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Reddit Recap – Top /r/Minecraft Posts of February

Posted on by amber
Reddit’s /r/Minecraft is home to over seven million Minecraft fans, including some developers! And when a community as creative as Minecraft’s comes together, amazing creations are bound to be shared. Today we return to Reddit for February’s top /r/Minecraft Posts, and they are five you do not want to miss!

5. Creative as Can Be

Minecraft 1.20 is not yet out, but that has not stopped fans from exploring the possibilities each new block brings about! Take the new pots from archeology, for example. With a fence post and leaves, you now have your very own baby trees.

4. Next Boss When?

Ten years ago, the wither went live, yet it’s still the newest boss monster after all this time. Perhaps, as fans theorized in this post’s comments, the portals in the deep dark will lead players to the boss that comes next.

3. Every Version of Minecraft

From humble beginnings without a case in sight, Minecraft has made its way to platforms across the globe. Just look at all those consoles! Is anyone still using the Wii U version?

2. A Totem Theory

Fan theories are no rarity on /r/Minecraft, but this one on the creation of totems of undying was a first! The imprisoned allays found at illager outposts and woodland mansions are being turned into totems of undying. So, what about vexes? They’re the failed versions!

1. Rule #1

Every Minecraft player knows rule number one; don’t mine straight down! Well, this month’s top post was a stunning cosplay by /u/biologer giving that rule human form and a matching dress too. It is always amazing to see creativity getting the attention it deserves.

Reddit Recap – Top /r/Minecraft Posts of February

Top /r/Minecraft Posts - Reddit Logo February has ended, but /r/Minecraft still has plenty to share! We only picked five from thousands of excellent posts waiting to be seen. Check out the top posts of all time for years and years worth of content. You won’t be disappointed! Until Next Time, BisectHosting =) BisectHosting Minecraft Promotional Image
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