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MCC 19 Results – Winners, Highlights & More

Posted on by bisecthosting

The holidays came early this year for fans of the Minecraft Championship! Records were set, a rivalry was ignited, and most scandalous of all, CaptainSparklez said a swear. Who would have thought? Without further ado, let us dive into all MCC 19 had to offer!

The Winners Circle

  • @Ph1LzA
  • @Sneegsnag
  • @tommyinnit
  • @sapnap

Over a series of nine minigames, Teal Turkeys came out on top in only three. However, their consistent and strong performance throughout the championship left them swimming in more coins than the rest. And that’s what counts in MCC!

Minigame Results

It is time for the rundown of each festive minigame! As always, victory was determined by total coin count. The highest two entering game nine. Lots of love to our MCC 19 runner-up, Cerulean Candy Canes!

Game 1: Big Sales at Build Mart

Ginger Breadmen Team Logo

Ginger Breadmen (1676 Total Coins)

Top 5 B.S.B.M Teams:

  1. Ginger Breadmen - 1676
  2. Emerald Elves - 1540
  3. Pink Presents - 1292
  4. Teal Turkeys - 1248
  5. Yellow Yetis – 1148

Game 2: Hole in the Wall

Emerald Elves Team Logo

Emerald Elves (2058 Total Coins)

Top 5 Hole in the Wall Players:

  1. Ranboo - 894
  2. PeteZahHutt - 759
  3. Fruitberries - 738
  4. Dream - 732
  5. Quig - 645

Game 3: Battle Box

Teal Turkeys Team Logo

Teal Turkeys (2970 Total Coins)

Top 5 Battle Box Players:

  1. Sapnap - 945
  2. Punz - 802.5
  3. TommyInnit - 742.5
  4. Sneegsnag - 697.5

Game 4: Grid Runners

Red Reindeer Team Logo

Red Reindeer (3380 Total Coins)

Top 5 Grid Runners Teams:

  1. Red Reindeer – 3380
  2. Teal Turkeys - 2950
  3. Cerulean Candy Canes - 2740
  4. Ginger Breadmen - 1040
  5. Yellow Yetis - 820
DON’T MISS IT:  5 Minecraft Themed Gifts for The Holiday Season


Ginger Breadmen Team Logo

Ginger Breadmen (2878 Total Coins)

Top 5 TGTTOSAWAF Players:

  1. PeteZahHutt - 1216
  2. Fruitberries - 1210
  3. Punz - 1018
  4. TapL - 854
  5. Grian - 824

Game 6: Sky Battle

Teal Turkeys Team Logo

Teal Turkeys (3850 Total Coins)

Top 5 Sky Battle Players:

  1. Fruitberries - 1470
  2. Sapnap - 1395
  3. Tubbo - 1360
  4. Wisp - 1215
  5. Grian - 1145

Game 7: Sands of Time

Emerald Elves Team Logo

Emerald Elves (4450 Total Coins)

Top 5 Sands of Time Teams:

  1. Emerald Elves - 4450
  2. Red Reindeer - 3360
  3. Purple Penguins – 3145
  4. Teal Turkeys – 3033
  5. Pink Presents - 2520

Game 8: Survival Games

Cerulean Candy Canes Team Logo

Cerulean Candy Canes (7950 Total Coins)

Top 5 Survival Games Players:

  1. Ryguyrocky - 2400
  2. Fruitberries - 2199
  3. Awesamdude - 1737
  4. Sapnap - 1659
  5. VGumiho - 1614

Game 9: Snowbolt

Teal Turkeys Team Logo

Winning Team: Teal Turkeys

Three Round Recap:

  • Teal Turkeys: 3 Wins
  • Cerulean Candy Canes: 0 Wins

For a complete and detailed review of each minigame, we highly recommend checking out the amazing community over at the MCC wiki.

Teal Turkeys Highlights (Mature Language Warning!)

Twitch Logo

Nothing beats watching MCC in full, but for those who may not have the time, here are five Teal Turkey moments that I loved. Thank you to Sapnap for once again providing a front-row seat to the victory!

Game 1, Post Build Mart Banter:

Game 3, Winning Battle Box:

Game 4, Eating Their Way to a Head Start:

DON’T MISS IT: Throwback Classics: Minecraft Music Parodies That Rocked the Internet
Game 6, TNT Turn Around:

Game 9, Double Kill to Victory:

The Future of MCC

The official MCC twitter has confirmed a short break before MCC continues sometime in the new year. But is it truly just a break? I can not help but wonder if the Noxcrew wanted extra time for a special 20th-anniversary surprise. This MCC also marked the 4th victory for Sapnap! Will he end up passing Dream for most wins?

For now, I intended to sit back and enjoy that my prediction of Teal Turkeys winning was spot on. That's two in a row with MCC All-Stars! My secret strategy for always guessing right is—

Until next time,

BisectHosting =)

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