it includes, some would call it a modpack in and of itself! Well into 2023, it remains as popular as can be, with frequent updates as early as this week. And none of that is even touching the number of bosses, dungeons, and achievements that await within.

Top 5 Minecraft Mods of 2022

Hundreds of mods appear across modpacks, yet these five remained popular all year! Was there an individual mod you were hoping to see in our top five? We would love to hear! In either case, may your 2023 be a tremendous mod-filled year. Until Next Time, BisectHosting =) BisectHosting Minecraft Promotional Image
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