(Estimated Read Time: 7 Minutes)
Animal breeding is an essential method for obtaining food, wool, and many other key resources, but with the ever-growing number of animals, it can be hard to remember their favorite foods. So, today, we review every breeding food, their corresponding animals, and how to breed each one in our Minecraft breeding guide.How to Breed Animals

All Breedable Animals

- Right-click two armadillos with spider eyes.

- Right-click two axolotls with a bucket of tropical fish.

- Right-click two bees with any flower.

- Right-click two camels with cactus.

- Tame two stray cats with raw cod or raw salmon.
- Right-click two tamed cats with any of their required foods.

- Right-click two chickens with any seeds.
- Throw Eggs (Small chance to spawn a baby chicken)

- Right-click two cows with wheat.

- Tame two donkeys by repeatedly mounting them.
- Right-click two tamed donkeys with any of their required foods.
- Right-click a tamed horse and tamed donkey with any of their required foods. This will produce a mule.

- Right-click two foxes with any of their required foods.

- Right-click two frogs with slimeballs near water.
- Follow the pregnant frog to water, where it will create frogspawn.
- Wait 10 minutes for the eggs to hatch into tadpoles.

- Right-click two goats with wheat.

- Right-click two hoglins with crimson fungus.

- Tame two horses by repeatedly mounting them.
- Right-click two tamed horses with any of their required foods.
- Right-click a tamed horse and tamed donkey with any of their required foods. This will produce a mule.

- Tame two llamas by repeatedly mounting them.
- Right-click two tamed llamas with hay bales.

- Right-click two mooshrooms with wheat.

- Earn the trust of two ocelots with raw cod or raw salmon.
- Right-click two trusting ocelots with any of their required foods.

- Ensure at least eight bamboo are planted within a five-block radius of the pandas.
- Right-click two pandas with bamboo.

- Right-click two pigs with any of their required foods.

- Right-click two rabbits with any of their required foods.

- Right-click two sheep with wheat.

- Right-click two sniffers with torchflower seeds.
- Pick up the produced sniffer egg.
- Place it anywhere and wait twenty minutes for the egg to hatch or place the egg on a moss block to reduce the hatch time to ten minutes.

- Right-click two striders with warped fungus.

- Right-click two turtles with seagrass.
- Follow the pregnant turtle to its home beach, where it will create turtle eggs.
- Protect the eggs for four to five in-game days until they hatch.

- Tame two wolves with bones.
- Right-click two tamed wolves with any of their required foods.
Minecraft Breeding Guide: Villager Breeding

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