The Minecraft world entered 2021 with high expectations with the game’s biggest update yet coming soon - but we still haven’t reached Caves and Cliffs.
In the meantime, however, the Minecraft world has plenty going on. So let’s dive right into the action and catch up on the biggest things in Minecraft this week.
No Minecraft Snapshot This Week
Each week brings a new Minecraft Caves and Cliffs snapshot for Minecraft Java Edition giving players the chance to experience upcoming additions to the game.

This week, however, there will be no new Minecraft Snapshot this week.
In the meantime, check out the new Caves and Cliffs features added last week.
Two New Minecraft Dungeons DLCs Coming to Season Pass
Minecraft Dungeons has continued to get better every month with new DLC packs added to the game. These expansions bring new items, spells, weapons, enemies, zones, and plenty more.

Players can pick up all of the recent Minecraft Dungeons DLC additions with the Season Pass.
DON'T MISS IT: 5 Mods and Mod Packs for Minecraft
Even better, the Season Pass will also cover two more upcoming DLCs heading to Minecraft Dungeons as well!
New Minecraft Beta Patch Notes
A new patch has arrived for the Minecraft beta - update

Read over the most important pieces of its patch notes below:
Glow Lichen
- A dim light source that generates in caves
- It can be waterlogged
- Use shears to pick it up
- Use bonemeal to spread it along block surfaces
- Glow lichen can be composted
Bug Fixes and Tweaks
- Added mouse and keyboard support for Android devices that support it (Oreo and newer)
- Certain Android devices no longer fail to perform multilingual input
- Crosshair placement is no longer offset on certain Android devices
- The game will no longer fail to properly shutdown on certain Android devices
- Fixed resolution issues on certain Android devices
- Fixed networking issues on certain Android devices
- Going underwater on certain Android devices no longer makes the screen go pitch-black
- Structure blocks can now be exported on Android
DON'T MISS IT: New Mobs Coming in Caves and Cliffs Update
- Powder Snow Block no longer drops when destroyed by an explosion (MCPE-118666)
- Fixed issue where smelting behavior for several fuel sources was broken (MCPE-121863)
- First person eating animation is now centered in the frame (MCPE-116678)
- First person main hand blocking animation now plays properly (MCPE-115536)
- First person main hand and off-hand shields are now symmetrical (MCPE-116736)
- Fixed an issue where patterns in the loom with different resolutions than Vanilla assets would not display correctly
- Crafting (Waxed) Weathered Cut Copper Slabs in the Stonecutter now yields two slabs instead of one (MCPE-121695)
- Leads now correctly attach to Goats (MCPE-104161)
Lush Cave Blocks
- Azalea leaves and flowering azalea leaves now correctly dropped when sheared
- Moss blocks can now correctly be fertilized using dispensers
- Hanging roots can now correctly be composted
- Small dripleaf now drops as an item when sheared
- Placing a big dripleaf on another big dripleaf increases its height by one
- Using shovel on rooted dirt creates a grass path block
- Bees consider flowering azalea and flowering azalea leaves as flowers
- Using Pick Block function on Cave Vines or breaking them with Silk Touch-enchanted tool now yields Glow Berries
DON'T MISS IT: Minecraft Caves and Cliffs Release Date
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