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Minecraft Now Revealed: Release Date, Content & Where to Watch

Posted on by bisecthosting

Mojang has revealed a new episodic community livestream called Minecraft Now that will be a monthly addition to everything the company puts out around Minecraft.

This stream won’t quite be Minecraft Live, but it will offer the chance for the development team to reach players in a new way, and it’s kicking off this month!

Here’s everything we know about Minecraft Now and how to catch the first episode of this new stream.

Release Date

The first episode of Minecraft Now will air on December 9th at 12pm EST.

The stream will go right to the Minecraft YouTube channel -  so make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it!

You can catch it as it premieres here.


Minecraft Now will be a monthly episodic livestream, and promises to give a new level of access to the development team and Mojang Studios. is in different language : r/Minecraft

That, however, will come in a few different forms.

Minecraft Now will feature live gameplay, developer deep dives, and community highlights from around the game. With this, players will be able to catch up on all the things the Dev team don’t want you to miss, and also get some insight into what’s next for Minecraft along the way.

This could even turn into the development team having their own regular let’s play to match the massively popular style of content Minecraft YouTubers have made for years.

With the first episode coming up, we’ll have to see what balance Mojang is going for in the new streams.

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Will It Replace Minecraft Live?

Minecraft Now might at first look like an updated version of Minecraft Live, and maybe even a replacement. 

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Thankfully, however, Mojang isn’t cutting out the massively important annual event. Instead, Mojang’s using the new livestream as a way to further reach out to the game’s fanbase and share insights from the developers shaping the game.

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