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Minecraft Pale Oak Guide: Biome, Creaking Heart, & More

Posted on by amber
Hidden among monochrome leaves and creaking monstrosities is said to be a tree as pale as the moon’s gentle light. So, today, we explore the Garden Awakens’ pale oak tree in our pale oak Minecraft guide.

Pale Oak Tree Overview

Minecraft Pale Oak Tree Screenshot Pale oak trees generate exclusively within the pale garden biome, a variant of the dark forest biome, added in Minecraft 1.21.4. The trees have a monochrome color spread and are typically two by two pale oak log blocks wide. Pale hanging moss also generates hanging from the pale oak’s grey and black colored leaves, creating an overall appearance reminiscence of trees in media before colored television. Additionally, some pale oak trees will generate with a creaking heart hidden inside, but this is by no means guaranteed.

Creaking Hearts

Minecraft Creaking Screenshot A pale oak tree that generates with a creaking heart inside will spawn a creaking at night, which patrols the area surrounding the tree in a thirty-two-block radius. Creakings are hostile, immune to damage, and will chase any player they detect, but they are unable to move when on screen, making them far less dangerous than they may appear. Attacking a creaking will reveal a beam of particles leading to its creaking heart and generate resin clumps on the pale oak logs surrounding where the heart resides, making it easier to spot. Once destroyed, creaking hearts drop one to three resin clumps and despawn their connected creaking. A silk touch enchanted axe can also be used to gather a creaking heart without destroying it.

Pale Oak Blocks

Pale Oak Sapling

Pale Oak Sapling Much like the dark oak trees they are a variant of, pale oak saplings require four saplings placed in a two-by-two square to generate a pale oak tree. Pale oak saplings can be gathered from pale garden biomes or purchased from wandering traders.

Pale Oak Log

Minecraft Pale Oak Log Pale oak logs boast a grey-colored bark with a pale white wood. If stripped with an axe, the grey bark is removed, leaving only the pale white interior.

Pale Oak Leaves

Minecraft Pale Oak Leaves Pale oak leaves have a color scheme of grey and black and can be gathered using shears. Mechanically, pale oak leaves function like any other leaf block.

Pale Hanging Moss

Pale Garden Hanging Moss Natural generated pale oak trees may generate with pale hanging moss beneath its leaves. This moss can only grow if given bonemeal and requires shears or silk touch to be gathered.

Pale Oak Planks

Minecraft Pale Oak Plank Block Pale oak planks have been added alongside a complete wood set, including pale boats, buttons, doors, fences, fence gates, hanging signs, planks, pressure plates, signs, slabs, stairs, and trapdoors.

Creaking Heart

Minecraft Creaking Heart Block Creaking hearts can generate naturally within pale oak trees or be crafted using a block of resin and two pale oak logs. A crafted creaking heart and the creaking it can create function the same as any that were naturally generated.

Resin Clumps

Minecraft Resin Clump Pale oak log blocks surrounding a creaking heart can have resin clumps generate on its surface if the connected creaking is struck. Resin clumps can be crafted into blocks of resin or smelted into resin bricks that offer a complete brick set, including a chiseled variant, slaps, stairs, and walls.
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