Subnautica is home to many strange, beautiful, and terrifying creatures. Some of these beings are cute and cuddle, like the Peeper. However, venture deep into certain environments to encounter hulking leviathans that can kill you in one attack. So, keep reading to learn about all the fauna in Subnautica, including their locations and stats.
Fauna on Planet 4546B includes a wide variety of creatures, from small Rockgrubs to large leviathans. Players can find these creatures in different biomes, ranging from the Crystal Caves to the Lava Lakes.
The fauna in Subnautica is diverse in shape, size, and form, with some species resembling Earth animals due to convergent evolution. Many fauna adapted to survive in various conditions despite the presence of the Kharaa Bacterium. Players can scan these creatures with a Handheld Scanner to learn more about them and their habitats.
Note: The following Subnautica fauna listed below doesn’t include creatures in Subnautica: Below Zero.
The Ampeel is a large serpentine creature with a segmented body covered in prongs that generate bio-electricity. It has a green dorsal side and light tan underbelly, with turquoise eyes, and can generate strong electric arcs.
It swims passively but becomes aggressive when approached, using its prongs to create an electrical barrier. This creature can also damage vehicles like the Seamoth but can be repelled with tools like the Stasis Rifle. Also, Ampeels do not respawn when killed.
The Biter has a tadpole-like body with turquoise eyes, razor-sharp teeth, and nostril-like structures on its head. It has dorsal and caudal fins, a red upper body, and a grayish-blue underbelly. It has a forehead protrusion for tracking prey. The anglerfish-like creature is aggressive, fast, and territorial and will attack if provoked, as it eats corpses and forms groups.
The Blighter is similar to the Biter but has a more withered and menacing appearance, with dark brown eyes and a pale body with a red bioluminescent glow. It has a single tail and requires a lot of food due to its massive muscles.
Although slower, the Blighter has a smaller aggressive range, most likely due to its blindness. It hunts alone, emits eerie sounds, and deals damage to players who get too close.
The Boneshark has a large, shark-like appearance with a thick, hard exoskeleton and irregular teeth that are part of its exoskeleton. It is gray with orange patterns on its head and bone plates and has reflective green eyes with snake-like pupils.
With its carnivorous and aggressive nature, the Boneshark often attacks smaller fish and even its own kind. When attacking a player, it charges while screeching and deals 30 damage. Players can deter this aggressive creature with a Repulsion Cannon or Creature Decoys.
The Crabsnake is a large, serpentine creature with bioluminescent fins and a pink body adorned with purple dorsal growths. It hides inside Jellyshrooms, waiting to surprise and attack players. While inside the mushroom, it cannot be affected by the Stasis Rifle.
Crabsnakes will lay eggs inside Jellyshrooms and attack small fish that enter their territory. When damaged, they seek shelter in the Jellyshroom for protection.
The Crabsquid has a unique appearance with a bulbous, translucent body, large blue eyes, and horseshoe crab-like legs tipped with fins. It swims by inflating and deflating its membrane and attacks when approached. Players can distract this creature with light sources, but it’ll also disable vehicle lights. If hatched in an Alien Containment, it can be a pet that defends your base.
Crabsquids attack light sources and emit EMP blasts when light is shone at them. These creatures can damage vehicles, Seabases, and the Prawn Suit, temporarily disabling electronics. Additionally, players can detect Crabsquids in the area as they emit loud clicking sounds.
The oval-shaped Crashfish has red scales, cream-colored skin, and spikes with beige and red tips. When disturbed, it emerges from a Sulfur Plant and charges at the player, potentially destroying a Seamoth or dealing damage to a Prawn Suit. Swimmers can evade it by rushing towards it to avoid its explosive reaction.
Caution is advised when scanning Crashfish inside Sulfur Plants. Freeze them with a Stasis Rifle to scan them quickly. Hitting these creatures before they open their plants results in an explosion. Crashfish eggs near plants can be destroyed by nearby explosions. Raised Crashfish explode when released outside. It’s important to note that Crashfishes cannot be used as ammo for the Propulsion Cannon.
The Lava Lizard is a large, dense creature with scaly skin, two silver eyes, and a wide mouth with sharp teeth. It has scars from battling other lizards. Its skin is green and beige, with claws on limbs and tail. It can also swim in lava, create armor, spit projectiles, and attack aggressively. Players should be wary about it being hostile towards Warpers and resistant to the Thermoblade.
The Mesmer is a visually striking fish with unique patterns on its skin that emit a bioluminescent glow. It has a ridged body that shimmers purple, ending in teal flippers and a bulky head with tilde-shaped pupils.
Named for its mesmerizing abilities, the Mesmer manipulates minds to approach it before attacking with spiked tentacles. It uses this behavior for hunting, self-defense, and capturing prey.
If killed while using hypnosis, the effect continues until the victim breaks free. Breaking free from Mesmer's hypnosis can be challenging, requiring the player to swim backward, look away, or use a Propulsion/Repulsion Cannon.
The River Prowler has a thin, elongated body with protrusions and a visible spine. Its transparent body shows a red head with yellow eyes, sharp teeth, and four trailing tendrils.
This creature that resembles a transparent boney fish emits a faint white glow and displays skeletal structure but no visible organs. It attacks prey with tendrils and a large jaw, similar to the Reaper Leviathan, emitting hisses and snarls when approached.
The Sand Shark has a segmented body covered in a plated exoskeleton, with grey-violet upperside and a pinkish underbelly. It has leg-like appendages on its underside and four orange eyes on its head.
This Subnautica creature waits in the sand for prey, creating sand clouds before ambushing. It emits low growls before attacking, giving players a chance to retreat. Also, it swims fast but can be evaded by changing direction or reaching safety.
The Stalker is a large creature with a smooth body, resembling earth gharials. It has dorsal plates, purple-tipped fins, and a whale-like tail. Players can identify this creature from afar, thanks to its blue-green color with dark blue and purple patterns. It also likes metal objects, dropping teeth while carrying them.
Stalkers cannot damage the Prawn Suit but will attack it, moving it slightly. At night, these creatures are harder to spot and more aggressive near Kelp Forests. Injuring Stalkers with a knife makes them flee. Stalkers are also known to guard their eggs and can lead cameras anywhere.
The Warper has a round, flat head with small sacs, a circular mouth, and bioluminescent eyes. Its body is purple with a cloak-like skin, veins, ribcage, spiked arms, and tentacles for propulsion. It patrols, warps, and attacks infected fauna and contaminates players with teleportation orbs, claws, and loud noises.
This creature shoots fast projectiles that deal damage and teleport aggressive Subnautica fauna based on the biome. The number of creatures warped varies, staying for a short time before disappearing.
Additionally, Warpers can teleport players out of vehicles, making them vulnerable. As a player’s infection level increases, Warpers become more hostile. Then, these creatures become passive again after curing themselves with Baby Leviathan Enzymes.
The Bladderfish is a small creature with a long, thin body and translucent bladders on top and bottom. It has a bright orange head with large eyes and no mouth. The bladders glow pink and have a bioluminescent glow. Often found following Reefback Leviathans, Bladderfish will flee when approached by the player.
The Boomerang is a small yellow-green fish with dark green stripes shaped like a boomerang. It has symmetrical fins that glow cyan, four eyes, and sharp teeth for eating coral. The fish sways as it swims, fleeing when approached by humans. Active during the day, it seeks shelter near caves or the seabed at night.
The Crimson Ray is similar in body shape and size to the Ghostray but differs in biology and coloration. It has an opaque body with thick skin, a dark red top side, a pale yellow underside, and bioluminescent yellow gills. It swims around the Inactive Lava Zone and Lava Lakes in groups, sometimes avoiding Lava Lizards. The creature peacefully glides through the lava zones, ignoring the player.
The Cuddlefish is one of the friendly fauna in Subnautica that can be hatched from Cuddlefish Eggs. It has a small, grey body with white bioluminescent coloring on its underside and a white stripe along its length. It has a bloated belly, no dorsal or caudal fins, only stubby pectoral fins, and small lumps on its body. This passive creature has a head with bulging eyes, a wide mouth, and tentacles at the end of its body.
This docile creature swims by propelling itself with its tentacles, making chirping noises, and can follow the player or stay in one area when commanded. It can interact with the player, displaying emotions through various actions like high-fives or cuddles.
The Eyeye is a tiny fish with a pale green body, a large eye, and four bioluminescent fins. It swims slowly, scanning the area with its eye and fleeing from the player if noticed. Other creatures bully the Eyeye by swimming into them at high speeds, causing them to spin out of control.
The Garryfish has a distinct appearance with a long, slim yellow body, bright yellow stripes, and stalked eyes on top of its head. It has a small mouth and maroon fins with a red glow. In behavior, it is a solitary prey that glides slowly and ignores players.
The Gasopod is a large, pinniped-like creature with a swollen body and leathery scales. It has circular eyes, a gas mask-like mouth with spikes, and paddle-like flippers. Its skin is bluish-gray on the back and light aqua-green on the belly, with green-yellow pods around the tail.
Although a non-hostile creature, the Gasopod defends itself by releasing poisonous gas pods when threatened. Players can stun it with a Stasis Rifle or floaters.
The Ghostray is a large creature with a body structure resembling a manta ray. It is translucent, emitting cyan bioluminescence, with two glowing red organs behind its eyes. Its inner body is like a Jellyray, and its outer body is like a Crimson Ray.
The Holefish has a unique appearance with a blue and purple head and tail and a brown body with yellow stripes and dots. Its head resembles an arrow with eyes and a hole in its tail. It is agile and evasive, darting around caves and fleeing from players. Players can find Holefish near Reefback Leviathans and other edible fauna.
The Hoopfish is a slender fish with a dark violet body turning blue towards the head and bright neon green eyes. It has a small dorsal fin and a purple caudal fin that wraps around its tail. Its distinctive feature is the green bioluminescent antennae extending from its head and forming a hoop around its tail. Players can typically find Hoopfish swimming slowly and in groups, especially around Reefback Leviathans.
The Hoverfish has a teardrop-shaped body with six legs, black eyes, nostrils, and a broad mouth resembling a frog's face. Its body is light green with blue-white speckles on its back, pale turquoise legs, and yellow pads. It emits a bright, bioluminescent glow from its speckles and appendages.
The Jellyray has a glowing, translucent body with eight undulating tentacles on each side and a long tail. It glows violet with pink patterns on its back and blue in other areas of its body. This bony creature also has six circles on each side, which may be its eyes. Jellyrays drift around, emitting high-pitched sounds, curious about light sources, which they investigate before losing interest.
The Magmarang resembles the Boomerang but with a yellow sclera, dark orange rings, a dark red body with silver-gray markings, and fins with an orange bioluminescent glow. It is a quick swimmer in the Inactive Lava Zone and will flee when approached by the player, similar to the Boomerang's behavior.
The Oculus is a turquoise fish with purple markings, resembling a larger Peeper. It has bioluminescent magenta eyes, no visible mouth, and tube-like organs for propulsion. Its tail has swaying stalks with purple stripes.
Unlike a Peeper, the Oculus lacks a beak. It’s agile, and forms shoal in Jelly Shroom Caves while emitting clicking sounds. It’s also afraid of light and will flee when the player beams at it. The Oculus is slower than its relative, making it easier to catch.
Peepers have small blue bodies with greenish tails, yellow beak-like mouths, and large flat eyes with black pupils, yellow sclerae, and brown irises. These creatures have eyelids and a pointed caudal fin, with gill-like holes on each side and tube-like organs on their head.
Additionally, Peepers propel themselves with backward-facing jets and are active during the day, jumping out of the water. Players may also see Peepers close their eyes when chased and make chirping noises while swimming. Sometimes, it’s possible to see Stalkers preying upon Peepers.
The Rabbit Ray is a small creature with a flat body, large eyes, and orange protrusions. It has bioluminescent body coloration with glowing blue outlines on its wings and blue spots on its dorsal side.
Players can find Rabbit Rays swimming gracefully, often near their eggs. These creatures emit soft cries when approached and can be heard in the Safe Shallows.
The Red Eyeye is similar to the standard Eyeye but with red, orange, and yellow iris, blue markings, and bright orange bioluminescent fins. It moves slowly in the Inactive Lava Zone and swims away when players approach. It faces bullying from other creatures like its relatives.
Reginald is a slim, dull green fish with large eyes and a bioluminescent purple fin. It darts around different biomes in small groups and is shy, often fleeing when approached. Players can find this creature as part of a group of four or five near Reefback Leviathans.
The Skyray is a small birdlike creature with white feathers on its wings, a black head, chest, and wing tips connected by a thin line. It’s also one of the few fauna in Subnautica that can’t survive underwater.
It has white eyes, a black beak, and bioluminescent markings on its chest. Skyrays gather in groups near specific locations and rest on the ground on certain islands.
Spadefish have a flat body with a long dorsal fin and two small pectoral fins. These creatures have a large eye with a split pupil, a broad mouth with pointed teeth, and three-gill slits.
Players can identify Spadefish by their teal body with brightly-colored patches that emit a bioluminescent glow at night. Spadefish swim at a moderate pace, often found in groups and sometimes following Reefback Leviathans. Be careful, as these docile creatures can damage a Seamoth if the vehicle collides with them.
The Spinefish has a similar form to a Hoopfish but differs drastically in coloration. Its appearance includes a translucent body, white stripes resembling a ribcage, small red spots near its eyes and tail, yellowish-green eyes, and a dull red caudal fin. Slow and found in shoals in Blood Kelp Zones, it will flee when approached by the player.
Amoeboids display blue interiors featuring tiny cyan dots, large uneven patches, and tendrils attaching to a shiny, rough-textured external body. Players can’t interact with these creatures but can be scanned or grabbed with a propulsion cannon.
Ancient Floaters are old and non-interactive fauna in Subnautica. Players can find these creatures attached to Floating and Underwater Islands.
The game’s biodata suggests Ancient Floaters matured in symbiosis with the land, raising it in the water, increasing sunlight, and encouraging plant growth. Immature floaters sink to the seabed, growing in size by consuming organic residues and nutrients. Some Ancient Floaters may attach to leviathan class lifeforms, forcing them to the surface and asphyxiating them.
The Bleeder is a small parasitic creature found in the Aurora and Deep Sparse Reef. It has blue tentacles, fangs, and a segmented body with a glowing sac.
Bleeders swarm and attack prey, including the player, by sucking blood. Players can kill these creatures by punching them or using tools. However, Bleeders can latch onto the player's arm, causing minor damage and lowering food levels.
The Blood Crawler is an aggressive fauna species in Subnautica found in Blood Kelp Caves and the Ghost Forest of the Lost River. It resembles a Cave Crawler but with longer legs covered in spikes. Blood Crawlers generally move in groups, attacking players when approached, and they can climb walls and ceilings.
The Cave Crawler, an aggressive fauna species found in various locations, resembles an arthropod with a large glowing eye and segmented legs. It moves in groups, attacking players by lunging at them.
Once hit, players receive damage and knockback. The Cave Crawler is also immune to fire and can be dealt with using weapons like the Stasis Rifle or Propulsion Cannon. Players can move to avoid its attacks, which is also arguably the best defense strategy against this creature.
Floaters are young Ancient Floaters that are passive creatures found in Safe Shallows and Grassy Plateaus. These creatures can attach themselves to objects and provide buoyancy.
Players can identify these fauna species in Subnautica for their transparent, blue gelatinous appearance with tentacle-like arms and teeth used for attaching themselves to objects. Floaters can also make creatures immobile by attaching to them, making these creatures hazardous to vehicles like the Seamoth and Cyclops.
The Lava Larva has a dark violet flattened body with a striped pattern, antennae-like appendages, and a glowing orange mouth. It emits black particles while swimming and flees from threats, attaching to vehicles to drain energy.
Players can remove Lava Larvae with weapons, freeze them, or scare them off. Failure to remove these creatures from vehicles results in drained power cells. Luring Lava Larvae into Lava Lizards is an ideal way to eliminate them, as the latter can eat the parasites off vehicles without causing damage. Alternatively, removing power cells or turning off the vehicle's energy causes them to detach and swim away.
The Rockgrub is a tiny creature with a translucent, glowing green body. It has a slim, segmented body with swimming fins and a larger tail flipper. Additionally, it has five appendages on each side and a circular mouth with small teeth.
The Shuttlebug has three long flippers, three legs, a large eye, and a bright orange bioluminescent glow on its flipper sides. While surface Shuttlebugs swim like other small life forms, cave Shuttlebugs only swim in place.
The Brain Coral has a purple hemispheric body with circular protrusions expelling bubbles through green holes. It spawns in caves, releasing three oxygen bubbles at a time, which players can use as a portable oxygen source. Players can also grow Brain Corals in Exterior Growbeds for a convenient oxygen source.
The Shell Plate is a coral species with three types: Coral, Slanted, and Veined. Using the Survival Knife, players can collect Coral Tube Samples of all types. The appearances vary, with Coral Shell Plates having an olive color and crescent shape, Slanted Shell Plates being dark green with varied sizes, and Veined Shell Plates being oval with yellowish and brown bioluminescent branching patterns and a slightly rough surface.
Earthen Coral Tubes are a non-harvestable coral species found in certain caves. These harvestable Subnautica fauna species are decorative, light brown, tubular structures that can be picked up or blasted away in clusters.
Giant Coral Tubes are durable structures found in various biomes, providing Coral Tube Samples when harvested. With a massive health pool, these creatures are difficult to destroy but can be entered by players and small fish.
Some Giant Coral Tubes house flora like Veined Nettles and Acid Mushrooms. Larger variants in the Safe Shallows hold raw materials and may lead to hidden caves.
Pyrocoral is a rare coral species found in specific areas of the Lost River. It appears as mossy material on a grey rock with green coral wrapped around it, emitting a faint yellow glow.
Table Corals come in red, green, blue, and purple colors, with red being the most common. Players can identify these fauna species through their disk-shaped with small luminescent "jewels" on top and bottom, attached to walls and pulsating.
The Tree Mushroom, found exclusively in the Mushroom Forest, is a huge arboreal coral with branches and mushroom caps. Some Tree Mushrooms are adorned with Sandstone Outcrops and contain Lithium. Players can harvest Fungal Samples by cutting the caps or colliding with them. The tree's trunk hosts small life forms like Tree Leeches.
The Ghost Leviathan is a leviathan class fauna species in Subnautica, and the adult form of the Ghost Leviathan Juveniles. It’s also the second largest aggressive creature in Subnautica.
This massive creature has a transparent outer body covering a muscular, blue inner body with bioluminescent eyes and fins. It has a sail on its head and hammerhead shark-like structures. Its behavior includes charging at targets, causing damage, and pushing or overturning the player's submarine.
Ghost Leviathan Juveniles are smaller versions of adult Ghost Leviathans, measuring 63% of their size and dealing 34.5% less damage. These creatures spawn in the Lost River biome, but The Tree Cove is their nesting ground. As juveniles, Ghost Leviathan Juveniles consume Ghostrays and River Prowlers before migrating to larger biomes to feed on other creatures.
The aggressive Reaper Leviathan is a large leviathan class fauna species found in open areas like the Crash Zone and Mountains. There are 25 in Subnautica, and caution is needed in those biomes. It has a massive body with red fins, mandibles, and roars for echolocation.
The Reaper Leviathan swims deep but not at the seafloor. Players can swim on the surface to avoid detection. It flinches and roars when damaged and won't respawn if killed. It can take 80% of a player's health, but wearing a Reinforced Dive Suit reduces damage. It’s advisable to take on this leviathan with other players in a Subnautica multiplayer server.
The Reefback Leviathan is a passive leviathan species and the third largest passive life form. It is massive in size, with thick, dark-blue carapace and teal-colored coral patches.
Reefback Leviathans drift slowly in pods, emitting low-frequency calls for communication with other Reefbacks. When damaged, this leviathan-class Subnautica fauna species moves faster briefly.
Reefback Leviathan Juveniles have the same appearance and behavior as their adult counterparts. However, these juveniles are only a quarter of the size of adults. Nonetheless, players can find these creatures swimming with adult variants.
The Sea Dragon Leviathan is a huge, aggressive creature in Subnautica. It resembles the Sea Emperor Leviathan but is smaller and slimmer, with dark green and purple accents. It can swim fast and exert massive force. Players should be wary of its attacks, which consist of swatting, swallowing, and shooting molten rocks. It is a powerful and dangerous predator.
This leviathan-class creature will flinch when damaged and can get stuck in walls but remain dangerous. Players should note that the Sea Dragon is resistant to the Thermoblade.
The Sea Emperor Leviathan is the largest known Leviathan class fauna in Subnautica. It’s non-aggressive, sapient, and telepathic. Its appearance includes a stocky body covered in armor, with tentacles adorned with bioluminescent bulbs and large, paddle-like arms for swimming and defense.
When near, The Sea Emperor game communicates telepathically with the player, causing screen distortion like Warpers or Mesmers. It contacts the player after certain events, guides them to hatch eggs, and uncovers an Alien Arch near the Quarantine Enforcement Platform.
The Sea Emperor Baby is a passive creature being kept alive but unable to hatch due to the environment not being suitable. The Precursor Race intended to use the unborn emperors as a cure for the Kharaa Bacterium. The player must hatch the eggs by collecting flora to create Hatching Enzymes. The babies resemble adult Sea Emperor Leviathans with some differences in appearance.
Sea Emperor Juveniles are the young versions of the Sea Emperor babies hatched by the player. These creatures are smaller than the adult Sea Emperor, measuring around 85 to 98 meters in length.
The Sea Treader Leviathan is a defensive leviathan class fauna in Subnautica found in the Grand Reef and Sea Treader's Path. It has a large torso, double-jointed back legs, and a head with eyes and feelers. It also walks slowly, emits loud calls, and attacks players by pecking. Sea Treader Leviathan herds migrate and may drop Shale Outcrops or Alien Feces.
Subnautica Fauna Guide: All Creatures, Locations, & Stats

All carnivores in Subnautica are aggressive, which means they won’t hesitate to attack you on sight. Prepare for combat if you see any of the following Subnautica fauna mentioned below:Ampeel

- Blood Kelp Caves
- Blood Kelp Zone
- Bulb Zone
- Health: 3000
- Damage: Bite: 45 | Shock: 15
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 770

- Crash Zone Mesas
- Grassy Plateaus
- Jellyshroom Cave
- Mountains
- Mountains Caves
- Health: 10
- Damage: Bite: 7
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A

- Blood Kelp Caves
- Blood Kelp Zone
- Health: 10
- Damage: Bite: 7
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A

- Bulb Zone
- Crag Field
- Crash Zone
- Crash Zone Mesas
- Grand Reef
- Mushroom Forest
- Underwater Islands
- Underwater Islands Caves
- Health: 200
- Damage: Bite: 30
- Active During: Cathemeral (Night and Day)
- Energy Value: 630

- Jellyshroom Cave
- Health: 300
- Damage: 35
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 700

- Deep Grand Reef
- Northern Blood Kelp Caves
- Northern Blood Kelp Zone
- Lost River
- Corridor
- Ghost Canyon
- Health: 500
- Damage: Slash: 40
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 770

- Kelp Forest Caves
- Safe Shallows
- Safe Shallows Caves
- Health: 25
- Damage: Explosion damage depending on distance
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 560
Lava Lizard

- Inactive Lava Zone
- Inactive Lava Chamber
- Inactive Lava Zone Corridor
- Lava Castle
- Lava Lakes
- Health: 200
- Damage: Bite: 30 | Spit: 50
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 560

- Bulb Zone
- Crag Field
- Grand Reef
- Kelp Forest Caves
- Lost River
- Bones Field
- Northeastern Mushroom Forest
- Health: 100
- Damage: Bite: 35
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 560
River Prowler

- Lost River
- Bones Field
- Ghost Forest
- Junction
- Mountains Corridor
- Health: 200
- Damage: Bite: 30
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
Sand Shark

- Crash Zone
- Dunes
- Grassy Plateaus
- Health: 250
- Damage: Bite: 30
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 630

- Crash Zone
- Kelp Forest
- Kelp Forest Caves
- Health: 300
- Damage: Bite: 30
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 560

- Blood Kelp Zone
- Bulb Zone
- Deep Grand Reef
- Dunes
- Grand Reef
- Inactive Lava Zone
- Inactive Lava Chamber
- Inactive Lava Zone Corridor
- Lava Castle
- Lava Lakes
- Lost River
- Junction
- Mountains
- Sea Treader's Path
- Health: 100
- Damage: Claw Attack: 23, 42, or 69 | Warp Projectile: 10
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
Most herbivore fauna in Subnautica have a passive attitude. Some, on the other hand, can retaliate if attacked. Nonetheless, the following herbivores will generally leave players alone even when seen.Bladderfish

- Dunes
- Grand Reef
- Grassy Plateaus
- Kelp Forest
- Mushroom Forest
- Safe Shallows
- Lost River
- Tree Cove
- Health: 30
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Diurnal (Day Only)
- Energy Value: 210
Crafting Uses
When used in a Fabricator, it can produce the following:- Filtered Water
- Cooked Bladderfish
- Cured Bladderfish (if used with Salt Deposit)
- Air Bladder (if used with Silicone Rubber)

- Bulb Zone
- Crag Field
- Crash Zone
- Deep Grand Reef
- Dunes
- Grand Reef
- Grassy Plateaus
- Kelp Forest
- Mountains
- Mountains Caves
- Safe Shallows
- Safe Shallows Caves
- Sea Treader's Path
- Sea Treader's Tunnel Caves
- Underwater Islands
- Health: 30
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Diurnal (Day Only)
- Energy Value: 280
Crafting Uses
When used in a Fabricator, it can produce the following:- Cooked Boomerang
- Cured Boomerang (if used with Salt Deposit)
Crimson Ray

- Inactive Lava Zone
- Inactive Lava Chamber
- Lava Lakes
- Health: 100
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A

- N/A
- Health: 10,000
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 210

- Bulb Zone
- Bulb Zone Caves
- Crash Zone
- Dunes
- Grand Reef
- Jellyshroom Cave
- Kelp Forest
- Kelp Forest Caves
- Sea Treader's Path
- Sea Treader's Tunnel Caves
- Health: 30
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Diurnal (Day Only)
- Energy Value: 420
Crafting Uses
When used in a Fabricator, it can produce the following:- Cooked Eyeye
- Cured Eyeye (if used with Salt Deposit)

- Crash Zone Mesas
- Dunes
- Safe Shallows
- Safe Shallows Caves
- Underwater Islands
- Health: 30
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Diurnal (Day Only)
- Energy Value: 420
Crafting Uses
When used in a Fabricator, it can produce the following:- Cooked Garryfish
- Cured Garryfish (if used with Salt Deposit)

- Crash Zone Mesas
- Dunes
- Safe Shallows
- Health: 300
- Damage: Consistent damage when the player enters the gas cloud
- Active During: Diurnal (Day Only)
- Energy Value: 700

- Lost River
- Ghost Canyon
- Ghost Forest
- Tree Cove
- Junction
- Mountains Corridor
- Health: 100
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A

- Bulb Zone Caves
- Crash Zone
- Mushroom Forest Caves
- Safe Shallows
- Safe Shallows Caves
- Health: 30
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 280
Crafting Uses
When used in a Fabricator, it can produce the following:- Cooked Holefish
- Cured Holefish (if used with Salt Deposit)

- Bulb Zone
- Crag Field
- Dunes
- Grand Reef
- Grassy Plateaus
- Kelp Forest
- Kelp Forest Caves
- Mountains
- Sea Treader's Path
- Sea Treader's Tunnel Caves
- Underwater Islands
- Health: 20
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 210
Crafting Uses
When used in a Fabricator, it can produce the following:- Cooked Hoopfish
- Cured Hoopfish (if used with Salt Deposit)

- Crash Zone
- Crash Zone Mesas
- Kelp Forest
- Kelp Forest Caves
- Health: 30
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 350
Crafting Uses
When used in a Fabricator, it can produce the following:- Cooked Hoverfish
- Cured Hoverfish (if used with Salt Deposit)

- Deep Grand Reef
- Mushroom Forest
- Health: 100
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 350

- Inactive Lava Zone
- Inactive Lava Chamber
- Inactive Lava Zone Corridor
- Lava Castle
- Lava Lakes
- Health: 30
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Diurnal(day only)
- Energy Value: 280
Crafting Uses
When used in a Fabricator, it can produce the following:- Cooked Magmarang
- Cured Magmarang (if used with Salt Deposit)

- Jellyshroom Cave
- Health: 20
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 630
Crafting Uses
When used in a Fabricator, it can produce the following:- Cooked Oculus
- Cured Oculus (if used with Salt Deposit)

- Bulb Zone
- Crash Zone
- Crash Zone Mesas
- Dunes
- Deep Sparse Reef
- Grand Reef
- Kelp Forest
- Safe Shallows
- Sparse Reef
- Mountains
- Northeastern Mushroom Forest
- Northeastern Mushroom Forest Caves
- Underwater Islands
- Health: 20
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Diurnal (Day Only)
- Energy Value: 420
Crafting Uses
When used in a Fabricator, it can produce the following:- Cooked Peeper
- Cured Peeper (if used with Salt Deposit)
Rabbit Ray

- Crash Zone
- Crash Zone Mesas
- Kelp Forest
- Safe Shallows
- Health: 100
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 420
Red Eyeye

- Inactive Lava Zone
- Inactive Lava Chamber
- Inactive Lava Zone Corridor
- Lava Castle
- Lava Lakes
- Health: 25
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Diurnal (Day Only)
- Energy Value: 420
Crafting Uses
When used in a Fabricator, it can produce the following:- Cooked Red Eyeye
- Cured Red Eyeye (if used with Salt Deposit)

- Crag Field
- Crash Zone
- Crash Zone Mesas
- Deep Grand Reef
- Deep Sparse Reef
- Grand Reef
- Grand Reef Caves
- Grassy Plateaus
- Lost River
- Ghost Canyon
- Ghost Forest
- Junction
- Mountains Corridor
- Mountains Caves
- Mountains
- Sea Treader's Path
- Sparse Reef
- Health: 30
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 490
Crafting Uses
When used in a Fabricator, it can produce the following:- Cooked Reginald
- Cured Reginald (if used with Salt Deposit)

- Aurora
- Crash Zone
- Floating Island
- Mountain Island
- Safe Shallows
- Health: 100
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A

- Deep Sparse Reef
- Dunes
- Grand Reef
- Grassy Plateaus
- Mushroom Forest
- Mushroom Forest Caves
- Sea Treader's Path
- Sea Treader's Tunnel Caves
- Sparse Reef
- Underwater Islands
- Health: 30
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 420
Crafting Uses
When used in a Fabricator, it can produce the following:- Cooked Spadefish
- Cured Spadefish (if used with Salt Deposit)

- Blood Kelp Zone
- Blood Kelp Caves
- Bone Fields Caves
- Lost River
- Bone Fields
- Corridor
- Ghost Canyon
- Ghost Forest
- Junction
- Mountains Corridor
- Health: 20
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 210
Crafting Uses
When used in a Fabricator, it can produce the following:- Cooked Spinefish
- Cured Spinefish (if used with Salt Deposit)
Parasites & Scavengers
Parasites and scavengers in Subnautica can either have passive or aggressive behaviors. Those that fall under the former generally can’t be interacted with by the player.Amoeboid

- Lost River
- Bones Field
- Ghost Canyon
- Ghost Forest
- Junction
- Mountains Corridor
- Tree Cove
- Health: N/A
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
Ancient Floater

- Floating Island
- Northern Blood Kelp Zone
- Underwater Islands
- Health: N/A
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A

- Aurora
- Deep Sparse Reef
- Kelp Forest
- Kelp Forest Caves
- Lost River
- Bone Fields
- Health: 10
- Damage: Leech: 5
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
Blood Crawler

- Blood Kelp Caves
- Blood Kelp Zone
- Lost River
- Ghost Forest
- Health: 50
- Damage: Bite: 5
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
Cave Crawler

- Aurora
- Dunes
- Dunes Caves
- Floating Island
- Mountain Island
- Underwater Islands Caves
- Health: 50
- Damage: Bite: 5
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A

- Grassy Plateaus
- Safe Shallows
- Health: N/A
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 50
Lava Larva

- Inactive Lava Zone
- Inactive Lava Chamber
- Inactive Lava Zone Corridor
- Lava Lakes
- Health: 100
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A

- Bulb Zone Caves
- Dunes
- Dunes Caves
- Deep Sparse Reef
- Grassy Plateaus Caves
- Mountains Caves
- Health: 30
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A

- Bulb Zone
- Crag Field
- Crash Zone
- Deep Sparse Reef
- Dunes
- Dunes Caves
- Grassy Plateaus Caves
- Mountains Caves
- Mountains
- Mushroom Forest Caves
- Safe Shallows Caves
- Sea Treader's Path
- Sea Treader's Tunnel Caves
- Sparse Reef
- Health: 50
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
As the name for this creature category implies, most Subnautica fauna generally have harvestable resources for players. These resources range from oxygen to fungal samples.Brain Coral

- Bulb Zone
- Bulb Zone Caves
- Crash Zone
- Crash Zone Mesas
- Dunes
- Grassy Plateaus
- Kelp Forest
- Kelp Forest Caves
- Mountains
- Mushroom Forest
- Mushroom Forest Caves
- Reefback Leviathan
- Safe Shallows
- Safe Shallows Caves
- Health: N/A
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 70
- Harvestable Resource: Oxygen
Shell Plate

- Bulb Zone
- Grassy Plateaus
- Grassy Plateaus Caves
- Mountains Caves
- Mushroom Forest Caves
- Safe Shallows
- Health: N/A
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
- Harvestable Resource: Coral Tube Sample
Earthen Coral Tubes

- Bulb Zone Caves
- Underwater Islands
- Underwater Islands Caves
- Health: N/A
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
- Harvestable Resource: N/A
Giant Coral Tubes

- Crash Zone
- Kelp Forest
- Safe Shallows
- Safe Shallows Caves
- Health: 50,000
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
- Harvestable Resource: Coral Tube Sample

- Lost River
- Corridor
- Mountains Corridor
- Health: N/A
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
- Harvestable Resource: N/A
Table Coral

- Bulb Zone
- Crash Zone
- Crash Zone Mesas
- Grassy Plateaus
- Lost River
- Junction
- Mountains Corridor
- Mushroom Forest
- Reefback Leviathan
- Safe Shallows
- Health: N/A
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
- Harvestable Resource: Table Coral Sample
Tree Mushroom

- Mushroom Forest
- Health: N/A
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
- Harvestable Resource: Fungal Sample
Leviathans in Subnautica are massive fauna akin to mythical aquatic creatures. These large creatures can be as little as 5 feet or 1.5 meters (for babies) and can be as big as 656 feet or 200 meters.Ghost Leviathan

- Crater Edge
- Grand Reef
- Northern Blood Kelp Zone
- Health: 8,000
- Damage: Bite: 14 to 250
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
Ghost Leviathan Juvenile

- Lost River
- Bone Fields
- Ghost Forest
- Mountains Corridor
- Health: 8,000
- Damage: Bite: 9 to 220
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
Reaper Leviathan

- Crash Zone
- Crash Zone Mesas
- Dunes
- Mountains
- Bulb Zone
- Health: 5,000
- Damage: Bite: 20 to 220 | Grab: Instantly kills the player
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
Reefback Leviathan

- Blood Kelp Zone
- Bulb Zone
- Crag Field
- Dunes
- Grassy Plateaus
- Mushroom Forest
- Sparse Reef
- Underwater Islands
- Health: 10,000
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 840
Reefback Leviathan Juvenile

- Blood Kelp Zone
- Bulb Zone
- Crag Field
- Dunes
- Grassy Plateaus
- Mushroom Forest
- Sparse Reef
- Underwater Islands
- Health: 10,000
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: 840
Sea Dragon Leviathan

- Inactive Lava Zone
- Inactive Lava Chamber
- Lava Lakes
- Health: 5,000
- Damage: Bite: 10 to 20 (instantly kills if without protection) | Swat: 40 to 250 | Fire Breath: 12 to 500
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
Sea Emperor Leviathan

- Primary Containment Facility Aquarium
- Health: N/A
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
Sea Emperor Leviathan Baby

- Primary Containment Facility Aquarium
- Health: N/A
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
Sea Emperor Leviathan Juvenile

- Crag Field
- Dunes
- Grand Reef
- Mountains
- Northern Blood Kelp Zone
- Health: N/A
- Damage: N/A
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
Sea Treader Leviathan

- Grand Reef
- Sea Treader's Path
- Sea Treader's Tunnel Caves
- Health: 3,000
- Damage: Kick: 40 | Stomp: 40
- Active During: Cathemeral (Day and Night)
- Energy Value: N/A
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