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MCC 27 Results – Winners, Highlights & More

Posted on by amber
Ten teams of underdogs fought valiantly for the crown, but only one winner was destined for renown! Today we explore the exciting MCC 27 results, the newest owners of a championship crown, and some highlights that will remove any frown.

The Winners Circle

  • @BlushiMC
  • @FireBreathMan
  • @BdoubleO100
  • @impulseSV
Over a series of nine minigames, Purple Pandas swept the competition, taking Cyan Coyotes to DodgeBolt for the win. Congrats to all the winners, especially for their shared first victory! Who doesn’t love an underdog story?

Minigame Results

Welcome to the minigame breakdown of MCC 27! As always, victory was determined by total coin count, with the highest two teams entering game nine. Interestingly enough, Purple Pandas tied the cannon and non-cannon record for most minigame victories!
MCC Purple Pandas Logo  Purple Pandas (1590 Total Coins) Top 5 TGTTOSAWAF Players:
  • FireBreathMan - 690
  • hannahxxrose - 609
  • Ranboo - 554
  • Blushi - 503
  • Ponk - 454
Game 2: Battle Box
MCC Purple Pandas Logo Purple Pandas (2333 Total Coins) Top 5 battle Box Players:
  1. FireBreathMan - 802.5
  2. Foolish - 675
  3. awesamdude - 607.5
  4. KaraCorvus - 562.5
  5. hannahxxrose - 547.5
Game 3: Ace Race
MCC Purple Pandas Logo Purple Pandas (2100 Total Coins) Top 5 Ace Race Players:
  1. FireBreathMan - 06:33.75
  2. Foolish - 06:34.75
  3. Ranboo - 06:38.15
  4. AntVenom - 06:43.35
  5. awesamdude - 06:48.75
Game 4: Grid Runners
MCC Red Rabbit Logo Red Rabbits (2938 Total Coins) Top 5 Grid Runners Teams:
  1. Red Rabbits - 2938
  2. Aqua Axolotls - 2352
  3. Purple Pandas - 2324
  4. Orange Ocelots - 2322
  5. Blue Bats - 2252
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Game 5: Meltdown
MCC Cyan Coyotes Logo Cyan Coyotes (5010 Total Coins) Top 5 Meltdown Players:
  1. iiTzTimmy - 1490
  2. ItzMasayoshi - 1290
  3. BoxBox - 1190
  4. DisguisedToast - 1040
  5. Sykkuno - 894
Game 6: Hole in the Wall
 MCC Purple Pandas Logo Purple Pandas (2825 Total Coins) Top 5 Hole in the Wall Players:
  1. Ponk - 1310
  2. FireBreathMan - 1235
  3. GizzyGazza - 1180
  4. PearlescentMoon - 1100
  5. Ranboo - 1095
Game 7: Parkour Tag
MCC Orange Ocelots Logo Orange Ocelots (2998 Total Coins) Top 5 Parkour Tag Players:
  1. Ponk - 975
  2. Ranboo - 907.5
  3. iiTzTimmy - 885
  4. vGumiho - 865
  5. ItzMasayoshi - 830
Game 8: Sands of Time
MCC Purple Pandas Logo Purple Pandas (4401 Total Coins) Top 5 Sands of Time Teams:
  1. Purple Pandas - 4401
  2. Blue Bats - 2754
  3. Aqua Axolotls - 2046
  4. Lime Llamas - 1956
  5. Red Rabbits - 1914
Game 9: DodgeBolt
MCC Purple Pandas Logo Winning Team: Purple Pandas Four Round Recap:
  • Purple Pandas: 3 Wins
  • Cyan Coyotes: 1 Win
For a complete and detailed review of each minigame, we highly recommend checking out the outstanding community over at the MCC wiki.

MCC 27 Highlights (Mature Language Warning!)

Twitch Logo Nothing is better than MCC live, but for those who may not have the time, here are three clips from MCC 27 that we absolutely loved! Thank you to Foolish_Gamers for all the laughs, FireBreathMan for the amazing plays, and Blushi for the front-row seat to victory!
Game 2, FirebreathMan 1v3:
Game 3, Foolish Predicts the Future:
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Game 9, The Winning Shot:

MCC 27 Results – Winners, Highlights & More

MCC Logo Like MCC All-Stars, MCC 27 Underdogs put a fun twist on the roster, and it seems to have been a great success! Many OfflineTV members made a debut, fan favorites such as Ludwig returned, and with any luck, they may just stick around for more! As for the winners, Purple Pandas made MCC look easy! Hopefully, they return, as it would be amazing to see them up against the likes of Dream, HBomb, and Sapnap! FireBreathMan especially could end up as one of MCC’s top competitors. What are your thoughts on this latest MCC? Until next time, BisectHosting =)
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