Unless you’re filthy rich in Stardew Valley, you’d typically want to save your extra cash for certain important things, such as presents. One way to save money is to develop a building that can produce items you need, and one notable example of this in Stardew Valley is the Mill. Here, you’ll learn how to build the mill, its costs, and everything you can use it for!
How to Get the Mill in Stardew Valley
Introduced in version 1.1, Stardew Valley players can purchase the Mill from Robin’s Carpenter Shop at 24 Mountain Road. The costs and materials needed for her to build it are the following:- 2,500 gold pieces
- 50x Stone
- 150x Wood
- 4x Cloth
Mill Usage
Place various items into the Mill for it to produce different ingredients. The items and the ones they yield are the following:- Wheat → Flour
- Beets → Sugar
- Unmilled Rice → Rice
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