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*LATEST* Minecraft 1.20: What’s Coming in the Trails & Tales Update?

Posted on by amber
The official update name has been shared, and it’s not one any of us would have guessed! So, today we explore what comes next in the aptly named Minecraft 1.20 Trails & Tales update. Spoiler alert, it’s a mountain of content you don’t want to miss!

*UPDATED* All New Content Coming in the Minecraft Trails & Tales Update

Courtesy of snapshot updates, pre-release drops, and other previews, here's everything we know is coming in Minecraft 1.20 so far.

Hanging Signs & Chiseled Bookshelves

Minecraft 1.20 Hanging Sign Announced during Minecraft live, hanging signs will hang from two chains on either side, varying in appearance depending on what’s above. On the other hand, chiseled bookshelves will bring fully functioning bookshelves to the game for the very first time. This includes redstone compatibility for book-activated secret doors too!

Bamboo & Cherry Tree Woodsets

Minecraft 1.20 Bamboo Wood Set Jumping over to wood sets, bamboo is receiving a full set of blocks, including the unique bamboo mosaic block and raft. Cherry trees, which we will speak on more below, are also getting a complete set of pink wood blocks to match the biome they call home.

Piglin Heads & Bundles

Minecraft 1.20 Bundle Piglin heads will now drop if a pigilin is killed by a charged creeper’s explosion. As for bundles, they have appeared in the snapshots for previous versions as well, but this time there is a good chance they will actually make it to live! (Hopefully!)


Minecraft Camel Also announced during Minecraft Live was the camel, the first mob confirmed for Minecraft 1.20! This desert-dwelling mob seats two, can leap long distances, and is so tall mobs can’t even reach the player’s toes. Players will be able to breed them using cactus, giving the otherwise niche block more use.


Trails & Tales Update Sniffer Screenshot Winner of 2022’s Minecraft mob vote, the sniffer is a pre-historic mob that wanders about, sniffs flowers, and digs up ancient seeds for the player. However, the last sniffer eggs are found only in ruins across the sea floor. Players will need to bring them to the surface where they can hatch once more!

Cherry Blossom Biomes

Cherry Blossom Biome Screenshot trails & tales Only one biome will be added in Minecraft 1.20, but it is one that has been requested since biomes were first implemented! Cherry blossom biomes will generate in the mountains and be filled with cherry trees and pink blossom-filled leaves. This biome will also include new pink flowers and a completely pink wood set!

Playable Mob Sounds

Playable Mob Sounds Example Screenshot trails & tales Playable mob sounds allow a player to place a mob head on top of a note block, causing it to play the mob’s ambient noises when clicked or powered by redstone. This works for all heads obtainable in vanilla gameplay, including creepers and dragons.

Smithing Overhaul

Minecraft 1.20 Smithing Screenshot trails & tales Smithing was already present in the game for upgrading diamond to netherite, but now smithing templates are found throughout the world, allowing armor to be decorated with various designs. All that’s needed is the desired trim’s template and the material that the trim itself will consist of!


Minecraft 1.20 Archeology Guide: Brushing Suspicious Sand Screenshot Finally, archeology will be making its way into the game. Using the new brush tool, players can sweep away suspicious sand inside desert temples and wells to reveal ancient goodies such as pottery shards and diamonds. Those shards can then be turned into decorative pots!

Minecraft 1.20: What’s Coming in The Trails & Tales Update?

The Trails & Tales Update is almost here, but no official date has yet been shared. When do you think the update will be here? We would love to hear! Until Next Time, BisectHosting =) BisectHosting Minecraft Promotional Image
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