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Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria

The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria Beginner’s Guide

Posted on by justin
As a dwarf, it’s your quest to reclaim Moria, a lost kingdom ravaged by goblins and other creatures of the dark before the Fellowship stopped most of them in the Third Age of Middle-earth. Although some of these dangers remain, it’s now possible to explore and rebuild this realm without having to face the mighty Balrog. So, begin your journey of restoration by reading our The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria Beginner’s Guide.

The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria Beginner’s Guide

The Lord of the Rings Return to Moria Beginner's Guide Fire up the game, and you’ll hear the voice of none other than John Rhys-Davis, also known as Gimli from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. After creating your dwarf and world seed, it’s time to learn the general basics of this Tolkien-inspired crafting survival title in our The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria Beginner’s Guide.

Core Gameplay Mechanics & Game Modes

LotR Return to Moria Game Modes At its core, The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria is a survival crafting title. Players will find themselves exploring the mines of Moria, which have procedurally generated cells. Despite the uniqueness of each generated map, in LotR: Return to Moria, players can experience the game using two primary modes: Campaign and Sandbox. In Campaign Mode, follow the adventure of your dwarf as you progress through the game, starting from the iconic Doors of Durin. Although many of the areas are still procedurally generated, the core narrative dictates the order in which locations appear. As for Sandbox Mode, players can play the Return to Moria as a more free-form adventure. Although the narrative elements are still present, the order and depth of each biome or location are randomized. However, you’ll always begin your journey near the Doors of Durin. Note that the core gameplay loop revolves around doing certain activities regardless of the chosen game mode. This cycle typically involves the following actions as you progress and survive in the mines of Moria:
  • Exploration: Generally happens during the day since Moria is still dangerous after the events that happened in the Third Age.
  • Repair: Encounter broken statues and dwarven mechanisms as you explore, and repairing these structures grants various rewards, including valuable weapon and armor recipes.
  • Resource Gathering: Mine minerals, defeat enemies, and transmute materials to craft items and build structures.
  • Craft Items: Create weapons, armor, and tools by using gathered resources.
  • Build Structures: Remember, you’re reclaiming the dwarven kingdom of Moria, which means building structures and repairing dilapidated establishments are vital to restoring the mines to their former glory.
  • Combat: Goblins, orcs, and other hazards are still present in the mines of Moria, and it’s your job, along with your friends in the same Return to Moria server, to eliminate these threats.
  • Investigation: Uncover the path to move forward by finding clues and piecing routes.


LotR Return to Moria Morale It’s important to always keep an eye on the Morale gauge when playing The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria.  This meter depletes as you delve deeper into the mines, and it has a faster reduction rate at night. If your Morale hits rock bottom (no pun intended), your dwarf receives the Despair debuff. With it active, your character’s health drains periodically. Failure to find a light source with the Despair debuff active can result in death.

Food and Cooking

LotR Return to Moria Cooking Unlike other survival crafting titles that allow you to cook food with a simple campfire, The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria needs players to be near a hearth fire. Also, a meal table must be near the hearth. Assuming that those requirements are present, simply interact with the hearth fire to start cooking. You’ll most likely start with Mushroom Soup, but unlocking additional recipes is possible as you progress.


LotR Return to Moria Mining Mining is at the heart of the dwarf in the LotR universe, and it’s also apparent in Return to Moria. Thankfully, mining materials in Moria is a reasonably straightforward task, as you can use your pickaxe at the right locations.


LotR Return to Moria Crafting Although crafting in The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria is fairly straightforward, some dissimilarities exist when comparing this particular mechanic with other titles. For instance, most of your crafting is generally done at camp using designated workbenches. Although you can still craft while exploring, there are a few items to make. Additionally, players must discover and use unique crafting stations, such as the Great Forge, to craft high-level gear. Consult the Recipe List at the bottom of any crafting interface to know the location where an item can be made. Players can expand their crafting repertoire through exploration and progression. Various activities, including repairing ancient dwarven statues and completing Muznakans, reward recipes.

Base Building

LotR Return to Moria Base Building Moria still has its establishments, statues, and other structures, albeit they’re not in the best shape. That means that restoring these elements and building new ones are essential to progression. It’s safe to say that development and restoration are at the heart of many dwarves, including those in The Lord of the Rings universe. Start by restoring a Hearth, and then you're on your way to creating simple campsites into massive headquarters. Note that each development and restoration attempt requires various materials. So, base building and resource gathering are two mechanics that work together in Return to Moria.


LotR Return to Moria Combat The mines of Moria won’t truly know peace until all the denizens of the dark are removed from the realm. So, protect your new home against different baddies that may bring harm to it. Use various gear, ranging from axes to shields, to ensure the safety of your home, its residents, and its guests.

The Heads-Up Display (HUD)

LotR Return to Moria HUD Mastering the HUD in LotR: Return to Moria is paramount for any dwarf venturing into the depths of this dwarven kingdom. The information displayed on your screen is a real-time source highlighting vital information. Some of the vital details displayed on the HUD are the following:
  • Minimap
  • Depth Indicator
  • Notifications
  • Points of Interest
  • Day and Time
  • Morale Meter
  • Health Bar
  • Hunger Bar
  • Energy Bar
  • Stamina Bar
  • Danger Level
  • Buffs and Debuffs
  • Hotbar
  • Masterwork
  • Equipped Weapon Controls
  • Chat Log

Tutorial Quests & Initial Progression

LotR Return to Moria Gather Supplies LotR: Return to Moria does a good job of letting beginners understand the game's core features and mechanics through the tutorial quests. So, it’s ideal not to skip these missions, especially for newbies to the survival genre. Below are the tutorial quests players should complete, especially in Campaign Mode:

Gathering Supplies & Crafting

LotR Return to Moria Craft Torch Your first step is to gather supplies to craft a Torch. Gather 5x Wood Scraps nearby. Then, press “C” (by default) to craft a Torch. Place the Torch in your hotbar to use it quickly when needed. LotR Return to Moria Craft Simple Pickaxe Hold the Torch and proceed to the hall ahead. Jump through the short ravine and gather the Metal Fragments scattered nearby. The game will prompt you to use 3x Metal Fragments and 4x Wood Scraps to craft a Pickaxe. Then, use the Pickaxe on the nearby wall (the one with the ores sticking out of it).

Satisfy Hunger

LotR Return to Moria Dig using Pickaxe After digging through the dirt wall, the game then tells you to satiate your hunger by eating Mushrooms. So, collect the Mushrooms nearby and consume them. LotR Return to Moria Eat Mushroom Remember, dwarves, like most races in Middle-earth, require some form of sustenance to survive. The dwarven race, in particular, likes to eat a lot. Your dwarf can starve to death. So, don't forget to bring a sufficient amount of food in your backpack as you travel deep into the mines of Moria. LotR Return to Moria Aric Raven of Erebor Also, ensure to honor the fallen dwarves during your travels. Doing so grants helpful blueprints by remembering those who passed. One fallen dwarf can be seen near the campfire. Once you’re done, speak to Aric, Son of Erebor, which is a raven perched on a broken pillar within the immediate area.

Basic Building

LotR Return to Moria Build Quick Platform Next, use the Pickaxe to pass through another dirt wall. This time, you'll wind up near a seemingly impassable trench that leads to higher ground. So, build quick platforms by pressing "V" (by default) to traverse the terrain. Note that each quick platform requires 1x Wood Scraps to build. LotR Return to Moria Doors of Durin Once across, use the Pickaxe again to go through another dirt wall. Doing so allows you to reach the Doors of Durin.

Basic Building

LotR Return to Moria Old Camp Continue forward to hear some orcs arguing about how to dispose of the dwarves in the mines. Assuming that you’ve gathered a sufficient amount of Metal Fragments, Wood Scraps, and Cloth Scraps along the way, open your crafting menu by pressing “C” (by default) to craft an Improvised Axe and Oakenshield. LotR Return to Moria Craft Improvised Axe The Improvised Axe requires 3x Metal Fragments, 4x Wood Scraps, and 2x Cloth Scraps to craft. As for the Oakenshield, it needs 8x Wood Scraps and 2x Cloth Scraps. Although you won’t use the equipment now, it’s best to always be prepared for what might come. LotR Return to Moria Craft Oakenshield For now, continue walking down the path until you meet Aric again. This time, rebuild the old campsite. Start by searching for the nearby Stone Hearth, and use 10x Stone to restore it. LotR Return to Moria Craft Bedroll Next, you'll unlock some building recipes, which include the Bedroll. So, press "B" (by default) to open the building menu and search for the Bedroll under the Essentials & Crafting tab. Use 6x Cloth Scraps to craft that item, and then place and claim it to complete this tutorial quest.

Cooking a Meal

LotR Return to Moria Make Mushroom Stew This part of the tutorial mission is reasonably straightforward. Simply use the restored Stone Hearth to cook a meal, such as a Mushroom Stew. You’ll receive a quest completion notice afterward.

Expand the Camp

LotR Return to Moria Craft Wood Chest Like the previous tutorial quest, this mission is also fairly easy to complete. This time, use 15x Wood Scraps to craft a Wood Chest. Then, place the storage chest in the campsite to complete the quest. Warning: Avoid leaving camp at night and in the dark. If you plan on venturing into the mines at nighttime, ensure that you have a torch equipped. Otherwise, goblins and other dangerous creatures will feast on your flesh and bones if you’re not careful and prepared. Tip: Play with other dwarves in a LotR: Return to Moria dedicated server to improve safety while gathering resources in the mines.

Find and Mine Ore

LotR Return to Moria Craft Iron Ingot Walk to the nearby Iron Ore deposit. Use your Pickaxe to mine Iron Ore from the deposit afterward. Once you have enough Iron Ore, return to your camp and restore the Furnace using 20x Stone. Next, craft 1x Iron Ingot using 3x Iron Ore.

Begin Metalworking

LotR Return to Moria Restore Forge Your next tasks are rebuilding the Smithy and forging an Iron Sword. For the former, gather additional Iron Ore to craft two more Iron Ingots. Then, use 3x Iron Ingot to restore the Smithy next to the Forge. Once rebuilt, use the Forge to craft an Iron Sword, which requires 3x Iron Ingot, 4x Wood Scraps, and 1x Hide Scraps. By now, you should have a steady supply of Iron Ingot and Wood Scraps. As for Hide Scraps, search and kill nearby critters to get it. LotR Return to Moria Craft Iron Sword But be warned, as Goblins might be watching and waiting for you to make a mistake. So, equip your trusty Axe and Shield while you're looking for critters. Return to the Forge after getting the Hide Scraps to craft the Iron Sword.

Rebuild the Dwarven Kingdom

LotR Return to Moria Rebuild With the Iron Sword in hand, you’ve completed The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria Beginner’s Guide. Now, you’re free to explore the mines of Moria and restore the dwarven kingdom. Travel to different points of interest and talk to Aric to trigger quests and progress through the game. Stay safe, dwarf, and may the light of Eärendil guide you in the darkness.
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