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Minecraft Weekly Wrap Up - March 19

Posted on by bisecthosting

The world of Minecraft is still speeding towards the upcoming 1.17 Caves and Cliffs update! But in the meantime, there’s still plenty happening every week.

With that in mind, let’s go over the biggest events from around the Minecraft world this week.

New Caves and Cliffs Screenshot Goes Live

If you just can’t take the wait for Caves and Cliffs any longer, Minecraft has you covered.

A new Update 1.17 screenshot has arrived in Minecraft, adding more Caves and Cliffs features for players to try out ahead of time.

DON’T MISS IT: Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs Update Blocks

This week, the new snapshot, 21W11A, brings new uses for Copper and plenty of bug fixes.

Read over the full patch notes here.

Jeb Door Tutorial Makes it Look Easy

Ever wanted to create a Jeb door in your Minecraft base?

Redstone construction is an art all to its own in Minecraft, and can at times be tough to learn and execute. Thankfully Reddit user gsbbbb has created a quick video tutorial on how to put together a Jeb door from step 1.

If you’re looking to add some complexity to your base or even protect it with some secret passages, you now have everything you need to get it done.

DON’T MISS IT: All The New Biomes Coming in Minecraft Caves and Cliffs Update

College Anthropology Course Taught Through Minecraft

A college Anthropology class taught at Hamlline University went digital in a very unique way last week to manage social distancing logistics in an engaging way.

Rather than elect to teach his class from Zoom or similar digital platforms, professor David Davies took his class into Minecraft to teach in a digital classroom instead.

DON’T MISS IT: 7 Tricks to Try in Your Next Minecraft Save

Davies’ story is one that is becoming increasingly common with the world’s adjustments around COVID-19. This has allowed Minecraft’s educational capabilities to shine through. And for Davies’ class, Minecraft will now be a permanent fixture in labs.

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