All Terraria Potions, Effects, And Recipes
Recovery Potions

Potion Name |
Effect | Where To Buy | Crafting Recipe |
Where To Craft |
Lesser Healing Potion | Restores 50 health | Merchant | Mushroom 2 Gel 2 Bottles | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Healing Potion | Restores 100 health | N/A | 2 Lesser Healing Potions Glowing Mushroom | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Greater Healing Potion | Restores 150 health | N/A | 3 Bottled Water 3 Pixie Dust Crystal Shard | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Super Healing Potion | Restores 200 health | N/A | 4 Greater Healing Potion Nebula Fragment Solar Fragment Stardust Fragment Vortex Fragment | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Lesser Mana Potion | Restores 50 mana | Merchant | N/A | N/A |
Mana Potion | Restores 100 mana | 2 Lesser Mana Potion Glowing Mushroom Note: Can also appear in pots in Hardmode | Alchemy Table Placed bottle | |
Greater Mana Potion | Restores 200 mana | Wizard | N/A | N/A |
Super Mana Potion | Restores 300 mana | N/A | 15 Greater Mana Potions 3 Crystal Shards Fallen Star Unicorn Horn | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Lesser Restoration Potion | Restores 50 health and 50 mana | N/A | Lesser Healing Potion Lesser Mana Potion | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Restoration Potion | Restores 90 health and 80 mana | N/A | Bottle Mushroom Pink Gel | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Strange Brew | Restores 80 health and 400 mana | Skeleton Merchant | N/A | N/A |
Mushroom |
Restores 15 health (Has a cooldown of 30 seconds) |
N/A | Note: Can find growing in grass naturally | N/A |
Bottled Honey | Restores 80 health | N/A | Bottle | Honey |
Bottled Water | Restores 20 health | N/A | Bottle | Water or sink |
Eggnog | Restores 80 health | N/A | Note: Obtainable from Presents | N/A |
Honeyfin | Restores 120 health | N/A | Note: Obtainable by fishing in Honey | N/A |
Horn o’ plenty | Restores 120 health and has unlimited uses | N/A | Noted: Obtainable by beating Turkor The Ungrateful | N/A |
Buff Potions in Terraria

Potion Name |
Effect | Where To Buy | Crafting Recipe |
Where To Craft |
Ammo Reservation Potion |
20% chance for the player not to consume ammo upon use Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Double Cod Moonglow | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Archery Potion |
20% chance to increase arrow speed and damage Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Daybloom Lens | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Battle Potion |
Increase enemy spawn rate Lasts for 7 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Deathweed Vertebra or Rotten Chunk | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Biome Sight Potion |
Shows the location of infected blocks Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water 5 Grass Seeds Blinkroot Fireblossom Moonglow | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Builder Potion |
Increase block placing range and speed Lasts for 45 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Blinkroot Moonglow Shiverthorn | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Calming Potion |
Decreases enemy spawn rate Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Damselfish Daybloom | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Crate Potion |
Increases crate drop rate during fishing Lasts for 3 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Amber Deathweed Moonglow | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Dangersense Potion |
Allows the player to see nearby danger sources Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water 10 Cobwebs Shiverthorn | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Endurance Potion |
10% reduction from received damage Lasts for 4 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Blinkroot Armored Cavefish | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Featherfall Potion |
Slows fall speed Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Blinkroot Daybloom Feather | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Fishing Potion |
Enhances Fishing Power Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Waterleaf Crispy Honey Block | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Flipper Potion |
Increases movement speed while traversing in liquids Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Shiverthorn Waterleaf | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Gills Potion |
Gains the ability to breathe underwater Lasts for 4 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Coral Waterleaf | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Gravitation Potion |
Allows the player to control gravity Lasts for 3 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Blinkroot Deathweed Fireblossom Feather | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Greater Lock Potion |
Enhances luck temporarily Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Waterleaf Ladybug Pink Pearl | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Heartreach Potion |
Increases gather range of picking up life hearts Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Crimson Tigerfish Daybloom | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Hunter Potion |
Reveals the location of nearby enemies Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Blinkroot Daybloom Shark Fin | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Inferno Potion |
Ignite nearby enemies Lasts 4 minutes |
Bottled Water 2 Obsidifish Flarefin Koi | Alchemy Table Placed bottle | |
Invisibility Potion |
Grants invisibility Reduces hostile mob spawn rate Lasts for 3 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Blinkroot Moonglow | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Ironskin Potion |
+8 defense Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Darbloom Iron or Lead Ore | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Lesser Luck Potion |
Enhances luck temporarily Lasts for 3 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Ladybug Waterleaf White Pearl | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Lifeforce Potion |
Increases maximum life by 20% Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Moonglow Shiverthorn Waterleaf Prismite Fish | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Love Potion |
Makes an NPC or another player fall in love with the user Lasts for 30 seconds |
N/A | Bottled Water Shiverthorn Princess Fish | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Luck Potion |
Enhances luck temporarily Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Ladybug Waterleaf Black Pearl | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Magic Power Potion |
Increases user’s magic damage by 20% Lasts for 4 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Deathweed Moonglow Fallen Star | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Mana Regeneration Potion |
Increases mana regeneration rate Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Daybloom Moonglow Fallen Star | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Mining Potion |
Increases mining speed by 25% Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Blinkroot Antlion Mandible | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Night Owl Potion |
Increases night vision Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Blinkroot Daybloom | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Obsidian Skin Potion |
Grants the user immunity to damage from lava Lasts for 6 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Fireblossom Obsidian Waterleaf | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Rage Potion |
Increases critical hit chance by 10% Lasts for 4 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Deathweed Hemopiranha | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Regeneration Potion |
Grants the user steady life regeneration Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Daybloom Mushroom | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Shine Potion |
Causes the user to emit a light aura Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Daybloom Glowing Mushroom | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Sonar Potion |
Reveals the fish hooked on the fishing pole Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Coral Water Leaf | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Spelunker Potion |
Reveals the locations of nearby ores or treasures Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Blinkroot Moonglow Gold or Platinum Ore | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Stink Potion |
Make an NPC or another player smell bad Lasts for 30 seconds |
N/A | Bottled Water Deathweed Stinkfish | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Summoning Potion |
Grants the user to summon an additional minion Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Moonglow Variegated Lardfish | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Swiftness Potion |
Increases the user’s movement speed by 25% Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Blinkroot Cactus | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Thorns Potion |
Enemies take damage when they hit the user Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Deathweed Cactus Stinger Worm Tooth | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Titan Potion |
Increases the user’s knockback power Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Bone Deathweed Shiverthorn | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Warmth Potion |
Increases the user’s cold resistance Lasts for 15 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Shiverthorn Frost Minnow | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Water Walking Potion |
Grants the user the ability to walk on water Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Waterleaf Shark Fin | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Wrath Potion |
Increases the user’s damage output by 10% Lasts for 4 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water Deathweed Ebonkoi | Alchemy Table Placed bottle |
Wiesnbräu |
Deal and receive half damage Lasts for 30 seconds |
Merchant during Oktoberfest | N/A | N/A |
Food And Drink Items in Terraria

- Well Fed: Appears as an icon with a chicken leg and 1 star. Grants the user with +2 defense, +2% critical hit chance, +5% melee and mining speed, +5% damage, +0.5 knockback, and +20% movement speed.
- Plenty Satisfied: Appears as a buff icon with a crab and 2 stars. Grants the user +3 defense, +3% critical hit chance, +7.5% melee speed, +10% mining speed, +7.5% damage, +0.75 knockback, and +30% movement speed.
- Exquisitely Stuffed: Appears as a buff icon with a whole chicken and 3 stars. Grants the user 42 defense, +4% critical hit chance, +10% melee speed, +15% mining speed, +10% damage, +1 knockback, and +40% movement speed
Craftable Food And Drink Items
Unlike the uncraftable food and drink items, these can come with recipes as complex as any of the potions in Terraria.
Potion Name |
Effect | Where To Buy | Crafting Recipe |
Where To Craft |
Apple Juice |
Well Fed Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Apple Bottle | Campfire |
Bloody Moscato |
Well Fed Lasts for 20 minutes |
N/A | Rambutan Blood Orange Bottle | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Bowl of Soup |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 8 minutes Or Well Fed Lasts for 10 minutes Note: Effect and duration depend on the platform |
N/A | Goldfish Mushroom Or Bowl Goldfish Mushroom Note: Crafting ingredients depend on the platform | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Bunny Stew |
Well Fed Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Bunny | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Cooked Fish |
Well Fed Lasts for 3 or 8 minutes |
N/A | Atlantic Cod, Bass, Trout, Salmon, Tuna, or Red Snapper | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Cooked Shrimp |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 10 minutes Or Well Fed Lasts for 3 minutes Note: Effect and duration depend on the platform |
N/A | Shrimp | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Escargot |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Snail | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Froggle Bunwich |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 6 minutes |
N/A | 2 Frogs | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Frozen Banana Daiquiri |
Well Fed Lasts for 15 minutes |
N/A | Banana Bottle Snow Block | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Fruit Juice |
Well Fed Lasts for 15 minutes |
N/A | 2 of any fruit Bottle | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Fruit Salad |
Well Fed Lasts for 25 minutes |
N/A | 3 of any fruit Bottle | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Golden Delight |
Exquisitely Stuffed Lasts for 48 minutes |
N/A | 1 of any golden critter | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Grape Juice |
Exquisitely Stuffed Lasts for 16 minutes |
N/A | 2 Grapes Bottle | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Grilled Squirrel |
Well Fed Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Squirrel or Red Squirrel | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Grub Soup |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 14 minutes |
N/A | Buggy Grubby Sluggy | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Lemonade |
Well Fed Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Lemon Bottle | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Lobster Tail |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Rock Lobster | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Monster Lasagna |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | 8 Rotten Chunks 8 Vertebrae | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Peach Sangria |
Well Fed Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Peach Bottle | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Piña Colada |
Well Fed Lasts for 20 minutes |
N/A | Coconut Pineapple Bottle | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Prismatic Punch |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 20 minutes |
N/A | Dragon Fruit Star Fruit Bottle | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Roasted Bird |
Well Fed Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Bird, Blue Jay, Cardinal, Penguin, or Seagull | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Roasted Duck |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Duck, Grebe, or Mallard Duck | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Sauteed Frog Legs |
Well Fed Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Frog | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Seafood Dinner |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 14 minutes |
N/A | 2 Armored Cavefish, Chaos Fish, Crimson Tigerfish, Damselfish, Double Cod, Ebonkoi, Flarefin Koi, Frost Minnow, Hemopiranha, Honeyfin, Neon Tetra, Obsidifish, Princess Fish, Prismite, Specular Fish, Stinkfish, or Variegated Lardfish | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Smoothie of Darkness |
Well Fed Lasts for 20 minutes |
N/A | Blackcurrant Elderberry Bottle | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Tropical Smoothie |
Well Fed Lasts for 20 minutes |
N/A | Mango Pineapple Bottle | Cooking Pot Cauldron |
Pumpkin Pie |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 8 minutes Or Well Fed Lasts for 15 minutes Note: Effect and duration depend on the platform |
N/A | 10 Pumpkins | Furnace |
Teacup |
Well Fed Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Bottled Water | Teacup |
Sashimi |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 8 minutes Or Well Fed Lasts for 3 minutes Note: Effect and duration depend on the platform |
N/A | Flounder, Red Snapper, Salmon, or Tuna | Work Bench |
Non-Craftable Food And Drink Items
While among the weakest of the potions in Terraria, non-craftable food can be an important lifeline in a pinch.
Potion Name |
Effect | Where To Buy |
Drops From |
Apple |
Well Fed Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Shaking Forest trees |
Apricot |
Well Fed Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Shaking Forest trees |
Banana |
Well Fed Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Shaking Palm trees in the Ocean biome |
Blackcurrant |
Well Fed Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Shaking Corrupt and Corrupt Palm trees |
Blood Orange |
Well Fed Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Shaking Crimson and Crimson Palm trees |
Cherry |
Well Fed Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Shaking Boreal trees |
Coconut |
Well Fed Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Shaking Palm trees in the Ocean biome |
Dragon Fruit |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Shaking Hallowed and Hallowed Palm trees |
Elderberry |
Well Fed Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Shaking Corrupt and Corrupt Palm trees |
Grapefruit |
Well Fed Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Shaking Forest trees |
Lemon |
Well Fed Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Shaking Forest trees |
Mango |
Well Fed Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Shaking Jungle trees |
Peach |
Well Fed Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Shaking Forest trees |
Pineapple |
Well Fed Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Shaking Jungle trees |
Plum |
Well Fed Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Shaking Boreal trees |
Pomegranate |
Well Fed Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Shaking Ash trees |
Rambutan |
Well Fed Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Shaking Crimson and Crimson Palm trees |
Star Fruit |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Shaking Hallowed and Hallowed Palm trees |
Spicy Pepper |
Well Fed Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Shaking Ash trees |
Apple Pie |
Exquisitely Stuffed Lasts for 16 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping after beating Chaos Elementals, Illuminant Bats, and Illuminant Slimes |
Bacon |
Exquisitely Stuffed Lasts for 24 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping after beating Pigrons and Pigronata |
Banana Split |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping after beating Antlion, Antlion Chargers, Antlion Swarmers, Giant Antlion Chargers, and Giant Antlion Swarmers |
BBQ Ribs |
Exquisitely Stuffed Lasts for 24 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping after beating Skeleton Commando, Skeleton Sniper, and Tactical Skeletons A better chance of receiving this item from Paladins |
Burger |
Exquisitely Stuffed Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping after beating Crimera and Eaters of Souls |
Carton of Milk |
Well Fed Lasts for 20 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping after beating Skeleton variants |
Chicken Nugget |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 14 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping from Harpies |
Chocolate Chip Cookie |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 20 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping from Gastropods |
Coffee |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping from Man Eaters, Snatchers, and Angry Tappers A better chance of receiving this item from Bone Lee |
Cream Soda |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 16 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping after beating Cursed and Giant Cursed Skulls |
Fried Egg |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 14 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping from Black Recluses, Sand Poachers, and Wall Creepers |
Fries |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 10 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping from Flying Fish |
Grapes |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 16 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping from Derplings and Giant Flying Foxes |
Hotdog |
Exquisitely Stuffed Lasts for 12 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping from Bone Serpents and Red Devils |
Ice Cream |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 14 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping from Ice Bats, Ice Slimes, and Spiked Ice Slimes |
Milkshake |
Exquisitely Stuffed Lasts for 16 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping from Icy Mermen and Ice Tortoises |
Nachos |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 16 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping from Angry Tumblers and all Sand Shark variants |
Pizza |
Exquisitely Stuffed Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping from Hoplites and Medusas |
Potato Chips |
Well Fed Lasts for 25 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping from Crawdads, Salamanders, and Giant Shellys |
Shrimp Po’ Boy |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 18 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping from Crabs and Sharks |
Shucked Oyster |
Well Fed Lasts for 5 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of obtaining from a fished Oyster |
Spaghetti |
Exquisitely Stuffed Lasts for 8 minutes |
N/A | Low chance of dropping from Granite Golems and Granite Elementals |
Steak |
Exquisitely Stuffed Lasts for 16 minutes |
N/A | Chance to drop from Undead Miners Low chance of dropping from The Possessed |
Christmas Pudding |
Exquisitely Stuffed Lasts for 4 minutes Or Well Fed Lasts for 15 minutes Note: Effect and duration depend on the platform |
N/A | Low chance of obtaining from Presents |
Gingerbread Cookie |
Exquisitely Stuffed Lasts for 4 minutes Or Well Fed Lasts for 15 minutes Note: Effect and duration depend on the platform |
N/A | Low chance of obtaining from Presents |
Sugar Cookie |
Exquisitely Stuffed Lasts for 4 minutes Or Well Fed Lasts for 15 minutes Note: Effect and duration depend on the platform |
N/A | Low chance of obtaining from Presents |
Marshmallow |
Well Fed Lasts for 1 minute |
Bought from Merchant in the Snow biome | N/A |
Pad Thai |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 8 minutes Or Well Fed Lasts for 4 minutes Note: Effect and duration depend on the platform |
Can buy from the Traveling Merchant if it’s available | N/A |
Pho |
Plenty Satisfied Lasts for 10 minutes Or Well Fed Lasts for 7 minutes Note: Effect and duration depend on the platform |
Can buy from the Traveling Merchant if it’s available | N/A |
Miscellaneous Potions in Terraria

Potion Name |
Effect | Crafting Recipe |
Where To Craft |
Gender Change Potion |
Change the character’s gender |
Bottled Water Blinkroot Daybloom Deathweed Fireblossom Moonglow Shiverthorn Waterleaf | Alchemy Table Placed Bottle |
Potion of Return |
Teleports the user to the spawn point The Portal remains open to allow the user to return to the previous area |
Recall Potion Obsidifish | Alchemy Table Placed Bottle |
Recall Potion |
Teleports the user to the spawn point but the portal disappears immediately upon use |
Bottled Water Daybloom Specular Fish | Alchemy Table Placed Bottle |
Teleportation Potion |
Teleports the user to a random place in the world |
Bottled Water Blinkroot Fireblossom Chaos Fish | Alchemy Table Placed Bottle |
Wormhole Potion |
Teleports the user to the location of another player in the same world |
Bottled Water Blinkroot Specular Fish | Alchemy Table Placed Bottle |
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