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Minecraft Creaking Mob: Overview, Spawns, & Loot

Posted on by amber
Hidden in a garden of unending white comes a monster that will drag unexpecting players into the darkness of night. Today, we explore the Minecraft creaking mob, where it spawns, and how to survive when creaking is heard somewhere behind.

Minecraft Creaking Mob Overview
The creaking is a tree-like entity with glowing orange eyes that exists solely to protect a block known as the creaking heart. Those seeking the creaking will want to make their way to a pale garden biome, which is a variant of dark forest. Inside the biome, a number of creaking equal to the number of creaking hearts will spawn each night. This, in turn, also means that once the creaking hearts are gone, no creaking will spawn at all.

How to Beat the Minecraft Creaking Mob

Minecraft Creaking Heart and Creaking Screenshot The creaking is a mob that can not be defeated no matter how much damage is done, yet it hides a vital weakness that will see the pesky mob gone. Hidden within a tree no more than 32 blocks away is a block known as a creaking heart, which one can destroy to make the creaking despawn. To find the creaking heart, look at the creaking and do not look away. The creaking can not move as long as it remains on the screen, much like Doctor Who’s famous weeping angels. While the creaking is stuck in place, hit it, and a beam of particles will appear, pointing towards the tree where the creaking heart hides. Additionally, hitting the creaking causes resin to appear on the pale oak logs surrounding the creaking heart, making it easier to spot. Follow the particles to a resin-covered pale oak tree while keeping the creaking within sight. Then, once found, cut out the creaking heart as quickly as possible. Upon its destruction, one to three resin clumps will drop, and the creaking will disappear. Alternatively, a silk touch enchanted axe can gather a creaking heart without destroying it.

Crafting Creaking Hearts

Minecraft Creaking Heart Recipe With nine resin clumps and two pale oak logs, a creaking heart can be made on a crafting table. First, take the nine resin and craft a resin block by placing one resin clump on each slot of the crafting table. Then, with the block of resin in hand, take the two pale oak logs and place one in the middle of the top row and one in the middle of the bottom row before placing the block of resin right in the middle. A creaking heart can now be crafted!

Resin Farms & Creaking Guards

Minecraft Resin and Creaking Screenshot With a creaking heart gathered, one can create a creaking anywhere in the world. This is done by vertically stacking a pale oak log, the creaking heart, and a second pale oak log, like in the image above. If done correctly, the creaking heart’s orange glow should return alongside the creaking as soon as it is night. Creaking hearts are an unlimited source of resin, so locking a creaking and hitting them once every five seconds is a great way to gather as much resin as one could ever want. Otherwise, the creaking makes for a frightening guard or a humorous prank if placed in someone’s house.
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