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The Crafting Update Rust Patch Notes: Pies, Bee Bombs, & Premium Servers

Posted on by amber
The Rust Crafting update has arrived, bringing new content to change up how you play and survive. However, in Rust tradition, for every new convenience, there are just as many new ways to die. So, today, we explore The Crafting Update Rust Patch Notes alongside highlights such as pies, bee bombs, and new premium servers designed to keep cheaters outside.

The Crafting Update Overview
True to its name, The Crafting Update adds plenty of new features for crafting, including The Engineering Workbench that expands upon automation, Hoppers that automatically suck up items in their surroundings, and armor slots on player-crafted armor that give them bonuses over those found in the wild. However, the biggest changes of this update were to none other than cooking and farming. Chickens can now be raised in coops, bees can be raised for honey and bee bombs, and the new Cooking Workbench adds plenty of stat-boosting recipes, such as pies and bread. Also, be ready to deal with rotting food and meat, assuming you don’t make a fridge.

Cooking Workbench

The Crafting Update Rust Patch Notes: Cooking Workbench Screenshot The Cooking Workbench brings with it plenty of recipes, new and old, complete with models for raw and cooked variants that change in real-time. Meat and cooked meat will now expire without a fridge, more complex foods such as pies can be cooked for stat bonus, and teas can be mixed to help deal with warm and cold temperatures. Mixing Table recipes can also be crafted on a Cooking Workbench.

Armor Slots & Item Ownership

The Crafting Update Rust Patch Notes: Armor on Table Screenshot Player-crafted armor now comes with exclusive bonuses in the form of armor slots. The number of slots will vary with items such as the Crafting Quality Potions increasing the likelihood of getting more, while the slots themselves can be filled with armor inserts that provide a variety of bonuses. Additionally, unstackable items such as weapons now note who originally crafted them no matter the number of times it passes hands. This small change allows for each item to have a story of its own, alongside bragging rights when it is a weapon from a nemesis or proof of who stole from the friend who forgot to close their door.

Farms, Coops, & Stinging Bees

Rust Chicken Coop Screenshot Farming saw many new features with this update, including wheat crops, triangle planters, chicken coops, and craftable bee hives. The triangle planters allow for space to be better optimized within bases, while chicken coops allow players to collect eggs from wild chickens to raise them domestically. Wild bees and their hives can now also be found on oak trees and harvested with an axe. Doing so will cause the bees to swarm, so be prepared to act with a torch if not wearing a hazmat suit. The gathered honeycomb can be turned into honey with a small chance of also providing a Beehive Nucleus. This item allows for crafted bee hives to be set up and maintained at home. Bee hives serve as a source of honey for many new crating recipes and also as a source of bees for bee bombs.

Automation Updates

Rust Hopper Screenshot A crafting update wouldn’t be complete without new forms of automation, and Facepunch did not slack. The new Engineering Workbench provides a dedicated tech tree for water, electricity, and industrial systems, with more advanced components unlocked through research as the game progresses. Additionally, the Hopper has been added. This nifty contraption automatically sucks up nearby items and places them into the chest it is attached to. A neat note is that this includes corpses as well, but be prepared for quite the gory sight as it grinds the bodies into parts for your convenience. Hoppers are also compatible with industrial pipes, adding further to the automated possibilities of this update.

Premium Servers

Rust Premium Server Infographic Finally, there is the new server feature that has been dubbed Premium Servers. Thankfully, this is just a new server setting to help prevent cheaters that sounds a bit scarier than it actually is. Server owners that enable the setting and turn their server into a Premium Server will gain a new layer of security that prevents players who do not have at least $15 USD worth of Rust items within their inventory from joining. Alongside those security features, Premium Servers will also be given priority listing in the Rust server menu. Facepunch has noted that this change is being watched closely on their end, and updates will be made as necessary.

The Crafting Update Rust Patch Notes

  • Cooking Workbench
  • Chicken Coop
  • Bees
  • Beehives
  • Engineering Workbench
  • Triangle Planters (with Railroad version)
  • 8 new cookable Pies
  • Bread
  • 3 new cosmetic flowers
  • Plant Pot
  • Honey
  • New crop - Wheat
  • New Harvesting Tea
  • New Cooling and Warming Teas
  • Armour Slots + 3 craftable inserts
  • Hopper
  • Food Spoiling
  • New meat models
  • Item Ownership
  • Overhauled many of the explosions in the game.
  • Chicken model improvement and new animations
  • Overhauled Graphics settings
  • Fridge now requires power
  • Horses now gain a speed boost after consuming an apple for 1 minute
  • Horses gain a digestion boost (poop more) after consuming bread for 2 minutes
  • Horses now turn faster, added a tip to explain that holding CTRL allows faster turns
  • Horses now accelerate to max speed faster while holding Shift
  • Can now see plant genetics and beehive nucleus grades on vendor ui
  • Reduced cases where a horse can ragdoll (via horse being airborne or taking damage)
  • Max drone range increased to 600m, increased HP from 100 > 200
  • Railroad planters are now skins of the normal planters, compatible with Spray Can
  • Can no longer toggle Search Lights on and off rapidly
  • The limit flashing option will now disable Strobe Lights
  • Improved server performance when toggling RF Broadcasters and RF Receivers on/off in large bases
  • Improved server and client performance of Auto Turrets, Flame Turrets and Shotgun Traps
  • Improved server performance of all remotely controlled entities (drones, CCTV cameras)
  • Improved server and client performance of all electrical IO entities
  • Improved client performance when holding a wire tool in large bases
  • Improved general physics query performance by ignoring terrain holes faster
  • Improved general physics performance of Triggers (notable with lots of overlapping Auto Turrets) - this will be rolled out in stages over the patch
  • Fixed a performance issue when using a flamethrower around Launch Site
  • Optimised Smoke Grenades and their effect on player fog overlay
  • Massively improved DDraw performance
  • UI Scale slider now applies new scale when the mouse is released
  • Hidden items no longer appear in the F1 menu, can restore old behaviour with ‘Admin.show_hidden_items’ convar
  • Console command history now persists between sessions
  • Added an optional index parameter to ‘consoletoggle‘ to open a specific F1 menu tab
  • New food cache, medieval door and berry bush modding prefabs
  • Removed ‘espcanvas.DisplayDistanceMultiplier’ convar
  • Improved behaviour of parented players on Tugboats as they sink
  • Can now hide the plant genetic display when looking at plants
  • Last selected colour now persists when exiting and re-entering the painting UI
  • Improved time precision of the electric Timer Switch
  • Improved font fallback system, fixes some garbled characters in some languages (Japanese particularly)
  • Dropped Apples won't roll as much when dropped on the ground
  • Reduced altitude of train tunnels, resulting in shorter elevator / staircase / rail distances when transitioning from above ground to below ground
  • Server Profiler Memory Tracking
  • Added a radial option to toggle the display of the Growable UI
  • Copy Paste now saves pastes on the client allowing you to easily copy paste across servers
  • Added command 'killplayerinview': kill the player you're looking at (works in safe zones as well)
  • Added command 'killallplayersradius': kill all players within the given radius
  • 'ent kill' command now ignores gibs
  • Fixed lag caused by new Steam friends integration when player has lots of friends
  • Fixed windmill using the height of the terrain underneath it when calculating power even if deployed on an iceberg or rock
  • Fixed horses levitating after ragdolling
  • Fixed horses ragdolling multiple times from a single impact
  • Fixed Battering Ram taking collision damage from very small collisions
  • Fixed being able to deploy siege weapons under train carriages
  • Fixed an exploit allowing players to bypass Launch Site puzzle with some vehicles
  • Fixed broken shields not being repairable
  • Fixed trains not destroying barriers
  • Fixed a case where shooting at a player after they were ragdolled could result in invalids
  • Fixed mini crossbow iron sight not being perfectly centered
  • Fixed player being stuck moving slowly if they were pulling a siege weapon while the server restarted
  • Fixed items that are banned from a server due to game mode (Primitive) appearing in Rust+ shops
  • Fixed tea effects not expiring if they were active during a server restart
  • Fixed Door Controller and Industrial Conveyor side inputs adding active usage to batteries
  • Fixed Siren Light culling too early
  • Fixed horse Dung culling too early
  • Fixed culled lights occasionally flickering on and off at a distance
  • Fixed Electric Heater lights staying on when unpowered
  • Fixed camera and player spinning when entering/exiting a parenting volume in demos
  • Fixed camera error in third person in demos
  • Fixed edge case error in Rock Paper Scissors if a player cancels at the same time as another player joins
  • ‘Takehiresscreenshot’ command now works if TSSAA is active
  • Fixed incorrect green laser light translation key
  • Fixed horse heads rotating strangely after alt tabbing/limiting frame rate
  • Fixed physics issue with horses attached to siege weapons
  • Fixed viewmodel error when previewing a weapon in the Workshop submit scene
  • Fixed ‘ClearInventory’ and ‘RefillVitals’ commands not working properly when bound to a key
  • Fixed getting messages from users who share Steam groups but are not friends appearing in-game
  • Fixed demo button appearing in the Main menu if the player has no demos locally
  • Fixed teammates getting horse control tips if a team member mounts a horse
  • Fixed RF receiver visually appearing activated when it wasn’t
  • Moved the RF broadcaster reserved frequency error to a localized toast
  • Fixed incorrect description of Set Target option of IO Counter
  • Grenades now show their throw animation when first person spectating
  • Resolved ‘Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh’ and endless recursion AI errors
  • Fixed wolves sometimes appearing as sliding when they come into range
  • Fixed memory leak in RCON and Rust+ server websocket system
  • Fixed ballista sometimes not mountable on uneven terrain
  • Fixed kickall command using the second argument instead of the first for the kick reason
  • Fixed some issues with the Arabic font causing some texts to disappear
  • Fixed bullet impact effects scale
  • Fixed an IO wires parenting issue with garage doors, causing them to point towards the world origin
  • Fixed many item icons appearing pixelated when playing at high resolutions
  • Fixed junkpiles despawning earlier than expected when loot is taken
  • Fixed trains not colliding with barricades
  • Fixed F1 console not showing if a command was clientside or serverside
  • Fixed signs not saving last color when entering paint mode
  • Fixed camper bed map icon not disappearing right away when unclaimed
  • Fixed siege weapons floating at terrain holes
  • Fixed another issue causing inflated vending stats
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