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Palworld Astegon Capture Guide: Location, Breeding, Tips & Tricks

Posted on by cade-davie
If you're looking for a powerful Pal in Palworld, you can do a lot worse than recruiting an intimidating Astegon to your team. If you're wondering where you can find an Astegon or hatch one of your own, don't worry! We've got all the info you need right here.

Where to Find Astegon in Palworld

Astegon is a powerful Pal, and, as a result, you'll have to make sure you're powerful enough to capture it. Astegon makes its dwelling in the southwest volcanic area of Palworld. Once you've made your way to this fiery landscape, you'll want to enter the Destroyed Mineshaft, where Astegon appears as a level 48 boss. The precise coordinates for Astegon are -576, -421. If you're looking to fast travel to the Destroyed Mineshaft, you'll want to use the Mount Obsidian Midpoint statue, and head west from there. With this being a location you enter much later in the game, you'll likely have a flying Pal on your team who can help you traverse the molten paths you'll come across. Additionally, wearing armor with heat protection makes traversing the area much easier.

How to Defeat and Capture Astegon

As mentioned above, you'll want to make sure you're wearing some heat-resistant armor. Not because of Astegon's Element, but really as a result of the volcanic hole it calls home. Astegon is also one Pal fight that sees you being regularly pelted with attacks. As a result, a shield would be a great addition to give you another defensive option. When it comes to damaging the big ol' dragon himself, you'll want to bring some Ice Pals. As a Dragon/Dark Pal, Astegon's only weakness is Ice. Two Ice Pals that are fairly easy to acquire and that we recommend would be Frostallion or Foxcicle. With the proper gear and Pals equipped, you'll be ready to fight Astegon in his surprisingly tiny hole in the ground. When you come upon Astegon, you'll fight him in a small, circular, and enclosed room. Keep this in mind and make sure you don't get backed into a corner by its deluge of attacks. The biggest and baddest of Astegon's abilities is an enormous laser-like breath attack of Dark energy. This move hits more than once which means your best hope of avoiding damage is evading the blast altogether. However, if you have a shield, it could save your life in a situation where you can't avoid the move in time. Once you've whittled down its health enough, you'll want to use a Legendary Sphere for your best hope of catching your Astegon. Here are the materials you'll need to craft a Legendary Sphere:
  • Paladium Fragment x10
  • Cement x5
  • Pal Metal Ingot x5
  • Carbon Fiber x3

Hatching an Astegon

Of course, if you're not a fan of volcanic travel, you can always do some Pal breeding to hatch your Astegon instead. This giant, fiery Pal will emerge from Huge Dragon Eggs, which can be found all around the map. However, egg hunting isn't nearly as reliable as breeding. Here's a list of all the Pal combinations that can result in a Huge Dragon Egg and give you your best shot at hatching an Astegon:
  • Relaxaurus & Suzaku
  • Relaxaurus & Suzaku Aqua
  • Relaxaurus & Shadowbeak
  • Relaxaurus & Blazamut
  • Elizabee & Blazamut
  • Mammorest & Blazamut
  • Pyrin Noct & Suzaku

Astegon Stats & Skills

Now that you've got your Astegon,  what's next? Below you'll find the stats, skills, abilities, partner skills, drops, and work suitability details for Astegon:

Core Stats at Level 1

  • Health: 555
  • Attack: 109
  • Defense: 59

Other Stats

  • Paldeck Number: 98
  • Element: Dragon/Dark
  • Partner Skill: Black Ankylosaur — Improves the player's mining efficiency while riding Astegon.
  • Drops: Pal Metal Ingot & Pure Quartz
  • Work Suitability: Handiwork Lv. 1 & Mining Lv. 4

Active Skills

Dragon Cannon
  • Description: Hurls an energy ball imbued with draconic energy at an enemy.
  • Element: Dragon
  • Level Learned: 1
  • Charge Time: 2 seconds
  • Power: 30
Spirit Flame
  • Description: Fires three balls of malice that relentlessly pursue an enemy.
  • Element: Dark
  • Level Learned: 7
  • Charge Time: 16 seconds
  • Power: 75
Dragon Burst
  • Description: Quickly discharges draconic energy, damaging those around it.
  • Element: Dragon
  • Level Learned: 15
  • Charge Time: 10
  • Power: 55
Nightmare Ball
  • Description: Creates a giant ball of darkness and hurls it at an enemy.
  • Element: Dark
  • Level Learned: 22
  • Charge Time: 30
  • Power: 100
Draconic Breath
  • Description: Exhales breath imbued with draconic energy, dealing continuous damage to those in front of it.
  • Element: Dragon
  • Level Learned: 30
  • Charge Time: 15
  • Power: 70
Dark Laser
  • Description: Charges dark energy before blasting enemies with a powerful beam.
  • Element: Dark
  • Level Learned: 40
  • Charge Time: 55
  • Power: 150
Dragon Meteor
  • Description: Calls down numerous small meteorites and launches them at an enemy.
  • Element: Dragon
  • Level Learned: 50
  • Charge Time: 55
  • Power: 150
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