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Minecraft Movie Leaks: Details, Rumors, & More

Posted on by amber
(Estimated Read Time: 3 Minutes)
This past week major leaks regarding the Minecraft Movie made it to the internet. So, today, we explore the Minecraft movie leaks, whether they were real, and all confirmed details.

What Were the Minecraft Movie Leaks?

Minecraft 15th Anniversary: Minecraft Steve Appearing first on the website 4Chan, two pages of the Minecraft Movie style guide were leaked onto the internet. The first page showed off the movie’s version of a creeper, pink sheep, and bee, each with a very fluffy but still blocky design. The second page shows the actor Jack Black dressed as Minecraft Steve with a stone pickaxe in hand, doing three separate humorous poses. Sadly, we can not legally provide examples of these images for reasons we will explain further below. Across both pages, we are also given glimpses of the plot via text descriptions, which entail Minecraft Steve being captured by an unknown villain named Malgosha, resulting in four unnamed “fresh visitors” being tasked with saving him. Finally, three months ago, there was one additional leak that didn’t gain as much media attention. These included photos of Minecraft tree props that were likely being used on the set of the movie.

Are the Minecraft Movie Leaks Real?

Minecraft Movie Leaks: Photo of Jack Black in 2023 Photo: Stefan Brending / Licence: Creative Commons CC-BY-SA-3.0 de None of the leaks have been confirmed to be real. However, Warner Bros Entertainment has legally taken down all the images from the most recent leak. If they were fake, would such actions be needed? We leave that for you to decide.

Confirmed Details & Release Date

Mojang Logo The Minecraft Movie was first publicly spoken about by Notch in February of 2014 on X, formally Twitter. There, he informed fans that Mojang Studios had partnered with Warner Bros to produce the movie. Since then, small pieces of confirmed details have been released here and there, along with many names coming and going from the project. Today, we know for certain that the film is being distributed by Warner Bros Pictures and is slated to be released on April 4, 2025. This date is, of course, subject to change. Additionally, Jack Black has posted teasers on Instagram of him giving tours of Minecraft Steve’s movie trailer. This does not confirm anything in and of itself, but with the recent leaks, perhaps it means something more. Until Next Time, BisectHosting =)
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