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Minecraft Lodestone Guide: Recipe, Uses, & Where to Find

Posted on by amber
Minecraft contains many blocks that are often forgotten due to niche uses or being hard to find. However, it seems Mojang is slowly addressing this issue by one block at a time. So, today, explore the updated lodestone block of Minecraft Snapshot 25w02a in our lodestone Minecraft guide.

Lodestone Minecraft Recipe

Minecraft Lodestone Recipe Screenshot Prior to Minecraft snapshot 25w02a, lodestone blocks required one netherite ingot and eight chiseled stone blocks to craft. Now, the recipe has been updated to one iron ingot surrounded by chiseled stone blocks instead. Some lucky players may also come across free lodestone blocks when looting ruined portals. Otherwise, one is always guaranteed to generate within the bridge chest of bastion remnants.

Lodestone Block Uses

Minecraft Lodestone & Compass Screenshot The lodestone is an extremely powerful block that allows an attuned compass to point to the lodestone rather than the player’s current bed. This, in turn, allows players to mark important locations with different compasses and lodestones, ensuring they never get lost looking for that distant stronghold again. Attuning a compass to a lodestone is done by simply right-clicking it with the compass in hand. Additionally, lodestones and their attuned compasses can be used in all dimensions, including the end. We personally recommend renaming attuned compasses with an anvil to mark where each one leads. Finally, attuning a compass to a lodestone block provides the “Country Lode, Take Me Home” achievement.

Block Interactions

Minecraft Piston & Lodestone Screenshot Lodestone blocks can not be moved by pistons or sticky pistons. If destroyed, all connected compasses cease function immediately if within a player’s inventory or upon their next removal from the storage block in which they reside. Sadly, as of Minecraft Snapshot 25w02a, the lodestone offers no other unique interactions or magnetic properties.

Lodestone Minecraft Guide: Recipe, Uses, & Where to Find

Our guide on lodestones has reached its end, but hopefully, this is where Minecraft’s adventure into magnetism begins! The possibilities with redstone would add a whole new world of creativity, especially in the ever-growing player-made factories. But, in the meantime, we will simply enjoy being able to mark our favorite spots in-game without ever needing to writie down coordinates again. Until Next Time, BisectHosting =)
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