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Ranking the Best Masks in Soulmask

Posted on by justin
One of the most exciting features of Soulmask is its magical masks, each loaded with unique abilities and special properties that set your limitations and style in combat and beyond. Here we'll rank the best masks in Soulmask and cover each's abilities, stats, and how to unlock them.

Best Masks in Soulmask, Ranked

Soulmask Best Masks Note that the following list of the best masks in Soulmask looks at various factors for each entry, such as usability, beneficial effects, and their roles as players progress through the game. However, it’s also important to mention that this tier list doesn’t dictate every player’s preference for their chosen masks to use.

10. Civilization

Soulmask Civilization As one of the starter masks, Civilization focuses on increasing the player’s overall defense and stamina. Wearing this mask helps beginners survive the harshness of the land during the game’s early stages, especially when dealing with hostile tribes like the Claw Tribe. How to Get: Choose the Civilization Mask as the starting mask. Alternatively, players may find it in a Level 25 or higher Ancient Ruin.

Nodes & Effects

Common Overclock
  • Description: Mass-produced masks can achieve common overclocking due to mature technologies and rich experience in large-scale production; repair it to increase the mask upgrade speed by 50%.
  • Required Mask Level: 1
  • Required Green Crystals: 2
Stamina Surge
  • Description: Repair it to stimulate the body through some unknown means, which vastly boosts Stamina; Max Stamina +5, Max Load +10.
  • Required Mask Level: 2
  • Required Green Crystals: 5
Deep Sleep
  • Description: Repair it to activate the Sleep Help system for the wearer to quickly enter deep sleep when sleeping, during which Morale Recovery Speed +50%.
  • Required Mask Level: 3
  • Required Green Crystals: 8
Critical Barrier
  • Description: Repair it to activate the head defense barrier when necessary, boosting head defense. DMG to the head -10%.
  • Required Mask Level: 4
  • Required Green Crystals: 12
Outer Armor
  • Description: Repair it to stimulate the body through some unknown means which hardens the skin, reducing the Body's DMG taken by 5%.
  • Required Mask Level: 5
  • Required Green Crystals: 16
Sequence Protection
  • Description: When repaired, processes shield information first in shield status. DEF +10.
  • Required Mask Level: 6
  • Required Green Crystals: 20
Healer Mode (Mimicry)
  • Description: In the Mimicry mode, triggers emergency rescue when receiving high-frequency attacks; the higher the frequency, the more HP restored.
  • Required Mask Level: 7
  • Required Green Crystals: 25
  • Required Blue Crystals: 2
Microscopic Repair (Active)
  • Description: When the ability is activated, the mask releases microscopic repair units to slowly fix the body by recovering HP by 5 every second. (Tap V in Mimicry mode to release it).
  • Required Mask Level: N/A
  • Required Green Crystals: N/A

9. Conquest

Soulmask Conquest The Conquest Mask is one of the three masks players can choose at the beginning of the game. It joins the Civilization and Rich Masks before the player enters the map. This particular mask focuses on increasing the wearer's stealth and combat abilities. The damage boost can be a good pair for players who prioritize combat capabilities over chances of survival. So, Conquest can be an ideal choice for players who prefer a “high risk, high reward” gameplay style. How to Get: Choose the Civilization Mask as the starting mask. Alternatively, players may find it in a Level 25 or higher Ancient Ruin.

Nodes & Effects

Common Overclock
  • Description: Mass-produced masks can achieve common overclocking due to mature technologies and rich experience in large-scale production; repair it to increase the mask upgrade speed by 50%.
  • Required Mask Level: 1
  • Required Green Crystals: 2
Falling Buffer
  • Description: Protects the body from a fall by distributing the force of the impact across the whole body. Fall DMG is reduced by 10%.
  • Required Mask Level: 2
  • Required Green Crystals: 5
Noise Absorption
  • Description: Absorbs the vibration energy generated when walking, Noise -10%.
  • Required Mask Level: 3
  • Required Green Crystals: 8
Forbidden Territory
  • Description: Secretly delve into forbidden knowledge. Awareness EXP gained from killing humanoid creatures 5%.
  • Required Mask Level: 4
  • Required Green Crystals: 12
Light Disturbance
  • Description: Impairs the target's vision using disturbing light. Concealment +10%.
  • Required Mask Level: 5
  • Required Green Crystals: 16
Hidden Assault
  • Description: When attacking the target from behind, DMG dealt +10%.
  • Required Mask Level: 6
  • Required Green Crystals: 20
Slayer Mode (Mimicry)
  • Description: Each attack grants a 1.5% Lifesteal effect in Mimicry mode.
  • Required Mask Level: 7
  • Required Green Crystals: 25
  • Required Blue Crystals: 2
Critical Strike (Active)
  • Description: When launching attacks against key parts of a creature, has a 20% chance to quickly reduce the target's Resilience. (Tap V to release when Mimicry is activated).
  • Required Mask Level: N/A
  • Required Green Crystals: N/A

8. Rich

Soulmask Rich Are you confident with your skills in wielding a long-range weapon, like a bow? If so, the Rich Mask can be a good choice for you. Focusing on archery, this mask enables players to deal devastating damage to enemies while staying reasonably safe from afar. The Rich Mask also aids in hunting beasts, thanks to its Hunting Guide node. Additionally, reach this mask’s 5th level, and you can lace your arrows with poison, inflicting damage over time to hit enemies. How to Get: Choose the Civilization Mask as the starting mask. Alternatively, players may find it in a Level 25 or higher Ancient Ruin.

Nodes & Effects

Common Overclock
  • Description: Mass-produced masks can achieve common overclocking due to mature technologies and rich experience in large-scale production; repair it to increase the mask upgrade speed by 50%.
  • Required Mask Level: 1
  • Required Green Crystals: 2
Data Analysis
  • Description: Optimizes the accuracy of Life Perception's information processing ability, enabling real-time perception of the distance from target.
  • Required Mask Level: 2
  • Required Green Crystals: 5
Projectile Adjustment
  • Description: Performs slight adjustments to the projectile of arrows automatically; Arrow precision +10%.
  • Required Mask Level: 3
  • Required Green Crystals: 8
Hunting Guide
  • Description: Draft an album of the prey. Awareness EXP from killing non-humanoids 5%.
  • Required Mask Level: 4
  • Required Green Crystals: 12
Poison Injection
  • Description: The special shooting technique makes arrows pierce through fur from a weak spot, with poison smeared on the arrow dealing 30% higher DMG to creatures.
  • Required Mask Level: 5
  • Required Green Crystals: 16
Deeply Focused
  • Description: Highly focused during work or combat, Stamina Cost -5%.
  • Required Mask Level: 6
  • Required Green Crystals: 20
Sniping Mode (Mimicry)
  • Description: Amplifies the power of bow and arrow in the Mimicry mode, DMG dealt by bows +15%.
  • Required Mask Level: 7
  • Required Green Crystals: 25
  • Required Blue Crystals: 2
Weak Spot Analysis (Active)
  • Description: Analyzes the target's weak spot, and gains a higher chance to hit its weak spots when attacking, with Crit +5%. (Tap V to release when Mimicry is activated)
  • Required Mask Level: N/A
  • Required Green Crystals: N/A

7. Torch of Eternity

Soulmask Torch of Eternity As you progress through Soulmask, you’ll eventually find more difficult challenges, such as higher-level enemies. The Torch of Eternity Mask can help ease those difficulties, thanks to its nodes and effects focusing on increased survivability. For instance, reaching this mask’s 2nd level reduces your character’s hunger and thirst drain, allowing you to feel satiated for extended periods. Additionally, this mask helps prevent death by bleeding out, thanks to its Level 5 node. How to Get: Players may find it in a Level 30 or higher Holy Ruin.

Nodes & Effects

Metabolism Maintenance
  • Description: Keeps a slow metabolism. Food and water consumption speed -30%.
  • Required Mask Level: 2
  • Required Green Crystals: 5
  • Required Blue Crystals: 2
Life Halt
  • Description: After suffering severe injuries and falling to the ground, creates the illusion of suspended animation to deceive the enemy, so that they will not attack again.
  • Required Mask Level: 3
  • Required Green Crystals: 15
  • Required Blue Crystals: 3
Artery Isolation
  • Description: After suffering severe injuries and falling to the ground, immediately enters the Feign Death status to stop losing HP.
  • Required Mask Level: 5
  • Required Green Crystals: 20
  • Required Blue Crystals: 4
Life Maintenance
  • Description: After suffering severe injuries and falling to the ground, builds a defense and repair system in the body to maintain life, raising the remaining HP by 300% in near-death state.
  • Required Mask Level: 6
  • Required Green Crystals: 30
  • Required Blue Crystals: 4
Cell Proliferation
  • Description: Cell division and proliferation are accelerated during the recovery after severe injuries, restoring HP to 75% of Max HP.
  • Required Mask Level: 8
  • Required Green Crystals: 40
  • Required Blue Crystals: 5
Tissue Repair
  • Description: After suffering severe injuries and falling to the ground, repairs damaged tissues, organs, etc. through technical means, recovering 10% of HP per 5 seconds.
  • Required Mask Level: 9
  • Required Green Crystals: 45
  • Required Blue Crystals: 6
Holy Mode (Mimicry)
  • Description: Activates a layer of special force field on the surface of the body in the Mimicry mode, converting attacks received into Energy to repair the body. 25% of DMG taken will be converted to healing for self. (Enable Mimicry Costs Yellow Crystal*5).
  • Required Mask Level: 10
  • Required Green Crystals: 50
  • Required Blue Crystals: 8

6. Wilderness Mark

Soulmask Wilderness Mark The Wilderness Mark Mask is generally an upgraded version of the Rich Mask. In particular, its nodes and effects focus on enhancing the user’s skills in archery and hunting. For instance, unlocking the Level 3 node increases the player’s overall critical damage. Then, pair it with its Level 9 node to boost the damage dealt by bows and arrows by 30%. These effects can even help carry you from mid- to late-game. How to Get: Players may find it in a Level 40 or higher Holy Ruin.

Nodes & Effects

Frequency Adjustment
  • Description: Optimizes the signal frequency of life perception, allowing him to detect objects from a greater distance. Probing Range +30 meters.
  • Required Mask Level: 2
  • Required Green Crystals: 5
  • Required Blue Crystals: 2
Fatal Blow
  • Description: Attacking a fatal part inflicts a Shock effect, Crit DMG +5%.
  • Required Mask Level: 3
  • Required Green Crystals: 15
  • Required Blue Crystals: 3
Dynamic Shooting
  • Description: Mastered mobile shooting skills. Bow Precision +30%.
  • Required Mask Level: 5
  • Required Green Crystals: 20
  • Required Blue Crystals: 4
Mirror Reflection
  • Description: Accurately controls the flight of the arrow, enabling it to rebound after hitting a hard substance.
  • Required Mask Level: 6
  • Required Green Crystals: 30
  • Required Blue Crystals: 4
Air Manipulation
  • Description: When shooting, calculates the arrow's optimal flight conditions for different temperatures, winds, and humidity to adjust the timing and angle of shooting, increasing the arrow's speed by 20%.
  • Required Mask Level: 8
  • Required Green Crystals: 40
  • Required Blue Crystals: 5
Nerve Coordination
  • Description: The mask was owned by an exceptional hunter. Inside the node stores abundant use skills and training data of bows. Repair it to significantly boost the power of bows; DMG dealt by bows +30%.
  • Required Mask Level: 9
  • Required Green Crystals: 45
  • Required Blue Crystals: 6
Hunting Mode (Mimicry)
  • Description: The body gets stimulated by the mask continuously in the Mimicry mode, significantly enhancing Muscle Strength and Endurance, increasing Firing Speed of bows by 30%. (Enable Mimicry Costs Yellow Crystal*5).
  • Required Mask Level: 10
  • Required Green Crystals: 50
  • Required Blue Crystals: 8
Firepower Guidance (Active)
  • Description: Arrows fired are equipped with miniature homing units, allowing them to automatically track targets near their flight path. (Tap V in Mimicry mode to release it).
  • Required Mask Level: N/A
  • Required Green Crystals: N/A
  • Required Blue Crystals: N/A

5. Tactical Guidance

Soulmask Tactical Guidance One of the game’s core mechanics is building a tribe, and one of the best masks in Soulmask, if not the best mask while you're deploying tribespeople, is the Tactical Guidance Mask. While wearing this mask, you can take advantage of effects like improved AI for tribespeople in combat. Additionally, unlocking the 5th Node of the Tactical Guidance Mask improves the tribespeople’s AI even further, allowing the NPCs to punish enemies when they make mistakes while fighting. How to Get: Players may find it in a Level 50 or higher Holy Ruin.

Nodes & Effects

  • Description: Enhances the connection between deployed tribesmen and the mask to greatly increase their battle sense. Their battle tactics become more sensible when the enemy is on guard.
  • Required Mask Level: 2
  • Required Green Crystals: 5
  • Required Blue Crystals: 2
  • Description: Deployed tribesmen receive mysterious guidance and improve during battles even faster. Speed of gaining Carrier EXP +30%.
  • Required Mask Level: 3
  • Required Green Crystals: 15
  • Required Blue Crystals: 3
Full-out Attack
  • Description: Deployed tribesmen have received mysterious guidance and greatly increased their battle sense. They can make an attack more easily when the enemy makes a mistake.
  • Required Mask Level: 5
  • Required Green Crystals: 20
  • Required Blue Crystals: 4
Positional Defense
  • Description: Deployed tribesmen have received mysterious guidance and greatly increased their battle sense. When attacked by the enemy, they have a higher chance to make a response.
  • Required Mask Level: 6
  • Required Green Crystals: 30
  • Required Blue Crystals: 4
Combat Deployment
  • Description: Deployed tribesmen have received mysterious guidance and can quickly master various weapons Speed of gaining battle-type proficiency +50%.
  • Required Mask Level: 8
  • Required Green Crystals: 40
  • Required Blue Crystals: 5
Emergency Mobilization
  • Description: If the deployed tribesman takes a single damage that exceeds 10% of their Max HP, they can heal quickly and recover 5% Max HP.
  • Required Mask Level: 9
  • Required Green Crystals: 45
  • Required Blue Crystals: 6
Protection Mode (Mimicry)
  • Description: When dying in the Mimicry mode, the tribesman you deploy won't be a target from active attacks and only take 50% damage. (Enable Mimicry Costs Yellow Crystal*5).
  • Required Mask Level: 10
  • Required Green Crystals: 50
  • Required Blue Crystals: 8
Ionic Armor (Active)
  • Description: Envelops the tribesman's whole body with high-energy ions while granting them Superarmor. (Tap V to release when Mimicry is activated).
  • Required Mask Level: N/A
  • Required Green Crystals: N/A
  • Required Blue Crystals: N/A

4. Shadow Walker

Soulmask Shadow Walker Like the Wilderness Mark Mask to the Rich Mask, the Shadow Walker Mask is generally the upgraded version of the Conquest Mask. In particular, this mask enhances the wearer’s stealthiness and damage capabilities. For instance, the wearer becomes more silent by 20% while moving upon activating the node at Mask Level 2. Unlocking the node at Mask Level 5 decreases the wearer’s produced noise while walking by another 20%. Ultimately, wear the Shadow Walker mask when sneakily dealing with high-damaging enemies. Doing so can help prevent unnecessary damage to your health and untimely demise. How to Get: Players may find it in a Level 55 or higher Holy Ruin.

Nodes & Effects

Flexible Torso
  • Description: Regulates breathing, calms the body, and minimizes the noise caused by rubbing against things while squatting. Noise produced is reduced by 20%.
  • Required Mask Level: 2
  • Required Green Crystals: 5
  • Required Blue Crystals: 2
Vision Blockage
  • Description: Maximizes the use of surrounding terrain, obstacles, etc. while squatting to avoid the enemy's detection. Concealment +20%.
  • Required Mask Level: 3
  • Required Green Crystals: 15
  • Required Blue Crystals: 3
Silent Operation
  • Description: Walks silently. Noise Produced -20%.
  • Required Mask Level: 5
  • Required Green Crystals: 20
  • Required Blue Crystals: 4
Dark Camouflage
  • Description: Master of the shadows who is well-versed in survival techniques. Concealment increases by 20%.
  • Required Mask Level: 6
  • Required Green Crystals: 30
  • Required Blue Crystals: 4
Vital Attack
  • Description: A chance to deal fatal damage to the key spots of the target, Crit Rate +10%.
  • Required Mask Level: 8
  • Required Green Crystals: 40
  • Required Blue Crystals: 5
Illegal Invasion
  • Description: When attacking the target from behind, launches double hits on it, DMG +20%.
  • Required Mask Level: 9
  • Required Green Crystals: 45
  • Required Blue Crystals: 6
Shadow Mode (Mimicry)
  • Description: Releasing Backstab in the Mimicry mode has a chance to launch a Deadly Blow. (Enable Mimicry Costs Yellow Crystal*5).
  • Required Mask Level: 10
  • Required Green Crystals: 50
  • Required Blue Crystals: 8
Optical Mimicry (Active)
  • Description: Enables optical invisibility status and melts into surroundings, becoming invisible to any creature. Drawing closer to the target increases the chance of being discovered, and the invisible status disappears after launching an attack. (Tap V in Mimicry mode to release it).
  • Required Mask Level: N/A
  • Required Green Crystals: N/A
  • Required Blue Crystals: N/A

3. Nature Enlightenment

Soulmask Nature Enlightenment The Nature Enlightenment Mask is currently one of the two masks in the game that requires players to craft it. Once crafted, wearing this mask boosts your survivability significantly. For instance, unlocking its node at Level 5 reduces overall damage received by 30%. Additionally, the Nature Enlightenment Mask lets the wearer have better control over the world’s animals. One notable node to mention is the one at level 9, wherein you’ll receive 10% less damage when taking hits from beasts. Remember, handling animals is one of the game’s integral mechanics. Use this mask whenever possible to ensure you and your tribespeople can take full advantage of this world’s creatures. How to Get: Craft using 1x Nature Enlightenment (Broken), 1x Module – 1024, 1x Module – 1048, 1x Module – 1069, 1x Module – 1077, and 40x Green Crystal at the Mysterious Stone Table.

Nodes & Effects

Nature’s Blessing
  • Description: Stimulates and enhances muscular tissues. Resilience +5.
  • Required Mask Level: 2
  • Required Green Crystals: 5
  • Required Blue Crystals: 2
Nature’s Heal
  • Description: Accelerates healing of the wounded part when using bandage. Healing effect of bandage +10%.
  • Required Mask Level: 3
  • Required Green Crystals: 15
  • Required Blue Crystals: 3
Nature’s Protection
  • Description: Coordinates with mounts well when riding them, and resorts to appropriate dodge actions when attacked. Damage received -30%.
  • Required Mask Level: 5
  • Required Green Crystals: 20
  • Required Blue Crystals: 4
  • Description: Activates the Mast Memory Unit and acquires beast domestication knowledge. Animal's growth speed +50% when domesticating them.
  • Required Mask Level: 6
  • Required Green Crystals: 30
  • Required Blue Crystals: 4
  • Description: When activated, gains abundant Hunting EXP. Awareness EXP obtained after defeating beasts +10%.
  • Required Mask Level: 8
  • Required Green Crystals: 40
  • Required Blue Crystals: 5
Nature’s Domain
  • Description: Quickly learns the beast's attack pattern from knowledge on battling against beasts obtained from the mask. Damage received from beast -10%.
  • Required Mask Level: 9
  • Required Green Crystals: 45
  • Required Blue Crystals: 6
Resonance Mode (Mimicry)
  • Description: Morphs into the shape of its former master and the son of forest using the mask data. Receives no active attacks from small and medium beasts in the wild in this mode. (Costs Yellow Crystal *5 to activate the Mimicry mode).
  • Required Mask Level: 10
  • Required Green Crystals: 50
  • Required Blue Crystals: 8
Nature’s Heart (Active)
  • Description: Gains the ability to communicate with animals and thus affect their behaviors. Summons a beast nearby to assist in battles for 300 seconds. (Tap V to release when Mimicry is activated).
  • Required Mask Level: N/A
  • Required Green Crystals: N/A
  • Required Blue Crystals: N/A

2. Explorer

Soulmask Explorer This endgame-level mask is arguably one of the best Soulmask masks your character can wear during explorations. After all, it’s difficult to unequip the Explorer Mask once you have it, thanks to its nodes and effects focusing on resistance to negative effects and reducing harm from harsh environments. For example, unlock its Level 2 node to reduce bleeding damage by 25%. Progress and unlock its Level 10 node to take advantage of the mask’s ability to perfectly prevent harm from harsh environmental effects, particularly radiation, poison, and extreme changes in temperature. How to Get: Players may find it in a Level 60 or higher Holy Ruin.

Nodes & Effects

Emergency Repair
  • Description: Heals the wound using special microscopic materials when bleeding. Bleeding DMG -25%.
  • Required Mask Level: 2
  • Required Green Crystals: 5
  • Required Blue Crystals: 2
Living Body Mod
  • Description: Modifies the body with some special materials, Resilience +5%. (The effect doubles in the Mimicry mode).
  • Required Mask Level: 3
  • Required Green Crystals: 15
  • Required Blue Crystals: 3
High Mobility
  • Description: Stimulates and enhances bodily functions, and boosts mobility in all environments. Speed +5%. (The effect doubles in the Mimicry mode).
  • Required Mask Level: 5
  • Required Green Crystals: 20
  • Required Blue Crystals: 4
Immunity Activated
  • Description: When poisoned, injects a special substance into the blood to slowly remove the poison by 0.1 every 5 seconds.
  • Required Mask Level: 6
  • Required Green Crystals: 30
  • Required Blue Crystals: 4
Tissue Enhancement
  • Description: Enhance the strength of the weak parts with through some unknown means, DEF +5%. (The effect doubles in the Mimicry mode).
  • Required Mask Level: 8
  • Required Green Crystals: 40
  • Required Blue Crystals: 5
Power Injection
  • Description: Stimulates the body to enhance cardio-pulmonary function. Stamina +5%. (The effect doubles in the Mimicry mode).
  • Required Mask Level: 9
  • Required Green Crystals: 45
  • Required Blue Crystals: 6
Special Mode (Mimicry)
  • Description: Releases special nano-material to envelop the whole body for perfect insulation, effectively withstanding the impacts of radiation, poison and temperature change in the environment. (Costs Yellow Crystal *5 to activate the Mimicry mode).
  • Required Mask Level: 10
  • Required Green Crystals: 50
  • Required Blue Crystals: 8
Electromagnetic Barrier (Active)
  • Description: Activates a powerful field of mysterious shields that lasts for 8 seconds to withstand all sorts of energy and radiation-powered weapons' attacks, can also resist a attacks from small low-speed physical weapons. (Tap V in Mimicry mode to release it).
  • Required Mask Level: N/A
  • Required Green Crystals: N/A
  • Required Blue Crystals: N/A

1. Ironblood Guard

Soulmask Ironblood Guard The Ironblood Guard Mask takes the top spot in this tier list of the best masks in Soulmask and with good reason. It’s an all-around Soulmask mask that provides various beneficial effects focusing on different aspects. In particular, it delivers benefits that target elements like the wearer’s maximum weight capacity, stamina cost, critical hit resistance, and damage reduction. Although the Ironblood Guard generally focuses on defense, it still has some effects that target the user’s offensive abilities. How to Get: Craft using 1x Ironblood Guard (Broken), 1x Module – 1143, 1x Module – 1156, 1x Module – 1188, 1x Module – 1122, and 40x Green Crystal at the Mysterious Stone Tablet.

Nodes & Effects

Stamina Burst
  • Description: Stimulates the cardiovascular potential to enhance physical fitness, increasing Max Load by 50.
  • Required Mask Level: 2
  • Required Green Crystals: 5
  • Required Blue Crystals: 2
Absorption Barrier
  • Description: Enters guarding status with a shield, STA-Down Reduction +10%.
  • Required Mask Level: 3
  • Required Green Crystals: 15
  • Required Blue Crystals: 3
Endless Vitality
  • Description: Able to better adapt to combat environments, reducing Stamina cost and improving stamina storage. Stamina cost -10%.
  • Required Mask Level: 5
  • Required Green Crystals: 20
  • Required Blue Crystals: 4
Sequence Protection
  • Description: Builds a double defense line, reducing the threat to weak points while increasing Crit Resist by 8%.
  • Required Mask Level: 6
  • Required Green Crystals: 30
  • Required Blue Crystals: 4
Extreme Vigilance
  • Description: Greatly increases the speed of coping with crises, Block Speed +30%.
  • Required Mask Level: 8
  • Required Green Crystals: 40
  • Required Blue Crystals: 5
Combat Potential
  • Description: Activates the combat potential via unknown means. Spear/Blade DMG +10%.
  • Required Mask Level: 9
  • Required Green Crystals: 45
  • Required Blue Crystals: 6
Vigilance Mode (Mimicry)
  • Description: The mask was owned by an exceptional warrior and it developed this vigilance mode, reflecting 20% of the damage taken in melee combat in this mode. (Enable Mimicry Costs Yellow Crystal*5).
  • Required Mask Level: 10
  • Required Green Crystals: 50
  • Required Blue Crystals: 8
Muscle Revival (Active)
  • Description: A special ability in the Vigilance mode; release it to continuously recover Stamina. (Tap V to release when Mimicry is activated).
  • Required Mask Level: N/A
  • Required Green Crystals: N/A
  • Required Blue Crystals: N/A
Tip: Use Soulmask console commands to level up your masks fast and without grinding for hours.
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