A question our clients often ask is which pixelmon they should use. With so many options out there, including the original pixelmon mod, the confusion is very understandable. Today we will be going over the pixelmon options offered here at BisectHosting to find which is best for you.
The Pixelmon Mod

The Pixelmon Mod is the original Pixelmon which has since ceased development. Not by choice of the developers, however. The use of Pokémon within The Pixelmon Mod gave The Pokémon Company legal standing to shut the project down. And they did so with full force.
This version of the mod is now out of date and is not recommended for use.
Pixelmon Generations

Pixelmon Generations is an unofficial continuation of The Pixelmon Mod. Known for its fast updates, Pixelmon Generations is usually the first to release Pokémon as they are added to the official games. In addition, extra content such as costumes is added quite regularly. Bugs with the mod are said to be common, however.
Pixelmon Reforged

Pixelmon Reforged is the official continuation of The Pixelmon Mod. This version takes longer to update and add Pokémon, but is widely praised for offering a smooth and bug-free experience. All content within the mod is custom-made to lower the chance of future shutdowns as well. Quality is Pixelmon Reforged’s priority, and it shows in both the gameplay and Pokémon.
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The Pixelmon Modpack

The Pixelmon Modpack is not a different version of pixelmon. It instead bundles Pixelmon Reforged with other popular mods, such as Biomes O Plenty, creating what is called a modpack. If extra biomes and modded features are desired, The Pixelmon Modpack is a very fun way to experience Pixelmon Reforged.
Pixelmon Generations Vs Pixelmon Reforged

The pick between Generations and Reforged often comes down to the question of quality versus quantity. Pixelmon Generations offers more content at the cost of performance, and Reforged provides better performance at the cost of content coming out slower. As much as we wish for a definitive choice, preference is the answer.
Should the legality of the mod affect your decision, Pixelmon Reforged goes above and beyond to ensure their mod is within fair use.
Author’s Personal Preference
Pixelmon Reforged is my pick, but the main reason for that is its inclusion in The Pixelmon Modpack. The additional biomes and mods go hand in hand with Pixelmon creating an experience I simply can’t live without. The modpack aside, I generally prefer a smoother and bug-free experience anyhow. It is for that reason that I would still pick Pixelmon Reforged.
But remember, there is no rule against trying out both!
Until Next Time,
BisectHosting =)
Looking to create your own Pixelmon server? We here at BisectHosting offer affordable options for just that! Your Minecraft server is only a few steps away.
Looking to create your own gaming server? It only takes a few minutes.
Looking to create your own gaming server? It only takes a few minutes.