After being cut from Minecraft 1.19, Fireflies were thought to be forever lost, so who could have expected their sudden return for the upcoming game drop? Today, we explore Minecraft Fireflies, the block in which they hide, and how you too can use this beautiful insect to illuminate your night.
Fireflies have officially been added, but not as a mob like with bees and wolves. Instead, fireflies are technically just glowing particles that float around a new block called the Firefly Bush. Although that may seem disappointing compared to the original promises of Minecraft 1.19, Mojang has done an amazing job of making the particles feel as immersive as can be.
The screenshot above is an example of what the surroundings look like with just three Firefly Bush blocks.
Firefly Bush blocks have been added to the natural generation of swamp biomes and rivers as of Minecraft 1.21.5. If searching for one of these blocks, it is important to remember that during the day Firefly Bush blocks will look almost like regular bush blocks, with the only distinction being a few glowing pixels among the leaves.
Once found, Firefly bush blocks can be gathered by hand, placed anywhere, and duplicated with bone meal. They also produce a light level of two, which is not much but immersive nonetheless.
In Minecraft 1.19, frogs were supposed to eat fireflies, but this ultimately ended up as one of the stated reasons for their removal. So, how has this been handled? As of Snapshot 25w05a, there doesn’t appear to be any interaction or acknowledgment by frogs that Firefly Bushes are present.
While this isn’t surprising and ultimately for the best since some fireflies can be poisonous to frogs, it is a bit sad we will never be able to see frogs interact with fireflies as Mojang originally intended.
Minecraft Fireflies

Firefly Bush Blocks

Minecraft Fireflies & Frogs

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