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Top 5 Minecraft Modpacks of 2022

Posted on by amber
This past year we saw many new exciting modpacks alongside old favorites, but five stood high above the rest. Today we look at the top Minecraft modpacks of 2022 so that you too can put their popularity to the test.

All The Mods 8

Minecraft Modpacks of 2022: All the Mods Logo For as long as the series has been around, All the Mods has been a fan-favorite modpack, and in 2022 that did not change! All the Mods 8 brings together countless themes leaving something for everyone to enjoy, and with the latest update, that continues in version 1.19.


RLCraft Logo RLCraft may still be on version 1.12.2, but its quality makes up for its age. Proof of that being it is still resting at the top of the charts well into 2023! Those seeking to play Minecraft on the true hardest difficulty need not go further than this masterwork of modding.

The Pixelmon Modpack

Pixelmon Modpack Logo Making use of the famous Pixelmon Reforged mod, The Pixelmon Modpack remains one of the best ways to experience Pokémon in Minecraft to this date. That includes the Pokémon from Violet and Scarlet, who are being added as this is read!

Better MC

Minecraft 1.19 Better Minecraft Logo Better MC has one simple goal, to expand Minecraft while maintaining the core experience that so many love. Something they have done masterfully, if we do say so ourselves! Now updated for 1.19, there has never been a better time to jump into the vanilla plus modpack that continues to blow fans away.

Vault Hunters

Minecraft Modpacks of 2022: Vault Hunter Logo The Vault Hunters modpack made its debut late into 2022, but its unique take on the Minecraft experience rocketed it up the charts! Delve into the mysterious vault dimension in a custom-tailored RPG experience that is so addictive you may never escape.

Top 5 Minecraft Modpacks of 2022

This year had many fantastic modpacks to pick from, so it was hard only selecting five! Was there a modpack you hoped would make our list? We would love to hear! In either case, we hope 2023 is another great mod-filled year. Until Next Time, BisectHosting =) BisectHosting Minecraft Promotional Image
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