Terraria Forbidden Fragment Farming Guide: Best Locations, Mobs, & All Uses
Posted on by justin
(Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes)
The Forbidden Fragment in Terraria is required to craft endgame items, including the Forbidden Armor, an ideal armor set for magic and summoner builds. However, farming this material can be tricky if you don’t know where to look. Here, we'll cover which mobs drop Forbidden Fragments, their locations, and how to use them!Forbidden Fragment Locations & Mobs

How to Use Forbidden Fragments

Crystal Ball
- Sandstorm in a Bottle: 1x Cloud in a Bottle and 1x Forbidden Fragment
Mythril or Orichalcum Anvil
- Forbidden Mask: 1x Forbidden Fragment and 10x Adamantite or Titanium Bar
- Forbidden Robes: 1x Forbidden Fragment and 20x Adamantite or Titanium Bar
- Forbidden Treads: 1x Forbidden Fragment and 16x Adamantite or Titanium Bar
- Spirit Flame: 2x Forbidden Fragment, 1x Desert Spirit Lamp, and 12x Soul of Night
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