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Minecraft Cooking Guide 2024

Posted on by amber
(Estimated Read Time: 6 Minutes)
Cooking in Minecraft may not be complex but that does not mean there aren’t secrets most forget. So, today, we explore Minecraft cooking, including hidden tips, magical tricks, and birthday cakes, complete with a candle that can be lit.

Cooking Methods

Magic Cooking

Minecraft Fire Aspect II Sword Enchantment Book Screenshot One of the simplest ways to cook a meal in Minecraft is by enchanting a melee weapon with fire aspect. This causes any mob struck by the weapon to burn, and if they drop raw meat, it will instead drop in its cooked form. For a quick meal on a long adventure, this method can’t be beat!

Campfire Cooking

Minecraft Campfire Recipe Screenshot Campfires may seem like a block almost entirely for decoration, but they can also be used as a fuel-free source for cooking! Up to four items from the list below can be placed on the corners of a campfire, and they will gradually cook until completion.
  • Raw Beef
  • Raw Chicken
  • Raw Cod
  • Raw Mutton
  • Raw Porkchop
  • Raw Rabbit
  • Raw Salmon
  • Kelp
  • Potato

Crafting Table

Minecraft Crafting Table Recipe Screenshot Crafting tables have a surprising number of recipes when it comes to cooking, ranging everywhere from pumpkin pie to suspicious stew. Nothing special is required outside of the listed ingredients. Place them down, and the item is good to go!


Minecraft Furnace Recipe Screenshot Minecraft’s furnace is the universal go-to when it comes to cooking food. Simply place an item inside alongside some fuel, and it will be ready in a second or two. Below, we have listed all the edible items one can cook, including lesser-known options such as kelp.
  • Raw Beef
  • Raw Chicken
  • Raw Cod
  • Raw Mutton
  • Raw Porkchop
  • Raw Rabbit
  • Raw Salmon
  • Chorus Fruit (Becomes Inedible)
  • Kelp
  • Potato


Minecraft Smoker Recipe Screenshot Smokers, like furnaces, cook food using fuel but do so twice as fast. Sadly, they offer no unique recipes as of writing this guide, but their convenience makes it worth having at least one or two.
  • Raw Beef
  • Raw Chicken
  • Raw Cod
  • Raw Mutton
  • Raw Porkchop
  • Raw Rabbit
  • Raw Salmon
  • Kelp
  • Potato

Minecraft Cooking Recipes

Minecraft Book Every Minecraft cooking recipe can be found below alongside hunger restored, saturation restored, and the item’s method of cooking. Each hunger point refers to half a meat chunk in the Minecraft hunger UI, so two hunger points would be one full meat chunk. Saturation, on the other hand, is an invisible mechanic that determines how long the restored hunger will last.

Cooked Meat

Cooked Chicken
Minecraft Cooked Chicken Hunger Restored: 6 Saturation Restored: 7.2 Cooking Method: Furnace or Smoker
Cooked Cod
Minecraft Cooked Cod Hunger Restored: 5 Saturation Restored: 6 Cooking Method: Furnace or Smoker
Cooked Mutton
Minecraft Cooked Mutton Hunger Restored: 6 Saturation Restored: 9.6 Cooking Method: Furnace or Smoker
Cooked Porkchop
Minecraft Cooked Porkchop Hunger Restored: 8 Saturation Restored: 12.8 Cooking Method: Furnace or Smoker
Cooked Rabbit
Minecraft Cooked Rabbit Hunger Restored: 5 Saturation Restored: 6 Cooking Method: Furnace or Smoker
Cooked Salmon
Minecraft Cooked Salmon Hunger Restored: 6 Saturation Restored: 9.6 Cooking Method: Furnace or Smoker
Minecraft Steak Hunger Restored: 8 Saturation Restored: 12.8 Cooking Method: Furnace or Smoker

Cooked Veggies

Baked Potato
Minecraft Baked Potato Hunger Restored: 5 Saturation Restored: 6 Cooking Method: Furnace or Smoker
Dried Kelp
Minecraft Dried Kelp Hunger Restored: 1 Saturation Restored: 0.6 (JE) or 0.2 (BE) Cooking Method: Furnace or Smoker


Mushroom Stew
Minecraft Mushroom Stew Recipe Screenshot Hunger Restored: 6 Saturation Restored: 7.2 Cooking Method: Crafting Table
Rabbit Stew
Minecraft Rabbit Stew Recipe Screenshot Hunger Restored: 10 Saturation Restored: 12 Cooking Method: Crafting Table
Suspicious Stew
Suspicious Stew Recipe Screenshot Hunger Restored: 6 Saturation Restored: 7.2 Cooking Method: Crafting Table Suspicious stew is technically 13 separate items, each granting a different effect based on the flower used in the recipe. For example, suspicious stew made with dandelion or blue orchid grants the unique saturation buff, resulting in the highest hunger and saturation restoration in Minecraft. Positive Effects
Flower Stew Effect JE Duration (Seconds) BE Duration (Seconds)
Oxeye Daisy Regeneration 8 6
Dandelion Saturation 0.35 0.3
Blue Orchid Saturation 0.35 0.3
Poppy Night Vision 5 4
Allium Fire Resistance 4 2
Cornflower Jump Boost 6 4
Torchflower Night Vision 5 4
Negative Effects
Flower Stew Effect JE Duration (Seconds) BE Duration (Seconds)
Lilly of the Valley Poison 12 10
Azure Bluet Blindness 8 6
Tulips Weakness 9 7
Wither Rose Wither 8 6
Open Eyeblossom Blindness 7 Unknown
Closed Eyeblossom Nausea 7 Unknown

Baked Goods

Bread Recipe Screenshot Hunger Restored: 5 Saturation Restored: 6 Cooking Method: Crafting Table
Cookie Recipe Screenshot Hunger Restored: 2 Saturation Restored: 0.4 Cooking Method: Crafting Table
Cake Recipe Screenshot Hunger Restored: 2 Saturation Restored: 0.4 Cooking Method: Crafting Table The statistics above are for a single slice of cake. Each baked cake has seven total slices and must be placed before consumption. Right-clicking an uneaten cake with a candle creates a cake with candle block, which doubles as a light source and perfect birthday surprise.

Magical Mysteries

Golden Carrot
Golden Carrot Recipe Screenshot Hunger Restored: 6 Saturation Restored: 14.4 Cooking Method: Crafting Table Despite restoring only six hunger points, golden carrots are widely considered the best food in Minecraft due to their high saturation restoration and ability to stack.
Golden Apple
Golden Apple Recipe Screenshot Hunger Restored: 4 Saturation Restored: 9.6 Buffs: Regeneration II (5 Seconds) & Absorption (2 Minutes) Cooking Method: Crafting Table
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