Are you looking for a way to increase your inventory size significantly? Perhaps you want to craft the Meowmere, the blade found initially in Terraria. If so, you must farm Predator Cores, which can only drop from Predator Pals. So, keep reading as we give you vital information about these rampaging creatures, especially their locations, in this Palworld Predator Pal Guide.
Like Alpha Pals, Predator Pals are area bosses. Unfortunately, these “predators” don’t have map pins.
Thankfully, players can spot a Predator Pal in Palworld by looking at two distinct features: a reddish aura and glowing red eyes. Additionally, each Predator Pal has the “Rampaging” prefix on its name.
33 Predator Pals exist at the time of writing, and it’s impossible to capture them. Also, a Palworld Predator Pal may not immediately spawn at its designated location. Nonetheless, players can force the hostile Pal to spawn by exiting and re-entering the area. Alternatively, logging out and reloading the save file may let the Predator Pal spawn.
Defeating Predator Pals also doesn’t grant Ancient Technology Points, unlike beating Alpha Pals. Still, players can farm a distinct item from defeating these rampaging creatures – the Predator Core. Use Predator Cores and other materials to craft various items, including pouches that increase your inventory’s size.
Note that beating a Predator Pal guarantees that at least one Predator Core will drop. However, higher-level Predator Pals can drop more than one Predator Core.
Tip: Build a base near a Predator Pal spawn location to farm Predator Cores efficiently.
Predator Pal Locations
The list below highlights the locations of each existing Predator Pal in Palworld as of the release of the Feybreak Update:
Palworld Predator Pals: An Overview

Predator Pal Locations

The list below highlights the locations of each existing Predator Pal in Palworld as of the release of the Feybreak Update:
- Vanwyrm: 362, -177
- Direhowl: -325, -33
- Lovander: -155, -424
- Dogen: -240, -272
- Mossanda: -318, -161
- Relaxaurus: -24, -348
- Tarantriss: 63, -298
- Rayhound: 246, -105
- Gorirat: -275, -553
- Omascul: 9, -221
- Dinossom: 49, 36
- Ragnahawk: 341, -69
- Starryon: 20, -125
- Maraith: 166, -50
- Reptyro Cryst: 182, 94
- Digtoise: -596, -742
- Prixter: 496, 212
- Dazemu: 374, 315
- Kitsun: -22, 167
- Jormuntide Ignis: -457, -447
- Gildane: -598, -225
- Cryolinx Terra: 264, 364
- Loupmoon Cryst: -194, 246
- Faleris Aqua: -111, -141
- Wumpo: -294, 381
- Blazehowl Noct: -273, 477
- Elphidran: -340, 131
- Shroomer: -483, 168
- Splatterina: -614, 224
- Helzephyr Lux: -1003, -1114
- Bushi Noct: -1191, -1574
- Sootseer: -889, -1374
- Incineram Noct: -1075, -1272
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