Palworld Breeding Guide: How to Use the Breeding Farm, Best Combinations, Traits, & more
Posted on by justin
(Estimated Read Time: 21 minutes)
Throwing Pal Spheres isn’t the only method of making new Pal friends (or workhorses). Palmasters can also breed Pals to increase the Pal population in your base. So, keep reading as we dive deep into breeding in Palworld.Palworld Breeding Guide: How to Breed Pals

Step #1: Craft the Breeding Farm
First, players must unlock the Breeding Farm from the Technology Tree at Level 19. The materials needed to build this station are the following:- 100x Wood
- 20x Stone
- 50x Fiber
Step #2: Place the Pals in the Breeding Farm
Waiting for the two Pals you want to breed to enter the Breeding Farm is challenging. Instead, pick up (yes, with your hands) one male and one female Pal you want to propagate. Then, toss those Pals into the Breeding Farm. You’ll know if the two Pals are a good match if the on-screen message, “Love is blossoming between the two Pals!” appears when you’re near the breeding station. Remember, breeding won’t commence or progress if the two Pals in the Breeding Farm have the same gender. However, it’s possible to breed two Pals of different species. For example, you can breed a male Mossanda with a female Lifmunk.Step #3: Let Them Eat Cake
The two Pals in the Breeding Farm won’t spawn an egg if they don’t have Cake. So, place a Cake in the box outside the Breeding Farm. Without it, you’ll see an on-screen message, “Not enough Cake,” at the station. Tip: Placing the Cake in the Breeding Farm box eliminates its spoiling timer. However, the timer will resume after taking the Cake out of the box.Step #4: Wait for the Egg
With the Cake in the box by the Breeding Farm, you only need to wait for a few moments until the breeding progress bar fills up. Once complete, an egg will pop out of thin air. Note that breeding two Pals of the same species will yield offspring that’s the same species as its parents. On the other hand, breeding two Pals of different species will yield random offspring. Also, breeding two Pals of the same species but having different variants will result in offspring within the same species line. However, the variant can be random (as long as it exists in the game) or one of the offspring’s parents.Step #5: Place the Egg in an Incubator
Next, bring the egg to an egg incubator. Then, like the previous step, wait for the egg to hatch in the incubator, which should take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours to complete. Once the egg hatches, you can bring the newborn on your adventures. Alternatively, assign it with a specific task in the base. Start Pal-breeding in Palworld when it is released on Steam and Xbox Game Pass on January 19, 2024.Palworld Breeding Tips

- Breed Pals with single work traits. That way, you can eliminate the guesswork about which traits carry over from the parents to the child.
- Have a steady supply of Cake. You can make Cake from the Cooking Pot or get it by capturing or defeating a Lovander.
- It's not possible to pass down Alpha and Lucky statuses. Boss and "shiny" Pals can be parents, but the offspring won't have these traits.
- Place the Egg Incubator near a Campfire. Warming an egg can decrease its incubation time.
Palworld Breeding Combinations

Lamball Breeding Combinations
- Lamball + Cattiva
- Chikipi + Lifmunk
- Teafant + Cremis
- Vixy + Teafant
- Cattiva + Mau
- Cremis + Mau
- Vixy + Mau
Cattiva Breeding Combinations
- Cattiva + Cattiva
- Lifmunk + Teafant
- Lamball + Cremis
- Lamball + Vixy
- Cattiva + Cremis
- Chikipi + HangyuChikipi + Hangyu Cryst
Chikipi Breeding Combinations
- Chikipi + Chikipi
Lifmunk Breeding Combinations
- Lamball + Foxparks
- Lifmunk + Lifmunk
- Cattiva + Foxparks
- Chikipi + Pengullet
- Lamball + Sparkit
- Cattiva + Sparkit
- Chikipi + Jolthog
Foxparks Breeding Combinations
- Foxparks + Foxparks
- Lamball + Fuack
- Cattiva + Fuack
- Lifmunk + Jolthog
- Pengullet + Vixy
- Chikipi + Killamari
- Cattiva + Tocotoco
Fuack Breeding Combinations
- Chikipi + Rooby
- Lamball + Woolipop
- Sparkit + Tanzee
- Fuack + Fuack
- Jolthog + Killamari
- Lifmunk + Daedream
- Gumoss + Hangyu
Sparkit Breeding Combinations
- Lamball + Pengullet
- Fuack + Teafant
- Sparkit + Sparkit
- Jolthog + Cremis
- Jolthog + Vixy
- Chikipi + Bristla
- Foxparks + Hangyu
Tanzee Breeding Combinations
- Tanzee + Tanzee
- Tanzee + Gumoss
- Lifmunk + Direhowl
- Rooby + Pengullet
- Jolthog + Rushoar
- Foxparks + Gobfin
- Sparkit + Gobfin
Rooby Breeding Combinations
- Tanzee + Direhowl
- Rooby + Rooby
- Foxparks + Mozzarina
- Hangyu + Melpaca
- Cattiva + Digtoise
- Mau Cryst + Celaray
- Sparkit + Dumud
Pengullet Breeding Combinations
- Cattiva + Tanzee
- Lamball + Gumoss
- Pengullet + Pengullet
- Cattiva + Gumoss
- Tanzee + Cremis
- Fuack + Jolthog
- Tanzee + Vixy
Penking Breeding Combinations
- Penking + Penking
- Cinnamoth + Surfent
- Penking + Grintale
- Eikthyrdeer + Cryolinx
- Mozzarina + Cryolinx
- Incineram + Sibelyx
- Cinnamoth + Elphidran
Jolthog Breeding Combinations
- Lamball + Tanzee
- Chikipi + Tanzee
- Foxparks + Pengullet
- Chikipi + Gumoss
- Foxparks + Fuack
- Tanzee + Teafant
- Gumoss + Teafant
Jolthog Cryst Breeding Combinations
- Pengullet + Jolthog
- Jolthog Cryst + Jolthog Cryst
Gumoss Breeding Combinations
- Gumoss + Gumoss
- Fuack + Rooby
- Pengullet + Rushoar
- Killamari + Woolipop
- Rooby + Bristla
- Tanzee + Daedream
- Direhowl + Hangyu
Vixy Breeding Combinations
- Lamball + Lifmunk
- Chikipi + Foxparks
- Cattiva + Lifmunk
- Foxparks + Teafant
- Sparkit + Teafant
- Lifmunk + Cremis
- Vixy + Vixy
Hoocrates Breeding Combinations
- Lifmunk + Pengullet
- Sparkit + Jolthog
- Fuack + Cremis
- Fuack + Vixy
- Chikipi + Flopie
- Teafant + Killamari
- Cattiva + Bristla
Teafant Breeding Combinations
- Chikipi + Teafant
- Teafant + Teafant
- Chikipi + Mau
Depresso Breeding Combinations
- Lifmunk + Fuack
- Sparkit + Pengullet
- Foxparks + Jolthog
- Lamball + Killamari
- Lifmunk + Tocotoco
- Teafant + Flopie
- Pengullet + Hangyu
Cremis Breeding Combinations
- Chikipi + Sparkit
- Cattiva + Vixy
- Cremis + Cremis
- Vixy + Cremis
- Lifmunk + Mau
- Teafant + Hangyu
- Lamball + Mau Cryst
Daedream Breeding Combinations
- Foxparks + Direhowl
- Sparkit + Direhowl
- Fuack + Rushoar
- Tanzee + Fuddler
- Gumoss + Fuddler
- Jolthog + Gobfin
- Flopie + Woolipop
Rushoar Breeding Combinations
- Foxparks + Celaray
- Sparkit + Celaray
- Pengullet + Caprity
- Pengullet + Eikthyrdeer
- Fuack + Caprity
- Jolthog + Melpaca
- Fuack + Eikthyrdeer
Nox Breeding Combinations
- Teafant + Celaray
- Lamball + Melpaca
- Cattiva + Melpaca
- Lifmunk + Caprity
- Lifmunk + Eikthyrdeer
- Cremis + Melpaca
- Rooby + Woolipop
Fuddler Breeding Combinations
- Tanzee + Woolipop
- Pengullet + Gobfin
- Rooby + Killamari
- Rooby + Flopie
- Fuddler + Fuddler
- Rushoar + Bristla
- Pengullet + Gobfin Ignis
Killamari Breeding Combinations
- Pengullet + Gumoss
- Fuack + Tanzee
- Lifmunk + Rooby
- Fuack + Gumoss
- Foxparks + Woolipop
- Cattiva + Rushoar
- Pengullet + Fuddler
Mau Breeding Combinations
- Lamball + Chikipi
- Cattiva + Chikipi
- Lamball + Teafant
- Cattiva + Teafant
- Chikipi + Cremis
- Chikipi + Vixy
- Lamball + Mau
Mau Cryst Breeding Combinations
- Pengullet + Mau
- Mau Cryst + Mau Cryst
Celaray Breeding Combinations
- Celaray + Celaray
- Penking + Fuddler
- Tanzee + Cinnamoth
- Rooby + Incineram
- Bristla + Nitewing
- Fuack + Sweepa
- Melpaca + Digtoise
Direhowl Breeding Combinations
- Tanzee + Celaray
- Gumoss + Celaray
- Gumoss + Melpaca
- Direhowl + Direhowl
- Woolipop + Caprity
- Woolipop + Eikthyrdeer
- Fuddler + Melpaca
Tocotoco Breeding Combinations
- Lifmunk + Tanzee
- Lifmunk + Gumoss
- Fuack + Pengullet
- Chikipi + Woolipop
- Teafant + Woolipop
- Lamball + Fuddler
- Cattiva + Fuddler
Flopie Breeding Combinations
- Chikipi + Direhowl
- Foxparks + Rooby
- Lifmunk + Rushoar
- Sparkit + Rooby
- Jolthog + Woolipop
- Lamball + Gobfin
- Gumoss + Bristla
Mozzarina Breeding Combinations
- Caprity + Melpaca
- Foxparks + Nitewing
- Melpaca + Eikthyrdeer
- Penking + Killamari
- Fuack + Cinnamoth
- Mozzarina + Mozzarina
- Tanzee + Surfent
Bristla Breeding Combinations
- Foxparks + Tanzee
- Foxparks + Gumoss
- Rooby + Teafant
- Cattiva + Woolipop
- Sparkit + Gumoss
- Chikipi + Rushoar
- Lifmunk + Fuddler
Gobfin Breeding Combinations
- Tanzee + Caprity
- Tanzee + Eikthyrdeer
- Gumoss + Caprity
- Celaray + Bristla
- Rushoar + Direhowl
- Killamari + Melpaca
- Celaray + Ribbuny
Gobfin Ignis Breeding Combinations
- Rooby + Gobfin
- Gobfin Ignis + Gobfin Ignis
Hangyu Breeding Combinations
- Lifmunk + Foxparks
- Chikipi + Fuack
- Pengullet + Teafant
- Lamball + Jolthog
- Lifmunk + Sparkit
- Cattiva + Jolthog
- Chikipi + Tocotoco
Hangyu Cryst Breeding Combinations
- Hangyu + SweeSwee
- Hangyu Cryst + Hangyu Cryst
Mossanda Breeding Combinations
- Mossanda + Mossanda
- Nitewing + Sibelyx
- Penking + Warsect
- Penking + Quivern
- Cinnamoth + Ragnahawk
- Grintale + Pyrin
- Sweepa + Sibelyx
Mossanda Lux Breeding Combinations
- Mossanda + Grizzbolt
- Mossanda Lux + Mossanda Lux
Woolipop Breeding Combinations
- Chikipi + Celaray
- Chikipi + Melpaca
- Lamball + Eikthyrdeer
- Cattiva + Caprity
- Teafant + Melpaca
- Cattiva + Eikthyrdeer
- Rooby + Gumoss
Caprity Breeding Combinations
- Pengullet + Penking
- Lifmunk + Mossanda
- Caprity + Caprity
- Vixy + Nitewing
- Penking + Tocotoco
- Jolthog + Cinnamoth
- Cattiva + Sweepa
Melpaca Breeding Combinations
- Tanzee + Penking
- Celaray + Mozzarina
- Melpaca + Melpaca
- Pengullet + Mossanda
- Pengullet + Nitewing
- Woolipop + Incineram
- Tocotoco + Mossanda
Eikthyrdeer Breeding Combinations
- Fuack + Penking
- Foxparks + Mossanda
- Lifmunk + Nitewing
- Caprity + Eikthyrdeer
- Eikthyrdeer + Eikthyrdeer
- Sparkit + Mossanda
- Sparkit + Nitewing
Eikthyrdeer Terra Breeding Combinations
- Hangyu + Eikthyrdeer
- Eikthyrdeer Terra + Eikthyrdeer Terra
Nitewing Breeding Combinations
- Mossanda + Nitewing
- Nitewing + Nitewing
- Penking + Elizabee
- Mossanda + Sweepa
- Nitewing + Sweepa
- Cinnamoth + Pyrin
- Penking + Reptyro
Ribbuny Breeding Combinations
- Lamball + Rooby
- Cattiva + Rooby
- Lifmunk + Woolipop
- Tanzee + Jolthog
- Teafant + Rushoar
- Foxparks + Fuddler
- Fuack + Killamari
Incineram Breeding Combinations
- Celaray + Elizabee
- Celaray + Pyrin
- Mossanda + Arsox
- Nitewing + Arsox
- Melpaca + Elizabee
- Incineram + Incineram
- Penking + Univolt
Incineram Noct Breeding Combinations
- Incineram + MaraithMaraith
- Incineram Noct + Incineram Noct
Cinnamoth Breeding Combinations
- Cinnamoth + Cinnamoth
- Nitewing + Surfent
- Mossanda + Surfent Terra
- Penking + Wumpo
- Caprity + Suzaku
- Digtoise + Cryolinx
- Eikthyrdeer + Shadowbeak
Arsox Breeding Combinations
- Penking + Direhowl
- Rooby + Mossanda
- Rooby + Nitewing
- Tanzee + Elizabee
- Gumoss + Elizabee
- Gobfin + Cinnamoth
- Melpaca + Univolt
Dumud Breeding Combinations
- Celaray + Caprity
- Celaray + Eikthyrdeer
- Jolthog + Mossanda
- Jolthog + Nitewing
- Mozzarina + Melpaca
- Penking + Flopie
- Lamball + Elizabee
Cawgnito Breeding Combinations
- Killamari + Celaray
- Gumoss + Eikthyrdeer
- Celaray + Flopie
- Tanzee + Mozzarina
- Gumoss + Mozzarina
- Fuddler + Caprity
- Direhowl + Gobfin
Leezpunk Breeding Combinations
- Jolthog + Celaray
- Pengullet + Melpaca
- Fuack + Mozzarina
- Pengullet + Dumud
- Bristla + Eikthyrdeer
- Nox + Direhowl
- Cremis + Arsox
Leezpunk Ignis Breeding Combinations
- Leezpunk + Flambelle
- Leezpunk Ignis + Leezpunk Ignis
Loupmoon Breeding Combinations
- Celaray + Direhowl
- Foxparks + Penking
- Sparkit + Penking
- Lamball + Mossanda
- Chikipi + Mossanda
- Lamball + Nitewing
- Chikipi + Nitewing
Galeclaw Breeding Combinations
- Celaray + Woolipop
- Lamball + Incineram
- Rushoar + Caprity
- Rushoar + Eikthyrdeer
- Cattiva + Incineram
- Rooby + Mozzarina
- Nox + Celaray
Robinquill Breeding Combinations
- Rooby + Melpaca
- Rushoar + Mozzarina
- Tanzee + Arsox
- Lamball + Surfent
- Cremis + Incineram
- Gumoss + Arsox
- Vixy + Incineram
Robinquill Terra Breeding Combinations
- Fuddler + Robinquill
- Robinquill Terra + Robinquill Terra
Gorirat Breeding Combinations
- Fuddler + Celaray
- Rooby + Caprity
- Woolipop + Melpaca
- Rooby + Eikthyrdeer
- Chikipi + Incineram
- Teafant + Incineram
- Woolipop + Dumud
Beegarde Breeding Combinations
- Tanzee + Melpaca
- Fuddler + Eikthyrdeer
- Pengullet + Arsox
- Tanzee + Dumud
- Gumoss + Dumud
- Celaray + Kelpsea Ignis
- Cattiva + Univolt
Elizabee Breeding Combinations
- Elizabee + Elizabee
- Mossanda + Pyrin Noct
- Nitewing + Pyrin Noct
- Penking + Astegon
- Penking + Orserk
- Nitewing + Lyleen
- Mossanda + Ice Reptyro
Grintale Breeding Combinations
- Mossanda + Incineram
- Melpaca + Cryolinx
- Penking + Azurobe
- Celaray + Astegon
- Dumud + Cryolinx
- Pyrin + Vanwyrm
- Grintale + Grintale
Swee Breeding Combinations
- Tanzee + Pengullet
- Lamball + Rushoar
- Jolthog + Gumoss
- Rooby + Cremis
- Sparkit + Woolipop
- Rooby + Vixy
- Fuack + Flopie
Sweepa Breeding Combinations
- Mossanda + Pyrin
- Cinnamoth + Elizabee
- Sweepa + Sweepa
- Mossanda + Ragnahawk
- Nitewing + Ragnahawk
- Penking + Mammorest
- Incineram + Beakon
Chillet Breeding Combinations
- Woolipop + Nitewing
- Penking + Gobfin
- Nox + Mossanda
- Tanzee + Pyrin
- Woolipop + Sweepa
- Nox + Nitewing
- Celaray + Rayhound
Univolt Breeding Combinations
- Celaray + Cinnamoth
- Mossanda + Caprity
- Caprity + Nitewing
- Mossanda + Eikthyrdeer
- Eikthyrdeer + Nitewing
- Melpaca + Cinnamoth
- Mozzarina + Mossanda
Foxcicle Breeding Combinations
- Caprity + Incineram
- Gobfin + Mossanda
- Rushoar + Sweepa
- Gobfin Ignis + Mossanda
- Woolipop + Elizabee
- Gobfin Ignis + Nitewing
- Rooby + Pyrin
Pyrin Breeding Combinations
- Penking + Beakon
- Elizabee + Sweepa
- Incineram + Cryolinx
- Pyrin + Pyrin
- Cinnamoth + Beakon
- Nitewing + Reptyro
- Penking + Grizzbolt
Pyrin Noct Breeding Combinations
- Pyrin + Katress
- Pyrin Noct + Pyrin Noct
Reindrix Breeding Combinations
- Celaray + Melpaca
- Penking + Gumoss
- Fuack + Mossanda
- Fuack + Nitewing
- Celaray + Dumud
- Penking + Daedream
- Tocotoco + Nitewing
Rayhound Breeding Combinations
- Penking + Caprity
- Celaray + Incineram
- Direhowl + Nitewing
- Melpaca + Incineram
- Melpaca + Surfent
- Direhowl + Sweepa
- Eikthyrdeer + Surfent
Kitsun Breeding Combinations
- Rooby + Penking
- Tanzee + Nitewing
- Penking + Rushoar
- Gumoss + Mossanda
- Gumoss + Nitewing
- Celaray + Arsox
- Fuddler + Mossanda
Dazzi Breeding Combinations
- Lamball + Caprity
- Chikipi + Caprity
- Chikipi + Eikthyrdeer
- Pengullet + Direhowl
- Tanzee + Rooby
- Teafant + Caprity
- Teafant + Eikthyrdeer
Lunaris Breeding Combinations
- Pengullet + Celaray
- Fuack + Celaray
- Fuack + Melpaca
- Rooby + Direhowl
- Celaray + Tocotoco
- Killamari + Caprity
- Tocotoco + Melpaca
Dinossom Breeding Combinations
- Mossanda + Woolipop
- Rooby + Cinnamoth
- Fuddler + Nitewing
- Rushoar + Cinnamoth
- Direhowl + Surfent
- Penking + Gobfin Ignis
- Celaray + Foxcicle
Dinossom Lux Breeding Combinations
- Rayhound + Dinossom
- Dinossom Lux + Dinossom Lux
Surfent Breeding Combinations
- Penking + Incineram
- Mossanda + Univolt
- Surfent + Surfent
- Arsox + Elizabee
- Celaray + Pyrin Noct
- Melpaca + Beakon
- Nitewing + Katress
Surfent Terra Breeding Combinations
- Dumud + Surfent
- Surfent Terra + Surfent Terra
Maraith Breeding Combinations
- Lifmunk + Celaray
- Foxparks + Melpaca
- Gumoss + Direhowl
- Sparkit + Melpaca
- Jolthog + Caprity
- Jolthog + Eikthyrdeer
- Rooby + Rushoar
Digtoise Breeding Combinations
- Penking + Woolipop
- Tanzee + Mossanda
- Woolipop + Cinnamoth
- Killamari + Nitewing
- Penking + Nox
- Melpaca + Arsox
- Flopie + Mossanda
Tombat Breeding Combinations
- Direhowl + Mossanda
- Eikthyrdeer + Incineram
- Gobfin + Nitewing
- Mozzarina + Incineram
- Caprity + Surfent
- Rushoar + Pyrin
- Gobfin + Sweepa
Lovander Breeding Combinations
- Cattiva + Nitewing
- Cremis + Mossanda
- Cremis + Nitewing
- Vixy + Mossanda
- Lamball + Sweepa
- Killamari + Incineram
- Penking + Jolthog Cryst
Flambelle Breeding Combinations
- Cattiva + Pengullet
- Foxparks + Sparkit
- Pengullet + Cremis
- Lamball + Tocotoco
- Teafant + Bristla
- Fuack + Mau
- Lifmunk + Depresso
Vanwyrm Breeding Combinations
- Celaray + Mossanda
- Mossanda + Melpaca
- Melpaca + Nitewing
- Mozzarina + Nitewing
- Penking + Arsox
- Melpaca + Sweepa
- Penking + Chillet
Vanwyrm Cryst Breeding Combinations
- Foxcicle + Vanwyrm
- Vanwyrm Cryst + Vanwyrm Cryst
Bushi Breeding Combinations
- Celaray + Nitewing
- Celaray + Sweepa
- Caprity + Elizabee
- Eikthyrdeer + Elizabee
- Melpaca + Pyrin
- Caprity + Pyrin
- Cinnamoth + Arsox
Beakon Breeding Combinations
- Mossanda + Blazamut
- Nitewing + Blazamut
- Mossanda + Suzaku
- Elizabee + Cryolinx
- Nitewing + Suzaku
- Nitewing + Shadowbeak
- Sweepa + Blazamut
Ragnahawk Breeding Combinations
- Mossanda + Elizabee
- Nitewing + Elizabee
- Nitewing + Pyrin
- Sweepa + Pyrin
- Penking + Pyrin Noct
- Penking + Menasting
- Mossanda + Reptyro
Katress Breeding Combinations
- Penking + Celaray
- Mozzarina + Cinnamoth
- Direhowl + Elizabee
- Cinnamoth + Dumud
- Penking + Reindrix
- Melpaca + Grintale
- Incineram + Chillet
Wixen Breeding Combinations
- Lamball + Celaray
- Cattiva + Celaray
- Cremis + Celaray
- Lifmunk + Melpaca
- Vixy + Celaray
- Foxparks + Caprity
- Foxparks + Eikthyrdeer
Verdash Breeding Combinations
- Lamball + Penking
- Cattiva + Penking
- Penking + Cremis
- Direhowl + Caprity
- Direhowl + Eikthyrdeer
- Chikipi + Cinnamoth
- Foxparks + Incineram
Vaelet Breeding Combinations
- Daedream + Celaray
- Mozzarina + Woolipop
- Tanzee + Digtoise
- Nox + Eikthyrdeer
- Direhowl + Gorirat
- Pengullet + Tombat
- Cattiva + Bushi
Sibelyx Breeding Combinations
- Nitewing + Cinnamoth Penking + Pyrin Cinnamoth + Sweepa Elizabee + Surfent Penking + Ragnahawk Mossanda + Sibelyx Celaray + Blazamut
Elphidran Aqua Breeding Combinations
- Surfent + Elphidran
- Elphidran Aqua + Elphidran Aqua
Elphidran Breeding Combinations
- Penking + Surfent
- Incineram + Cinnamoth
- Nitewing + Univolt
- Celaray + Beakon
- Caprity + Cryolinx
- Penking + Elphidran
- Mossanda + Vanwyrm
Kelpsea Breeding Combinations
- Lamball + Direhowl
- Cattiva + Direhowl
- Foxparks + Rushoar
- Rooby + Jolthog
- Fuack + Woolipop
- Cremis + Direhowl
- Vixy + Direhowl
Kelpsea Ignis Breeding Combinations
- Teafant + Direhowl
- Pengullet + Woolipop
- Sparkit + Rushoar
- Tanzee + Killamari
- Fuack + Fuddler
- Cattiva + Gobfin
- Mau + Direhowl
Azurobe Breeding Combinations
- Penking + Cinnamoth
- Nitewing + Incineram
- Mossanda + Surfent
- Celaray + Cryolinx
- Incineram + Sweepa
- Cinnamoth + Grintale
- Elizabee + Univolt
Cryolinx Breeding Combinations
- Cryolinx + Cryolinx
- Cryolinx + Astegon
- Beakon + Blazamut
- Cryolinx + Orserk
- Cryolinx + Shadowbeak
- Beakon + Suzaku
- Beakon + Shadowbeak
Blazehowl Breeding Combinations
- Penking + Melpaca
- Penking + Eikthyrdeer
- Penking + Mozzarina
- Celaray + Surfent
- Caprity + Cinnamoth
- Eikthyrdeer + Cinnamoth
- Penking + Dumud
Blazehowl Noct Breeding Combinations
- BlazehowlBlazehowl + FelbatFelbat
- Blazehowl Noct + Blazehowl Noct
Relaxaurus Breeding Combinations
- Mossanda + Cryolinx
- Nitewing + Cryolinx
- Penking + Suzaku
- Sweepa + Cryolinx
- Penking + Shadowbeak
- Mossanda + Astegon
- Nitewing + Astegon
Relaxaurus Lux Breeding Combinations
- Sparkit + Relaxaurus
- Relaxaurus Lux + Relaxaurus Lux
Broncherry Breeding Combinations
- Gumoss + Cinnamoth
- Killamari + Mossanda
- Celaray + Digtoise
- Rushoar + Incineram
- Caprity + Arsox
- Rooby + Surfent
- Foxparks + Elizabee
Broncherry Aqua Breeding Combinations
- Fuack + Broncherry
- Broncherry Aqua + Broncherry Aqua
Petallia Breeding Combinations
- Rushoar + Mossanda
- Rushoar + Nitewing
- Direhowl + Cinnamoth
- Celaray + Univolt
- Rooby + Sweepa
- Penking + Galeclaw
- Woolipop + Pyrin
Reptyro Breeding Combinations
- Penking + Cryolinx
- Mossanda + Beakon
- Nitewing + Beakon
- Cinnamoth + Astegon
- Incineram + Suzaku
- Sweepa + Pyrin Noct
- Grintale + Cryolinx
Ice Reptyro Breeding Combinations
- Foxcicle + Reptyro
- Ice Reptyro + Ice Reptyro
Kingpaca Breeding Combinations
- Penking + Nitewing
- Mossanda + Grintale
- Cinnamoth + Sibelyx
- Caprity + Blazamut
- Melpaca + Suzaku
- Surfent + Ragnahawk
- Celaray + Necromus
Ice Kingpaca Breeding Combinations
- Reindrix + Kingpaca
- Ice Kingpaca + Ice Kingpaca
Mammorest Breeding Combinations
- Incineram + Blazamut
- Penking + Paladius
- Penking + Necromus
- Pyrin + Pyrin Noct
- Elizabee + Menasting
- Sweepa + Helzephyr
- Cinnamoth + Frostallion Noct
Mammorest Cryst Breeding Combinations
- Mammorest + Wumpo
- Mammorest Cryst + Mammorest Cryst
Wumpo Breeding Combinations
- Mossanda + Cinnamoth
- Penking + Sweepa
- Incineram + Elizabee
- Nitewing + Grintale
- Pyrin + Surfent
- Mossanda + Azurobe
- Nitewing + Azurobe
Wumpo Botan Breeding Combinations
- Penking + Mossanda
- Incineram + Pyrin
- Sweepa + Surfent
- Penking + Sibelyx
- Mossanda + Elphidran
- Nitewing + Elphidran
- Nitewing + Surfent Terra
Warsect Breeding Combinations
- Elizabee + Pyrin
- Surfent + Cryolinx
- Mossanda + Menasting
- Nitewing + Menasting
- Mossanda + Lyleen
- Cinnamoth + Grizzbolt
- Nitewing + Relaxaurus Lux
Fenglope Breeding Combinations
- Lifmunk + Penking
- Direhowl + Melpaca
- Penking + Vixy
- Celaray + Gobfin
- Lamball + Cinnamoth
- Cattiva + Cinnamoth
- Direhowl + Mozzarina
Felbat Breeding Combinations
- Rooby + Celaray
- Chikipi + Penking
- Penking + Teafant
- Rushoar + Celaray
- Rushoar + Melpaca
- Lifmunk + Incineram
- Penking + Mau
Quivern Breeding Combinations
- Nitewing + Relaxaurus
- Mossanda + Relaxaurus Lux
- Surfent + Orserk
- Pyrin + Warsect
- Cinnamoth + Lyleen Noct
- Elizabee + Faleris
- Sweepa + Mammorest Cryst
Blazamut Breeding Combinations
- Blazamut + Blazamut
- Blazamut + Suzaku Aqua
Helzephyr Breeding Combinations
- Elizabee + Suzaku
- Pyrin + Blazamut
- Beakon + Cryolinx
- Elizabee + Shadowbeak
- Pyrin Noct + Cryolinx
- Elizabee + Suzaku Aqua
- Pyrin + Suzaku Aqua
Astegon Breeding Combinations
- Elizabee + Blazamut
- Cryolinx + Grizzbolt
- Cryolinx + Helzephyr
- Pyrin Noct + Suzaku
- Reptyro + Blazamut
- Mammorest + Blazamut
- Pyrin Noct + Shadowbeak
Menasting Breeding Combinations
- Penking + Blazamut
- Pyrin + Cryolinx
- Mossanda + Shadowbeak
- Cinnamoth + Blazamut
- Mossanda + Paladius
- Mossanda + Necromus
- Nitewing + Paladius
Anubis Breeding Combinations
- Incineram + Surfent
- Nitewing + Rayhound
- Penking + Bushi
- Arsox + Pyrin
- Caprity + Beakon
- Mossanda + Katress
- Eikthyrdeer + Beakon
Jormuntide Breeding Combinations
- Cinnamoth + Cryolinx
- Sweepa + Beakon
- Nitewing + Grizzbolt
- Mossanda + Helzephyr
- Nitewing + Helzephyr
- Cinnamoth + Orserk
- Penking + Jetragon
Jormuntide Ignis Breeding Combinations
- Jormuntide Ignis + Jormuntide Ignis
Suzaku Breeding Combinations
- Cryolinx + Blazamut
- Cryolinx + Suzaku
- Cryolinx + Suzaku Aqua
- Blazamut + Astegon
- Blazamut + Suzaku
- Astegon + Suzaku
- Suzaku + Suzaku
Suzaku Aqua Breeding Combinations
- Jormuntide + Suzaku
- Suzaku Aqua + Suzaku Aqua
Grizzbolt Breeding Combinations
- Mossanda + Rayhound
- Grizzbolt + Grizzbolt
Lyleen Noct Breeding Combinations
- Menasting + Lyleen
- Lyleen Noct + Lyleen Noct
Lyleen Breeding Combinations
- Mossanda + Petallia
- Lyleen + Lyleen
Faleris Breeding Combinations
- Vanwyrm + Anubis
- Faleris + Faleris
Orserk Breeding Combinations
- Relaxaurus + Grizzbolt
- Orserk + Orserk
Shadowbeak Breeding Combinations
- Kitsun + Astegon
- Shadowbeak + Shadowbeak
Paladius Breeding Combinations
- Paladius + Paladius
Necromus Breeding Combinations
- Necromus + Necromus
Frostallion Breeding Combinations
- Frostallion + Frostallion
Frostallion Breeding Combinations
- Frostallion + Helzephyr
Jetragon Breeding Combinations
- Jetragon + Jetragon
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