
(Estimated Read Time: 15 minutes)
Being a server administrator in The Front grants that player special privileges including powerful effects via admin commands. Admins can access these special commands through an in-game console. Here, we'll cover all the admin commands currently available in The Front.How to Access Admin Commands in The Front

All Admin Commands in The Front
The Front has various admin commands to use. These console commands include the following (separated by different categories):General Admin Commands
- God: Enable God mode, preventing damage
- Fly: Enables flight
- Walk: Cancels Fly and grounds the character
- SloMode [0-1000]: Default is 1 and defines how fast the server runs
- GMAddItems [itemID] [amount] [playerID]: Gives specified item to the player
- AddTargetPlayerExp [playerID] [EXP value]: Gives XP amount to specific player
- GMSpawnNPCByLocation [creatureID] [level] [coordinate x] [coordinate y] [coordinate z]: Spawn an NPC with specified level at the set location
- GMSpawnNPCByPlayerGuid [creatureID] [level] [amount] [distance (in meters)] [playerID]: Does the same as the previous command but the admin specifies the distance instead of the coordinates
- GotoPlayerByAccount [playerID]: Teleports to the specified player’s location
- RelocatePlayerToGM [playerID]: Teleports the specified player to the admin’s location
- DestroyPlayerByGUID [playerID]: Kills the specified player
- GMClearInventory [playerID]: Clears a specified player’s inventory
- UnlockTargetAllRecipe [playerID]: Unlocks all recipes for a player
- UnlockTargetAllTalent [playerID]: Unlocks all Talents
- KickPlayerOff [playerID]: Kicks a player from the server
- BanPlayer [playerID] login: Bans a player from logging back into the server
- PermitPlayer [playerID] login: Unbans a player
- BanPlayer [playerID] chat: Bans a player from using the in game chat
- PermitPlayer [playerID] chat: Permits a player to use the in game chat
- CloseServer: Closes the current server
- SaveWorld: Save server data
- SetTime [time value]: Set world time
- SetWeather [weather ID] [region ID]: Sets the server weather
- hide 1(Enabled)/0 (Disabled): Renders monster, player, NPC, or defensive structure invisible
- SetAttribute 36 (attribute number) [value]: Sets speed
- Ghost: Enables flight and removes character collision
- PerspectiveConstruct 0 (don't display)/1 (display): Displays structure names and structure owner names
- PerspectivePlayer 0 (don't display)/1 (display): Displays player names, making it easier to find players
- goto x y z: Teleports user to the specified coordinates
- ClearAllNPC: Kills all spawned NPCs
- SetPlayerScaleRate [scale]: Changes the size of the character model
- ClearAllPlayersGodMode: Clears all players’ God Mode status on the current server
- ActivateInfiniteStamina 1 (Enabled)/0 (Disabled): Enable/disable infinite stamina
- ActivateIgnoreEnvironment 1(Enabled)/0 (Disabled): Enable/disable environmental immunity
- ActivateInfiniteRecoverHealth 1 (Enabled)/0 (Disabled): Recovers Max HP every second
- KillGuildAll 1: If target player is not on a squad, only they will be affected. If target player is on a squad, the whole squad will be affected. Upon death/destruction, items will be dropped
- KillGuildAll 0: If target player is not on a squad, only they will be affected. If target player is on a squad, the whole squad will be affected. Upon death/destruction, items will not be dropped
- KillRadiusGuildConstruct 1 [radius (in meters)]: If target player is not on a squad, only they will be affected. If target player is on a squad, the whole squad will be affected
- KillRadiusGuildConstruct 0 [radius (in meters)]: If target player is not on a squad, only they will be affected. If target player is on a squad, the whole squad will be affected
- KillRadiusGuildVehicle 1 or 0 [radius (in meters)]: If target player is not on a squad, only they will be affected. If target player is on a squad, the whole squad will be affected
- ClearAttackCityCD [Player ID]: Clears target player's supply cooldown
- SetEnableSuperKill: Enables one-hit kills on creatures, vehicles, and structures
- JoinGuild: Joins selected squad
- SetGuildAdmin 1/0: The player becomes the squad captain, and the original squad captain will be demoted to a member. This function is only for GM operation.
- ForcedChangeGuildName [squad GUID] [new squad name]: Changes the current squad’s name; must pass duplicate name detection.
- JoinGuildByGuid [squad GUID]: Join a specific guild by their squad UID
- KillInteractObject: Kills unit you are facing (any structure, creature, vehicle)
- GMCreatorMode Enable state (1 Enabled, 0 Disabled): Crafting and repairing will not require materials
- Shift+C and Shift+V: Enables use of specific shortcut keys to switch to an overhead perspective of a player, at the same time enabling noclip, flight, and invulnerability
Server Commands
- SetQueueThreshold [amount]: Sets the maximum number of players on the current server
- SetMaxQueueSize [amount]: Has the same effect as the previous admin command
- SetIsCanSelfDamage 0(Disable)/1(Enable): Allows players to damage themselves
- SetIsCanFriendDamage 0 (Disable)/1 (Enable): Allows squadmates to damage each other
- SetCanChat 1 (Allowed) 0 (Not allowed): When disabled, prevents players from sending chat messages in-game
- MailAttchEnable 0 (Not allowed)/1 (Allowed): When disabled, prevents receiving attachments in-game
- SetSaveGameInterval [seconds]: Server archive interval (in seconds)
- GMSetOverlapRatio [multiplier]: Stack limit for each type of item
- GMSetDeathDropMode [parameter]: 0 = No drops, 1 = Drop all, 2 = Drop inventory (does not include equipped or hotkey items)
- SetConstructDisableRot 1 (Disabled) 0 (Enabled): When enabled, structures will decay
- GMSetCanDropItem 0= No drops; 1= All drop: When enabled, creatures and structures will drop items when killed/destroyed
- GMSetCanDiscardItem 0 (cannot discard)/1 (can discard): Set whether players can discard items.
- SetPlayerHealthDyingState 1 (Wounded state is enabled)/0 (Wounded state is disabled): Enables whether the wounded state is triggered when HP falls to 0 or the player immediately dies
- AddGM [Account ID] [GM level]: Enter a 17-digit Steam ID. Use semicolons between each ID. GM level defaults to the highest level (Lv. 25)
- RemoveGM [AccountID]: Removes an admin
- ToggleGMTitleShow 0 (Not displayed)\1 (Displayed): Toggles special admin icon.
- GMSetDiscardBoxLifeSpan [time (in seconds)] (Default -1 to use default settings): Items discarded will disappear after this amount of time
- GMSetDeathInventoryLifeSpan [time (in seconds)] (Default -1 to use default settings): Items dropped on death will disappear after this amount of time
- SetAttackCityCdRatio: Multiplies the cooldown time between supply deliveries
- SetGMRebirthBaseCD [time (in seconds)]: Basic revival cooldown duration
- SetGMRebirthExtraCD [time (in seconds)]: Amount by which revival cooldown increases after multiple deaths
- SetGMPenaltiesMaxNum [times]: Death penalty multiplier
- SetGMPenaltiesCD [time (in seconds)]: Time after which stacked revival cooldowns are reset
- OpenAllHouseFlag 0 (Disabled)/1 (Enabled): Displays the location of other players' Beacons on the map
Character Survival Commands
- SetPlayerHotDefAddRate [multiplier]: Multiplies character Heat RES.
- SetPlayerIceDefAddRate [multiplier]: Multiplies character Cold RES.
- SetFriendDisplayDistance [distance (in meters)]: Max distance at which you can see a squadmate's name (in meters)
- SetEnemyDisplayDistance [distance (in meters)]: Max distance at which you can see a non-squadmate's name (in meters)
- SetPlayerDeathAvatarItemDurableRate [multiplier]: On death, the Durability of equipped items will fall by max Durability times this amount (does not affect drops)
- SetPlayerDeatShortcutItemDurableRate [multiplier]: On death, the Durability of hotbar items will fall by max Durability times this amount (does not affect drops)
- GMSetCraftTimeRate [multiplier]: Multiplies item crafting/repair time.
- SetPlayerAddExpRate [multiplier]: Multiplies all XP earned.
- SetPlayerKillAddExpRate [multiplier]: Multiplies XP earned from killing monsters
- SetPlayerFarmAddExpRate [multiplier]: Multiplies XP earned from collecting resources
- SetPlayerCraftAddExpRate [multiplier]: Multiplies XP earned from crafting items
- SetMoveSpeedRate [multiplier]: Multiplies movement speed
- SetJumpHeightRate [multiplier]: Multiplies jump height
- SetPlayerLandedDamageRate [multiplier]: Multiplies damage taken from falls.
- SetPlayerMaxHealthRate [multiplier]: Multiplies max HP.
- SetLifeRecoverRate [multiplier]: HP recovery will be multiplied by this value.
- SetPlayerMaxStaminaRate [multiplier]: Multiplies max stamina.
- SetStaminaRecoverRate [multiplier]: Stamina recovery will be multiplied by this value.
- SetStaminaConsumeRatio [multiplier]: Multiplies stamina consumption speed.
- SetPlayerMaxHungerRate [multiplier]: Max Fullness will be multiplied by this value.
- GMSetHungerDecRate [multiplier]: Multiplies Fullness consumption speed.
- GMSetBodyHungerAddRate [multiplier]: Multiplies the amount of Fullness recovered by eating.
- SetBodyWaterMaximumRate [multiplier]: Max Hydration will be multiplied by this value.
- GMSetWaterDecRate [multiplier]: Multiplies Hydration consumption speed.
- GMSetBodyWaterAddRate [multiplier]: Multiplies the amount of Hydration recovered by drinking.
- SetBreathRecoverRate [multiplier]: Multiplies max Oxygen.
- SetBreathRecoverRate [multiplier]: Max Oxygen will be multiplied by this value.
- SetPlayerBreathCostRate [multiplier]: Multiplies Oxygen consumption speed.
- GMSetPlayerHealthRate [multiplier]: Multiplies amount of HP recovered from meds.
- GMSetFoodDragDurationRate [multiplier]: Multiplies the duration of the effect of food and meds.
Vehicle Commands
- GMVehiclePlayerDamageRatio=0: Multiplies the amount of damage vehicles deal to players. min 0,max100
- GMVehiclePlayerDamageRatio=0: Multiplies the amount of resources collected by vehicles. min 0,max100
- GMVehicleDamageRate: Multiplies the amount of resources collected by vehicles.
NPC Commands
- SetNpcRespawnRate [multiplier]: Multiplies time before dead wild NPCs can respawn.
- SetAnimalBodyStayTime [time (in seconds)]: Animal NPC corpses will disappear after this amount of time (in seconds)
- SetHumanBodyStayTime [time (in seconds)]: Human NPC corpses will disappear after this amount of time (in seconds)
- GMSetNPCLootableItemRate [multiplier]: Multiplies the number of items dropped by a wild NPC on death.
- SetWildNPCDamageRate [multiplier]: Multiplies the damage dealt by wild NPCs.
- SetWildNPCHealthRate [multiplier]: Multiplies the HP of wild NPCs.
- SetWildNPCSpeedRate [multiplier]: Multiplies the movement speed of wild NPCs.
- SetCityNPCLevelRate [multiplier]: Multiplies the level of raid NPCs, making them more powerful.
- SetCityNPCDamageRate [multiplier]: Multiplies the damage dealt by raid NPCs.
- SetCityNPCHealthRate [multiplier]: Multiplies the HP of raid NPCs.
- SetCityNPCSpeedRate [multiplier]: Multiplies the movement speed of raid NPCs.
- SetCityNPCNumRate [multiplier]: Multiplies the total amount of raid NPCs summoned each round.
- SetNpcDisplayDistance [distance]: Max distance at which you can see an NPC's name (in meters)
- GMSetInventoryGainRate [multiplier]: Multiplies the amount of resources received upon collection.
- GMSetCityAtkNPCLootItemRate [multiplier]: Multiplies the number of items dropped by a raid NPC on death.
Weapon Commands
- SetMeleeNpcDamageRatio [multiplier]: Multiplies melee weapon damage that characters deal to NPCs.
- SetRangedNpcDamageRatio [multiplier]: Multiplies ranged weapon damage that characters deal to NPCs.
- SetMeleePlayerDamageRatio [multiplier]: Multiplies melee weapon damage that characters deal to players.
- SetRangedPlayerDamageRatio [multiplier]: Multiplies ranged weapon damage that characters deal to players.
- SetMeleeConstructDamageRatio [multiplier]: Multiplies melee weapon damage that characters deal to structures.
- GMSetToolDamageRate [multiplier]: Multiplies damage that tools deal to resources.
- GMSetDurabilityCostRate [multiplier]: Multiplies durability lost when using tools, weapons, and armor.
Item Collection and Production Commands
- GMSetMaxRetrieveProductsRate [max multiplier] (Default -1 means no upper limit is determined): Controls max gains from collection. This value must be bigger than other collection rates.
- GMSetTreeGainRate [multiplier]: Multiplies amount of wood collected.
- GMSetBushGainRate [multiplier]: Multiplies amount of plants collected.
- GMSetOreGainRate [multiplier]: Multiplies the amount of ore collected.
- GMSetCropReapRate [multiplier]: Multiplies amount of crops collected.
- GMSetFleshGainRate [multiplier]: Multiplies amount of items collected from corpses.
- GMSetCropGrowRate [multiplier]: Multiplies growth speed of planted crops.
Building Defense Commands
- SetPlayerMaxHouseFlagNumber: Max number of Beacons each player can build.
- SetGJConstructMaxNumRatio [multiplier]: Max number of work-type structures each player can build will be multiplied by this value.
- SetHFTrapMaxNum [amount]: Max number of traps that can be within Beacon coverage.
- SetHFTurretMaxNum [amount]: Max number of turrets that can be within Beacon coverage.
- SetConstructDefenseRatio [ratio]: Damage taken is multiplied by this value.
- SetTrapDefenseRatio [ratio]: Damage taken is multiplied by this value.
- SetTrapDamageRatio [multiplier]: Multiplies damage dealt by traps.
- SetTurretDamageRatio [multiplier]: Multiplies damage dealt by turrets.
- SetConstructMaxHealthRatio [multiplier]: Multiplies the max Durability of structures.
- SetConstructReturnHPRatio [multiplier]: Multiplies the Durability recovery speed of placed structures.
- SetHouseFlagRepairHealthRatio [multiplier]: Multiplies the Durability recovery speed of structures within auto-repair range of a Beacon.
- GMSetTTC_Oil_Rate [multiplier]: Multiplies resources collected from Oil Wells.
- GMSetWaterCollector_Rate [multiplier]: Multiplies resources collected from Dew Collectors.
- GMSetTTC_Ore_Rate [multiplier]: Multiplies resources collected from Mines.
- GMSetTTC_Fish_Rate [multiplier]: Multiplies resources collected from Fish Baskets.
- SetCHFDamagedRateByPlayer [ratio]: Damage that beacons take from player firearms is multiplied by this value.
- SetCHFDamagedRateByVehicle [ratio]: Damage that beacons take from player vehicles is multiplied by this value.
- SetCHFDamagedRateByNpc [ratio]: Damage that beacons take from NPCs is multiplied by this value.
- SetHouseFlagExcitantTime [number]: Sets the amount of time that beacons can be attacked. Values must be between 0 and 24.
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