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Satisfactory Spawn Locations Guide: Biomes, Resources, & More

Posted on by justin
Selecting the right starting spawn locations in Satisfactory is vital. Pioneers should consider various factors in selecting the best spawn location by looking at each location’s resources, terrain, enemy presence, and expansion ideas. Here, we’ll dive deep into each starting spawn location in Satisfactory 1.0.

Satisfactory Spawn Locations

Satisfactory Spawn Locations Currently, four starting spawn locations exist in Satisfactory as of the 1.0 update. These areas are the following: Grass Fields, the Northern Forest, the Rocky Desert, and the Dune Desert. Each biome has a unique ecosystem filled with different resources and challenges that can influence your game’s starting stages and beyond. So here, we'll break down the key details about each Satisfactory spawn locations, including its available resources, biomes, and more.

Grass Fields

Satisfactory Grass Fields The flat surface and abundance of early-game resources such as Iron, Copper, and Limestone nodes make the Grass Fields in Satisfactory popular for beginners. Found in the lowest region of the map (X2Y0), this region is accessible and simple to navigate. However, it’s without water sources and is generally required when journeying to other biomes for materials such as Coal and Oil. Additionally, the Grass Fields’ limited space may become a problem when trying to increase your factory's size. Suggestions for beginning in the Grass Fields involve focusing on water first, discovering adjacent ecosystems, and preparing for future expansion with thoughts on moving or transportation infrastructure.

Available Resource Nodes

  • Limestone
  • Coal
  • Caterium Ore

Tips & Tricks

Beginning in the Grass Fields might be ideal for beginners, especially those who wish to learn the ropes of the game. However, some veterans may want to consider other starting spawn locations in Satisfactory, especially with the lack of nearby water sources. Nonetheless, Pioneers who wish to rise up to the challenge can still make things work in this biome. For instance, train technologies can be accessed by utilizing only a small amount of plastic and rubber, simplifying future expansion. Still, it’s important to consider that trucks are not always dependable, and trains need specialized materials.

Northern Forest

Satisfactory Northern Forest Located near the center of the map (X3Y3), the Northern Forest provides bountiful resources such as Iron, Copper, and Limestone, allowing Pioneers to experience one of the well-rounded spawn locations in Satisfactory. Its advantageous position allows for convenient entry to different biomes. Additionally, the Northern Forest offers level ground for effective transportation. Possibilities for growth are also fairly substantial in this starting spawn location. However, players should still pay attention to various obstacles, including the differences in terrain, handling of space, and depleting resources. Satisfactory beginners can also take advantage of this biome as their starting location. Its abundance of resources and convenient location can pave the way for future expansions. Thorough planning and anticipation of upcoming obstacles are crucial for constructing a thriving factory in the Northern Forest.

Available Resource Nodes

  • Limestone
  • Iron Ore
  • Copper Ore

Tips & Tricks

Proper strategy and idea implementation are still essential to prosper while building and maintaining your factory and production lines in the Northern Forest. For instance, locate nearby nodes and construct a compact base for smelting and gathering ore for effective resource transportation. Then, use a truck to move the smelted materials to the main factory or send the ore to a smelting facility. Remember, construct the truck platform at the same elevation as your base floor for convenient accessibility, and link it to the base using 4-wide roads. Next, construct truck stops near your primary factory and then continue to your ore gathering location to guarantee an efficient connection. Don’t forget to use catwalk parts for minor road modifications and progress to tier 3 tractors capable of managing 1,300 items per minute. Over time, elevate to tier 6 trucks to achieve increased throughput levels.

Rocky Desert

Satisfactory Rocky Desert Found in the westernmost region of the map (X0Y3), the Rocky Desert biome in Satisfactory is one of the well-known starting spawn locations in Satisfactory. Beginners and veteran Pioneers favor this spawn point for its plentiful resources such as Iron, Copper, and Limestone. The flat landscape makes building reasonably simple for newcomers. The area is also close to other ecosystems, allowing easy access to a variety of resources for advancement, exploration, and resource gathering. Nonetheless, this desert biome is devoid of water and harbors aggressive creatures like Spitters. In order to thrive in this setting, focus on locating water, searching nearby areas for supplies, and establishing a solid foundation.

Available Resource Nodes

  • Limestone
  • Caterium Ore
  • Iron Ore
  • Copper Ore
  • Bauxite

Tips & Tricks

Pioneers can call the Rocky Desert to be their playground. The various resource nodes make it possible to create bustling factories and resource-production lines. However, players must always be prepared for battle, as this biome is infested with creatures like spitters, hogs, and even alpha hogs. Once spawned, it’s important to find a nearby water source to ensure a steady supply. Then, build skybridges to start gathering resources in the area, especially Bauxite, Coal, and Caterium.

Dune Desert

Satisfactory Dune Desert The Dune Desert is a challenging but rewarding starting spawn location in Satisfactory. Located on the opposite side of the Rocky Desert biome (X5Y4 and X6Y4), it has diverse resources like Iron, Copper, and Coal. However, the Dune Desert may not be ideal for beginner Pioneers, for its unique terrain requires careful planning and exploration. Players must also deal with various challenges, including sandstorms and dune collapses. Despite the difficulty, creative building opportunities and ambitious projects can thrive in these open spaces. Pioneers can use the unique terrain for elevated structures and natural defense barriers. Transportation can also be challenging, so consider building roads or tracks. Additionally, wind power is a reliable energy source, and proper research and development are crucial for unlocking advanced technologies.

Available Resource Nodes

  • Iron Ore
  • Copper Ore
  • Coal
  • Limestone
  • Caterium Ore

Tips & Tricks

Despite its challenges, the Dune Desert is still one of the beginner-friendly starting spawn locations in Satisfactory. Newcomers shouldn’t find much difficulty in reaching tier 5 in this region. However, players must still be ready for hostile creatures that may attack their factories. Still, the area doesn't have highly challenging enemies, such as Super Hogs and tanky Spitters, making building and defending more manageable than other locations. Additionally, prepare to do some exploring during the biomass phase. Being successful in this stage can yield slugs and other rewards. Nonetheless, Pioneers can take advantage of the abundance of resource nodes to produce various items, including Plastic, Rubber, Reinforced Steel Plates, Steel Beams, and Heavy Modular Frames.
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