Introduced during the game’s Early Access launch, Paladius is a towering Pal that embodies the spirit of a noble knight. This Neutral-type Pal wields a lance and shield with unmatched skill. As a loyal companion, Paladius stands out for its ability to protect and provide, making it an ideal ally. So, if you’re looking into letting this gallant creature join your ranks, here’s what you need to know about capturing Paladius in Palworld.
Pal trainers can find Paladius as an Alpha boss at the northeasternmost part of the map in the desert biome. In particular, this Legendary Pal's location is at the northwest of the Deep Sand Dunes fast-travel point. Remember, Paladius doesn’t spawn in any other part of the map except this spot. This Pal also doesn’t spawn inside dungeons.
Hatching a Paladius is guaranteed if you breed two Paladius parents at the Breeding Center. Alternatively, find a Huge Common Egg and hatch it using an Egg Incubator. Doing so may let a Paladius appear from the hatched egg. However, it’s also important to mention that a Kingpaca can also hatch from a Huge Common Egg.
Note: The image above shows the standard Common Egg. The Huge Common Egg is generally as large as the typical player model!
As an Alpha Pal, Paladius in Palworld won’t be going down without a fight. So, bring your best weapons and equip your armor with the best defenses. The Rocket Launcher and Assault Rifle are excellent weapons for your Pal trainer to use and deal damage to Paladius. As for your armor, the Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor and Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor provide adequate defense stats that can also shield you from harm against the harsh temperatures of the desert.
Let's not forget about your Pal allies, who can help whittle down Paladius's health to a critical level. Since Paladius is a Normal-type Pal, summoning Dark Pals is your best choice for this fight. Some excellent examples include Shadowbeak, Frostallion Noct, and Hoocrates.
Hoocrates, in particular, can be an invaluable ally in a fight against Paladius, thanks to its Partner Skill called Dark Knowledge. With it, Hoocrates buffs your party’s Dark-type Pals’ attack stat, allowing them to deal more damage to Paladius than normal.
Once Paladius' health is in the red, use your Legendary Pal Spheres to try to capture it. Normal, Mega, and Giga Spheres generally don't work in trying to capture Paladius. With enough luck, your Legendary Pal Sphere throwing attempts will give you a successful catch, making you the Paladius’ new Pal master.
Paladius Location in Palworld

Hatching Paladius (Breeding Guide)

How to Defeat and Capture Paladius

Core Stats at Level 1
- Health: 130
- Attack: 120
- Defense: 145
Other Stats
- Paldeck Number: 108
- Element: Neutral
- Partner Skill: Holy Knight of the Firmament: Increases base mount speed and enables mounting for Paladius. Can triple jump while mounted.
- Drops: Pal Metal Ingot and Diamond
- Work Suitability: Lumbering Lv. 2 and Mining Lv. 2
Active Skills
Power Shot
- Description: Charges energy into a focused blast.
- Element: Neutral
- Level Learned: 1
- Charge Time: 4 seconds
- Power: 35
Ice Missile
- Description: Creates ice lances in the air that fly towards enemies.
- Element: Ice
- Level Learned: 7
- Charge Time: 3 seconds
- Power: 30
- Description: Summons a sharp ice lance under an enemy.
- Element: Ice
- Level Learned: 15
- Charge Time: 15 seconds
- Power: 70
Power Bomb
- Description: Charges a massive amount of energy before firing a large destructive ball.
- Element: Neutral
- Level Learned: 22
- Charge Time: 15 seconds
- Power: 70
Blizzard Spike
- Description: Creates a giant lump of ice and hurls it at any enemy. It deals damage to those in the surrounding area upon impact.
- Element: Ice
- Level Learned: 30
- Charge Time: 45 seconds
- Power: 130
Spear Thrust
- Description: Paladius exclusive skill. Clads itself in holy power before charging forward with its spear. The shield in its other hand protects from attacks during the charge.
- Element: Neutral
- Level Learned: 40
- Charge Time: 40 seconds
- Power: 120
Pal Blast
- Description: Charges destructive energy before firing a high-powered beam forward across a wide area.
- Element: Neutral
- Level Learned: 50
- Charge Time: 55 seconds
- Power: 150
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